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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Hamilton Heights students can choose either e-learning or in-classroom education option. Participation in Sports is not allowed if they choose E-learning.
  2. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/07/us-epidemiologists-say-data-secrecy-covid-19-cases-cripples-intervention-strategies
  3. No. It gives the player an opportunity to enjoy what remains of his high school career without any distractions or worries.
  4. I'm glad I'm not a U.S. History teacher. I'd be embarrassed. I also should have used my Google machine.
  5. He's a Senator from Kentucky. Most U.S. History teachers would know this. Some evidently don't. Next time you might want to consider using your Google machine.
  6. Not in Indiana. Tennessee and Wisconsin-yes. Both moved to the Indiana Convention Center. They had a baseball tournament at Hamilton Heights yesterday. Maybe longer, not sure. I thought it was kinda strange that they were gonna charge me $5 to drop my kid off at football practice.
  7. The parents I have seen speak up locally are more worried about losing a babysitter than anything else.
  8. Highly likely. Wonder if it's too late to ask the Admins to hide it?
  9. Their next scheduled meeting isn't until 7/22, unless they call another Special Meeting to re-evaluate.
  10. You're correct, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that you're wrong either. That chart shows reputation points, NOT positive votes. Try again. But continue being the thread police, it's pretty comical.
  11. Thanks in advance for your support! https://gridirondigest.net/clients/donations/
  12. I can handle it. After all, I have the most positive votes of anyone on the GID, I don't consider that a 'beating'. Bring what you got.
  13. Promoting the GID is the point. Being made fun of is an extra added bonus. Thank you for your support!
  14. I will continue to solicit for donations to the GID. I promote the GID during every donation drive and will continue to do so. It's a great website and worthy of donations by those who use it most. That's what I try to promote.
  15. https://gridirondigest.net/clubs/ https://gridirondigest.net/clients/donations/ That you Ted?
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