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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. 22 courts=44 Officials. Security. Floor rental. Tournament management personnel. $15 is cheap entertainment for any event.
  2. It's 'yes sir' or 'yes ma'am' with our kids. I think it is mainly a Southern thing, although I was raised here that way, but my Mom was Southern. And if we hear people tell them, "oh, you don't have to call me sir/ma'am" we say "oh, yes they do". And we do get compliments a lot about how polite our kids are. So it pays off. I even say yes sir or yes ma'am at a fast food drive through
  3. Then why is everyone bellyaching? They should just stfu. Let's start here.
  4. I'm sorry you're being forced to spend all that money on club sports. No wait, no one is forcing you..............Do you complain about the cost to the clubs and coaches and anyone nearby and tell them it's just a money making racket? We see a few of "those parents".
  5. It's *wear*, but what club events have you attended and why if you have such a negative opinon of them? The ones I have attended in the last 2 weeks had on-site security that ensured the mask policy was enforced. And tickets needed to be purchased off-site from where the event was held, so there was no "pay table".
  6. I'm not an official, and I address coaches as "Coach". I don't remember ever addressing one by his/her first name. I urge my student athlete children to do the same.
  7. I socially distanced before it was cool. Even better with the mask now, no one knows who's doing the yelling.
  8. Huh? I'm not sure how your marital problems relate to the ever changing virus situation as it pertains to Indiana High School Football, and I don't even really care. Maybe you should ask for advice on Dear Abby's forum?
  9. Y'all posting all these same videos from April, in Illinois...................Really has no relevance to Indiana High School Football. This is July, in Indiana. The situation changes daily, and I don't believe what any of us discuss here on this Forum regarding schools opening or not, or sports continuing or not, are going to make one iota of difference in how the State or School Systems decide how to proceed.
  10. Truth. Unless said car accident occurred on the way to an Indiana High school Football practice.
  11. I meant social distancing for spectators and idle teams, not game participants.
  12. Are they requiring masks and following social distancing guidelines? All the Club basketball events are. Even for the idle teams.
  13. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/social-media-posts-make-baseless-claim-on-covid-19-death-toll/
  14. Link to the press conference? And the date?
  15. Does this mean that school systems will be required to comply with this?
  16. Hamilton Heights students can choose either e-learning or in-classroom education option. Participation in Sports is not allowed if they choose E-learning.
  17. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/07/us-epidemiologists-say-data-secrecy-covid-19-cases-cripples-intervention-strategies
  18. No. It gives the player an opportunity to enjoy what remains of his high school career without any distractions or worries.
  19. I'm glad I'm not a U.S. History teacher. I'd be embarrassed. I also should have used my Google machine.
  20. He's a Senator from Kentucky. Most U.S. History teachers would know this. Some evidently don't. Next time you might want to consider using your Google machine.
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