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Posts posted by Justasportsfan

  1. Luers- the knights are marching on and coach k has the scheme and talent to finish the job..seeing a 2a program run the table is what high school football is all about..

    Carroll- Dinan has them hitting on all the gears needed for sectional play..that dynamo at wr will wreck havoc yet NLC foes will have no fear.

    Snider- if the panthers would like to paint the bell blk n gold once again they have their chance this week..weather is getting colder.. hits will be harder..

    Homestead- head scratching season thus far..can't win them all..went through Carroll district today n they are building on as well..bball may still be king..

    Dwenger- cyo teams know how to win in the playoffs..nuff said

    Northrop- surprising win last week..they are gaining traction just in time n may surprise someone

     Concordia- 3a sectional will suite them well..they have had a tough go yet nothing to be ashamed of

    Wayne- one of the best rb in the area..good size lines...gr8 head coach..makes me wonder if the team chemistry is there..L.A. Lakers anyone?

    Northside- see above

    Southside- totem pole game was close n calhoun street brawl was a beat down..sectional win would be huge for them moving forward..

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BLKnights7 said:

    I would personally like to see more talk about the team's rather than a crap shoot of who thinks who will win. Just my 2 cents 

    I concur..power poll so far n yes I've been rolling with coach k from week 1 

    1) Luers- They are we thought they were..well not everyone knew they'd be hearing the echoes of the Spencer n Lindsay led teams of decades past..2a is in trouble yet nothing is given

    2) Carroll- Dinan gives them the edge at #2..taking it on the chin at the hands of the knights does not seem as damming as most thought..that offense can score although bart ball may negate that during playoffs (if it happens)

    3) Snider- Panthers took a step forward by squeaking past sparty last week. Wayne may be a trap game n the target on their back will never diminish..can they finish?

    4) Homestead- They had their chances last week..they have the look of a 6a school..can they become a true "program" is yet to be seen..feeder system is strong 

    5) Dwenger- Tough sledding for a tough group of kids..that hit parade won't stop anytime soon..they will win more games this year..how many is yet tbd..

    6) Northside- Legends have been reeling of late as well..the have shown the ability to compete..just not for 4 quarters..keep the core together..the rest will follow

    7)  Concordia- Cadets have slowly been getting better although their record may not reflect it..with chatard moving up they need to remain focused.

    8 South Side- Winning a game says a mouthful about their new coach..they won a sectional game last year as well..if they stick with it the green n white may cause damage..

    9) Northrop- Can't quite figure them out..so many athletes walking the halls yet the culture just isn't there..they will be ready for the playoffs though 

    10) Wayne- Haydock gives some of the best pregame speeches n knows how to get the most of his athletes..weather changes n so does our youth..hopefully they tough it out..Snider better be on upset alert 📢 


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  3. 15 minutes ago, psaboy said:

    Being the first game of the season, I wouldn't put much into that game. What I look for is progress as the regular season progresses, think Snider has shown that in past few games. Just need to continue. The one good thing I see is more discipline, not seeing the 8-10 flags every game, that in it's self is huge.

    Yes..limiting sparty to 14 is encouraging..their flaws are being ironed out

    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, psaboy said:

    You may be taking my "easier" out of context. No game is easy, but when you compare playing Dwenger and Luers vs Northrop or Wayne, I think you would agree that first two are more likely to be a lose or less likely to be a W for Snider than the last two??

    I agree..they get everyone's best shot though and the scare with legends still has me wondering

  5. 18 hours ago, psaboy said:

    I think they will get more wins this year. They have two "easier" games next two weeks before the two "harder" games. Hoping Brown injury doesn't take him out, not sure what happened but looked like ankle or knee. Best big back I've seen at Snider for many moons.  

    I've seen other scores from around the state this weekend that others said it would be "easy" yet were quite competitive..  under estimation provides motivation..

  6. Hard fought win for the panthers tonight..few key athletes back from injury seemed to be major..secondary can hit..yet can they cover? O LINE is still the best position group and it seems it's only one deep threat at wr..they have too much talent on the sideline to only have one legit pass option..not including the TE..good thing is tippy hasn't played all his cards yet n the next few weeks will be chess games..coach k n those 2a knights are barking n biting..sni high better get their wheels rolling now if they plan on getting anymore w's this yr..tonight was a step in the right direction yet pups win rivalry games...while big dogs bring home hardware 🏆 

  7. 10 hours ago, psaboy said:

    Well, I no football coach, but yes, I agree. When it is 3 and 5 or 7 or whatever and your D man is paying 10-15 yards off receiver, that just makes no sense to me. 

