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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. I don’t know. I’m not too “up” on my Trump generates talking points. Please elaborate.
  2. He said he "picked one up". I guessing in the parking lot.
  3. Then that will be my 1st grievance. More to come.
  4. Nothing to do with this thread, so hope it's ok to ask here. Didn't know quite else how to do it, but did they tear down the old Elmhurst building? Wasn't it on Ardmore by the bus barn? Went by there today and just a big empty lot......I hate progress sometimes.
  5. He's already wrong in my case in the 2nd sentence. And I'm not the only person I know who doesn't like Trump but is also against impeachment. There are quite a few. Not giving any credence to this. It's just hyperbole.
  6. I've got 5 more episodes of Godfather of Harlem Season 1, 1 1/2 seasons of Vikings, 4 episodes of Killing Eve, the final season of The Man in the High Castle to watch. Maybe it'll all be over by then.
  7. Trump also has this to brag about now: Trump was impeached with more votes against him than any other president https://www.insider.com/trump-impeachment-president-got-more-votes-against-than-anyone-else-2019-12?fbclid=IwAR1YsJT7kVmHWg56yQuCzgxhU0KNnYgB2fRouxPS2tthKqUevJan3bV87JE&fbclid=IwAR2PUrxggsgaGQv3Hz9aWBn18ySutDEXvBvGAkJ9ym1ceaWM1kZ5ULn9eH4
  8. Here's what I found, from the U.S. Govt. Printing Office. An impeachment may proceed only when Congress is in session. 3 Hinds Sec. Sec. 2006, 2462. However, an impeachment proceeding does not expire with adjournment. An impeachment proceeding begun in the House in one Congress may be resumed in the next Congress. 3 Hinds Sec. 2321; 111-1, Jan. 13, 2009, p __. An official impeached by the House in one Congress may be tried by the Senate in the next Congress. Manual Sec. 620; 3 Hinds Sec. Sec. 2319, 2320. Although impeachment proceedings may continue from one Congress to the next, the authority of the managers appointed by the House expires at the end of a Congress; and managers must be reappointed when a new Congress convenes. Manual Sec. 620. Managers on the part of the House are reappointed by resolution. Manual Sec. 604; Deschler Ch 14 Sec. 4.2.
  9. Impeachment comes with an expiration date? Please expound.
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