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Posts posted by HoosierFB_JG

  1. 11 hours ago, DT said:

    I find that hard to believe.  Hart has more of a rep for divisiveness than for togetherness

    WC basically ran him out of town, as they did to other prior HC who didnt make the grade, which basically meant beating Ben Davis.

    He did fine in my book, 4-1 against BD with a state title.  Not sure what else they could want from him considering his 10&11 teams lacked talent.

  2. 1 minute ago, DT said:

    I purposely kept Carmel out of this discussion because carmel is the most consistent program year to year in The MIC since the league began play.  Carmels record might vary, but their approach, style, philosophy and competitive nature are the same from year to year.  Carmel always has 2 or 3 kids in the Top 50, regardless of record.  The CG was closer than the 42-0 score would indicate.  I would expect a much closer game if the two square off again.

    I apprciate your attempt at lifting up the programs at BD and WC.  They are indeed your conference brothers.  Deep down, im pretty sure you know I am right.  These two programs are not as big and bad as they once were.  COVID or not, free lunches or not, demographics changing or not, the programs are indeed slipping.  Your attempts to prop up the two are more of an attempt to protect the rep of the conference.  It is what it is

    I see no reason to change my stance.  BD and WC will be 2-3 next year in the MIC.  In 2022, one of them will win the MIC after CG loses big players to graduation.  I remember hearing the same thing back in 2008 when BD went 5-5 with a first round knockout to Avon, then in 2012 when WC went 5-6.  Both have added state titleS since then and I am fully confident they will both add another in the next few years. 

  3. 14 hours ago, DT said:

    This is likely the least consequential and least hyped BD-WC matchup in 25 years.

    Maybe yes, but we're in a COVID year.

    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both programs have experienced a significant decline in individual talent.

    Not quite.  Maybe in terms of top 50, but BD has very little seniors this year.  WC will be fine.


    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both have huge stadiums that sit 90% empty on Friday nights.

    90% empty?  That would insinuate they are seeing crowds of 900 people at BD and 800 at WC.  It's not even 90% empty on the worst of nights.

    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both suffer from declining community support and involvement

    No.  Maybe they can't attend the games, but families on the west side are very much involved.  Most families are working 2-3 jobs while communities in Carmel and Greenwood have both parents at home and don't struggle financially.

    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both have suspect coaching staffs.

    Really?  Jayson West, who took both LC and WC to undefeated state championships is suspect.  Jason Simmons, who took BD to within 1 TD of a state finals appearance is suspect.  Many of these coaches were also around for the 2014 and 2017 titles.  Suspect.  Laughable.

    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both programs are trending down while all others in The MIC, with the exception of LC, are trending up.

    I disagree.  Both will be in the top 3 next year, with CG leading the way before they both compete for the title in 2022.

    14 hours ago, DT said:

    Both appear to be in the early stages of long term decline.

    What does this say for my beloved Hounds at Carmel then?  We were beaten 42-0 by CG.  WC only 20-0 and BD 35-12.  I'm not saying you should compare scores, but Carmel received a thorough beating in a rivalry game.  Ouch.

    14 hours ago, DT said:



  4. 21 hours ago, Staxawax said:

    I think your obsession with the MIC vs HCC is a little over the top.

    CG is by far the best team in 6A. Cathedral has the best chance of beating them. 
    Carmel had the unfortunate task of playing both right away. 
    NC is a pleasant surprise! To think an over-reactive superintendent almost shut down fall sports.

    Perhaps BD will rebound much like they did last year, but how long will fans accept not being able to wipe their feet on those Hendricks County backyard schools?

    LN is a dynamic offensive machine. They will go as far as their defense can take them. 

    I think you’re thinking of Temptation.  That’s probably only the second time ever that I’ve brought up MIC Vs HCC on my own.  I’ve definitely debated it but on my own, you’d be hard pressed to find any conversations I’ve started on here to that regard.

  5. Here's what we now know...


    The bottom of the MIC is still MUCH better than the bottom of the HCC.  Pike starting out with wins against Zionsville and Fishers but then getting pounded by BD, who I hear was able to get in a full practice week this go around.

    Pike has made solid improvements with their team.  I'd say they'll finish 7th in the MIC.

    BD is going to make strides this year.  They'll be a tough out by seasons end.  

    Warren is struggling on offense.  I'm going to say 4 wins would be successful for them this year.  They're going to be loaded in the future, just as BD will.  They may be the worst team in their sectional this year.

    North Central is such an awesome story.  I don't see them winning the sectional, but it wouldn't surprise me.  They're 2nd best in my opinion in their sectional.

    LN is the best team in their sectional and could play spoiler to CG.  Doubtful, but it's possible.  

    LC, still struggling but I think they're better than Warren.  

    Carmel is not nearly as bad as their record shows, they're going to be a difficult task for Brownsburg.

    CG is #1.  That's all.


    CG is the best IMO, but if the HCC wants to get a champ, Brownsburg needs to finish the job this time around.  


    I slopped this together somewhat, but it was a late night last night.  

  6. On 8/24/2020 at 10:10 AM, DT said:

    Brownsburg has become what Ben Davis used to be.  A high school campus where the football program is the number one priority.  

    This is just more clueless talk from you...


