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Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by WWFan

  1. 40 minutes ago, Cameojoe said:

    Silver creek lead the entire game. Jennings County scored a TD with 55 seconds left to take the lead.

    Silver creek drive down to the 2 with 14 seconds to go. A dragons player goes down. SC is out of timeouts. They are given a fourth timeout. SC scores a td to take the lead with 4 seconds to go.

    SC kicks off. JC laterals all the way to the end zone where they fumble and SC recovers. SC wins 53-42

    Dang. Crazy game!!!

  2. 25 minutes ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    Give me Tecumseh to take it all.


    Tecumseh is a PAC team in all sports except football, but this is the final year before they rejoin football conference play in the small school division. 

    they are 8-0 (not sure why they didn’t play 9 games) but doesn’t matter as they dominated everyone including 7-2 North Posey and 8-1 Perry Central.  

    this is definitely biased but hey…would love to welcome Tecumseh back to PAC football as a reigning champ and since they are 8-0 I’m not going to pick them to lose 

    Rock Creek cancelled their season which was thier week 9 opp. I'm not sure how Tecumsehs 4 and 5 wide sets will go in the colder weather. I think them vs (assuming) Providence should a great match up. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, Plymouthfan91 said:

    It's been awhile, but since my AD is on vacation and won't chastise me for posting what I think here here is my thought.

    We should take our sectionals and play a round robin.  Then seed the sectional from that data.  The last games of the season would be against a natural rival who lives close by.  I would love to see our Rockies take on the Glenn Falcons or the CMA Eagles.  Both of those game make more sense than the current games against East Noble and Kokomo.

    Each school still gets that one opponent who they love to hate or just have someone who isn't too far away and save the kids a trip.  

    But more importantly you get true seedings for the sectional.  After that play the rest of the rest of the tournament on the home field of the team who plays the least number of away games as we currently do.  Or if you want to use a computer ranking then let the sags determine the home team.  

    Having coaches vote is not the answer.  I agree with FootballKing16 in that the bias would creep in and not give a best case seeding.  

    Let's be honest, the conference championships are a joke because in most cases the same teams win them every year.  So drop conferences and play a round robin in each sectional to seed the tourney.  How much fun would that be?

    Just for the record I haven't even read your post. I read first paragraph and literally laughed. Just wanted to make that clear so it doesnt come across like i think your post is a joke. Now....ill read the rest. 🤣

  4. 7 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    @WWFan I thought I saw on Twitter or somewhere that they were having Art Sanders night tonight, I think that’s awesome. What a great guy, wish I could have been there. 

    Yea. Sadly passed away about a week ago. Was Art Sanders night, Youth league night, and senior night. Plus our first victory over county rival since 2016. Was a big night

    • Sad 1
  5. 4 hours ago, salemalumpres said:

    WWfan I agree the Salem vs. WW game is a toss up.  I feel like Perry and Paoli both did a great job limiting our QB's ability to create plays and we didn't have anyone else take over offensively.  I believe Roberts will be a key component in this game and who can control the line of scrimmage.  If you look at both games WW lost, the line lost the battle up front on both sides of the ball.  Our line in the first 4 games did a great job up front and WW will need that kind of play for them to win.  Salem has some tools offensively that can be effective, but they have had a lot of injuries as of late.  Should be a good one in the Burg.

    Which is strange considering I believe we have good talent on line. I know losing Holloway was big but I thought we'd be closer in those games. Didn't expect wins but surely didn't expect getting thumped. But either way....on to Salem. Hoping we snap the skid and ready for tourny time!!

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