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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Did you have Mr Beal for World History as well, or were all of your social studies teachers garbage?
  2. Or, how about we invest more in inter-city rail? I know NY and NJ and all them should foot a bigger share of the bill, but this will do for now. Utah has inter-city rail, and it’s quite lovely.
  3. In what could be a grand irony, what was to be Madison’s last season in the HHC ended up being a cancelled season. They would get to leave undefeated.
  4. @foxbat- https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/20200712_TX.pdf
  5. Sorry it took so long to reply to this specific point: If you teach at a CCSD school and you are married to a CCSD employee, there are no premiums for a family plan- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d98a2622f0b195f0a0fe733/t/5e1f9d7850880c2dddb42432/1579130234840/2020+Teachers+Health+Trust+Benefits+Guide+1-15.pdf -see pg. 5. However, the THT has been criticized for not being very effective.
  6. @DannEllenwood sais it was the Dems fault that people were dying in nursing homes.
  7. "Antifa" is not a constituent component of the Democratic Party. Sources, please.
  8. I'm aware, and his margins of victory in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were under 50k in each of those States. Since then, all have elected (or re-elected) Democratic governors and other State-wide officials. Previous elections had large Democratic margins in those States, and if the pattern seen in gubernatorial races repeats in 2020, DJT then loses the Electoral College.
  9. The "Silent Majority" hasn't been a majority for a very long time.
  10. Even though I upvoted your post, @Irishman, I found Death Valley to be quite lovely.
  11. If he's got a strong work ethic, a good coach can work wonders with that kid.
  12. I was very fortunate in that our superintendent and some school board members would volunteer to ref games. That meant, however, that I could NEVER question a call.
  13. I would recommend co-ops for Indiana as well. In my opinion, the only contraction Indiana needs is in the number of school corporations.
  14. It’s more like “speed” vs “power”. You do see some novel schemes. When we played Eureka County, the only thing the QB said before snapping the ball was “GO!” His team mates already knew what to do, and they’d switch formations between plays. For some reason, they’d have one random player deep in the backfield. We did a lot of RPO.
  15. The Federal government should use a variation of the Missouri Plan to pick judges.
  16. Not all of them, just most of them. Or rather, I’m smart enough to want to apply good practices seen in certain State governments to the Federal government.
  17. Narrower field, for one thing. 80 yard fields and 100 yard fields are both in use in Nevada, but 100 yard fields have an “inner line” for 8 man boundaries. That cost me a touchdown once 😖 Here’s an example: Tonopah has an 80 yard field; Laughlin and Beatty have 100 yard fields. Tonopah lacks the added markings; Beatty and Laughlin have them.
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