    Maybe they are waiting until the playoffs?? The bucs won a super bowl without a fantastic back 4..coaches scheme up solutions to hide deficiencies..greater coaches expose them..coach k (Luers) being a complete student of the game is scary..those guys might be in for a run..he is playing n chess at a young age..tippy has to do what he knows needs done..

  8. 23 minutes ago, BTF said:

    Agree. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. The SAC seems to comfortable in it's current state. 

    Mega conferences will become the norm eventually..never wanna use the "c" word with programs n believe every school that wants to play 11 on 11 contact should be given the opportunity..the 1as in the area would be included..if I had the time I could sure come up with something!! Creating love for the game is the goal..making money in the meantime doesn't hurt!!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, BTF said:

    What are you suggesting?

    Allow an expansion to the surrounding county schools..keep competitive balance..large school small school division..this will at least create community involvement n if the numbers make sense..add out of conference situations..if not..we will rinse n repeat every year until playoff time..

    • Like 1
  10. Had a chance to visit Homestead campus this weekend..their feeder systems have some big kids coming through 👀..sw part of town is booming..splitting kids with Carroll makes the situation look similar to fishers/hse..ik fishers won a title before 6a and don't see either the chargers or sparty reaching carmel level as far as enrollment yet they are adding on n may have the room n will 4 it.. Luers n Dwenger will always have cyo...Snider...  once deemed a private public school (if that makes sense) may want to go the charter school route unless their historical base comes back in the fray n fwcs enrollment allows another all star team every now n then..Concordia has to to deal with cyo prospects..their feeders all play one another..the other programs may catch lightning in a bottle but should aim for potential playoff scenarios..similar to those cathedral teams of old or a 4 or 5 loss mic squad..enter the postseason with subpar record only due to sos n win some hardware..

  11. On 9/10/2021 at 2:27 PM, Irishman said:

    Ok...This topic has been through the wringer folks...posts are all over the place. Pretty sure it was not @psaboy's intent when starting it. 

    All the what if matchups are fun to talk about, but they ain't happenin; and no chance they will. If you want to continue in the what if matchups or the wishful thinking ones, feel free to start a new topic.
    Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion 🙂
    This might work out well for Snider; Homestead has a LOT of weapons, and having some extra time to prepare could help. 

    Sparty has had their number the past couple of years..if the panthers plan on playing on into mid November this game is where its at..offense has to score when they get their chances..score..score..n score some more!! Lol

  12. 1) Luers- knocking off two 6a programs gets them the #1.. although undersized..all they do is win ...that upswing in talent is upon us n coach k has the keys to a new car..

    2) Dwenger- treating opponents "O" like a defenseless boxer..the hits just keep on coming from the saints..the offense may only score just enough..typical cyo clinic 

    3) Carroll- dinan has their full attention and now so does the rest of the sac..this could be the year they make it out of sectionals..they have playmakers everywhere..even in the stands..                                                                                                    4) Snider- taking it on the chin to a former coach could be what they needed..offense seems to restrain itself..so many weapons yet no permit..

    5) Homestead- I'm sure they will figure it out soon..the 2nd half of the game with the knights had new wrinkles that will pay dividends..until they figure it..they may take a few more L's.

    6) Northside- starting the season with a few tough matchups can hurt their legend ego..victories are on the horizon and come tourney time they will be ready..

    7) Concordia-see above..

    8 South side- they can win games n proved that last year in sectionals..if a team had them checked as a w at the beginning of the year they will be in for a rude awakening...if the archers stick together. 

    9) Wayne- trust goes a long way with a resurgence n time will tell if haydock can get community buy in..a couple victories never hurt n I don't see the generals going winless..

    10) Northrop- someone has to be last..no shame in being competitive..I wouldn't put an upset past them n will probably choose them in a few matchups this year..


  13. 3 minutes ago, Mebuck said:

    Carroll over North

    Dwenger over South

    Luers over Homestead 

    Snider over Concordia 

    Northrop over Wayne

    Some one said North was short a few players. So was Dwenger. I bet Dwenger had more penalty yards than North had offense. 

    That sectional will be brutal. That kid from North is a stud...not too many can affect the game like him....flim looked sub 4.4.. could be wrong

  14. 1)Homestead- until someone beats them...they will continue with their bell..ringing up victories along the way..the hounds of ft wayne?

    2)Luers- they earned it n will be a nice matchup with #1 this week..they are proving what a team with purpose can do..others should take note..

    3)Dwenger- the legends were missing a few athletes..notably their game changer..yet dwenger just wore them down n the hits just kept coming..whew...

    4)Carroll- dinan always got the ball to his best weapons as an oc n does the same as a hc..he will torch u until u take it away..reason why coach k has the knights slated @#2

    5)Concordia- they move up only due to being an unknown..sparty spanked em yet they have rung many a bell the last two seasons..

    6)Snider- they have the athletes yet will not win games due to their jerseys..the ranking may slight them..until they prove otherwise..6-4 awaits

    7)North side- where did everyone go? Create a rival with all programs if thats what it takes to be competitive..hopefully fan support remains strong n they get their leaders back

    8)South side- almost made top 7. Can they arise to the occasion when only playing their public counterparts? Show up every week n move up..

    9)Northrop- one step forward..two steps back..one week they're over 80 kids..the next week 70..will the bruins ever decide if they wanna be a legit contender in football?

    10)Wayne- haydock has the brain..does he have the buy in? Early results say no yet I know he is working the hallways n don't be shocked if he pulls talent outta nowhere in September..

  15. 6 hours ago, BTF said:

    I don't think so. That sectional is Dwenger's for the taking with Snider not far behind. It's looking like Dwenger might be the best team north of Indy regardless of class. 

    Snider has a state champion caliber quarterback, running back, offensive line, defensive line, and linebacker crew. It's their pass defense and lack of offensive playmakers deep down the field that ranks Snider behind Dwenger and Homestead in the SAC right now. If they improve those two areas, they'll be a tough out come sectional time. 

    The pass defense..is it the scheme..or the coaching? Y go deep cover 2 with 20yds to go? I still think sparty has it with luers then dwenger..heck south side looked good..yes I know I went Luers #2..imo they earned it n now have no fear...as for as the panthers..this offense can't score 50+ on new pal ala 2015....or can they? They have the weapons and I will disagree with u on the deep threat..they dropped some bombs yet going downfield may be reserved for playoff time.. the speed is there..they don't get open on deep outs without..or unless ur in a deep cover 2! I kid..the offense has to score every time it touches the ball..the other rb is a dynamo n big fella up front creates nice lanes for the minibus. @temptation  he didn't mean it that way!!!!!

  16. 8 minutes ago, psaboy said:

    I think we will see Friday how secondary is against Becker and the Chargers. I could see Becker passing for 300+ yards. I really didn't like the zone look Snider was playing against North last week, looked out of place. I will add that North has, from what I recall, a really good WR that is/will be highly ranked nationally as he continues on, I think he is just a sophomore this year. 

    Best since Austin mack..James hardy type but shorter...(top 40 nationally)...had wheels for days yet cramped up from never leaving the field..once he gets fully conditioned he will be a monster.. I agree that something just seemed outta wack...they have to be able to locate the ball while its in the air..defensively playing the man can come back to bite certain teams. Some of those bombs made good offensive highlights for north..granted those kids are talented..yet so is everyone else..

  17. Panthers take on that passing game n im sure many remember last year. The secondary last week got a full taste of what teams will attempt to do until someone makes them pay..pass..pass..n pass some more..they were just a step behind..hopefully they garnered confidence in themselves n will let their instincts take over..

  18. 1 minute ago, BTF said:

    Snider's no longer a regional threat year in and year out? I wouldn't discount discount four decades of success because of a couple of down years. Anyways.............su casa mi casa. They're used to getting on a bus for every game. 

    Lol hey..I'm js..a buddy from another part of the state reminds me that sni high was ALWAYS a regional competitor n used the "what have they done lately" phrase..2015..16..n 17 are quickly forgotten by some..I'm with u on this one though. Mea culpa..

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, BTF said:

    A good portion of the community could just walk. Snider is surrounded by neighborhoods. 

    I always thought they were full of it the first few go rounds..hopefully the board has changed since then..those same neighborhoods keep voting against the stadium to be built on campus as well..granted these were in the times of the panthers being regional threats year in n year out n casual fans may have found others to support..

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