    Ben Davis was in the SEMI-STATE LAST YEAR!  They were 1 TD away from going back to LOS and playing a team they BEAT in the regular season.  BD is about an ENTIRE MONTH behind Brownsburg in terms of time in the weight room and on the practice field.  They're probably going to get walloped again this Friday, but sadly for the Giants, they're struggling due to COVID, not because the program is in trouble.  


    Their last 6 years prior to this include 4 Semi-State appearances and 2 State Championships.  Hardly signs of a program that is struggling.


    Brownsburg on the other hand, when was the last time they made a Semi-State?  1985?  When was the last time they won a Sectional?  2009?

    Finally, Brownsburg returned 17 starters from last years team.  Next year when the playing field is leveled, we'll see who comes out on top.  My money is on BD.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, DK_Barons said:

    Glad it is happening somewhere. I knew everyone wouldn't share the same opinion and that is fine.


    My experience in the northeast compared to what I grew up with in SW Ohio lacks a little in my opinion. I have been here for more than a couple decades now and I have not once seen a band at an away football game.
    From the time I remember going to games in grade school onward the bands were both always at the game and they were always fully dressed, rain or shine, 100 degrees or 0 degrees. Every week they did something different along with some of their usual favorites.
    Here it is home games only and fair weather only. I did hear rumors once a number of years ago of a visiting teams band desiring to attend a game during playoffs but I'm not aware if they did so. If it's too hot they are in t-shirts and shorts (I don't have a issue with this, it's just different). If it's raining, they head home. When half time is over most band parents head home and at some of the schools the band has pretty much filtered out by the end of the third quarter at others they stay but you never hear an instrument. Many times they don't even bring their instruments to the stands where they sit anymore. The half time production is just that a production, a practice for their competition and it's the same every game. Perhaps it's always been that way around here and it's normal to them.

    I did make it back to a watch a game with my sister in my neck of the woods in Ohio sometime in the past ten years while a friend's son was a senior and things there are still very similar to what I recall. Both bands were there from before the game until the last whistle. They played from the stands during dead time. They built off of each other back and forth across the field. They pumped up the student sections and the adult fans. They split the time at halftime between the bands so you have to be on and off quickly so no concert instruments lining the entire sideline. 


    A wise band director might inquire about comments like these and learn from them rather than getting butt hurt and taking his ball and going home.  


    All that said there are some very good bands up this way and DeKalb is usually one of them. Norwell, East Noble, Homestead, Carroll, Snider, Northside, Concordia, and Woodlan to name just a few more are good at what they do, it just doesn't fit the mold I grew up with as described above..



    Keep in mind, Ohio doesn’t have a state band organization.  They do invitationals but there is not a state marching band finals, whereas Indiana does and takes it very serious.  

    I get it though, I’d be going home to if I had practice in the morning and were going to be on the road at a competition until 11-12 at night.


    At least it’s keeping kids off the street, and that’s a win in my book.  

  8. 19 hours ago, DK_Barons said:

    This could be turned to a positive for the programs rather than a negative.


    I have always thought schools around me lack the school spirit I grew up with in terms of the student body and the marching band.


    Without their own competition taking up all their time they could get back to the team support aspect of the schools marching band. Maybe even learn to march again instead of the dancing they do now. And sorry to those who don't agree, but if your instrument has to be brought out on a trailer and it sits parked on the sideline and never moves it doesn't belong in Marching Band. 

    I would disagree.  Maybe at DeKalb the band isn’t as strong, but in Central Indiana, this is marching band central (Carmel has won 4 national titles in 8 years.)


    Anyone that says a band, or dance team, or whatever it might be should only show school spirit at athletic events and shouldn’t compete is completely out of touch with reality.


    If I were a band director, and trust me, I prefer my football, but a comment like that and I’d be certain that we never played at a football or basketball game again.


    When I taught at Ben Davis, Dick Dullaghan regularly made his football team go watch the band at the State Finals.  Mutual respect.



  9. 15 hours ago, Irishman said:

    If ISSMA operates close to what athletics do (I am guessing they do since it is under the umbrella of NFHS), that there is a level of liability insurance that comes with being a member. Having unsponsored events would mean that the risk falls completely on the school if something were to happen. 

    The only events ISSMA has ever sponsored would be Regionals, Semi-State and State.  All other events have always been sponsored by the schools themselves, which they’re required to have liability insurance in place.

  10. On 7/8/2020 at 10:44 PM, DT said:


    I dont think you will see the same Penn as you have in the past.  Penn and Lake Central are similar in some areas.  Each is by far the biggest school in enrollment in its geographic section of the state.  Both schools have seen a huge surge in successful girls sports over the past decade.  At the same time, both football programs have been in decline.  

    I believe the culture at some of these mega schools is changing and is being influenced more and more by girls sports.  Crown Point is very similar to Lake Central in this regard.  Girls state titles have equal or even more weight internally at the schools than do boys titles.  Girls titles are more common.  

    We are starting to see more women in the AD role.  This will also tend to influence priority of girls sports over boys sports in some instances.

    I believe this to be a subtle but long term change currently impacting some of the biggest schools in the state.  



    This post PROVES how no one on this site should, or in my opinion, does take you seriously.  Are you kidding me?


    Out of all the stuff you have said, with contraction, Ben Davis and Warren Central declining, this is by far the most delusional.


    Penn, Lake Central and Crown Point, none of them have female AD’s, so why bring them up?  Oh, and funny enough you mention that, because a school mentioned above, Ben Davis, has a female AD for 30+ years and won 6 football titles and 2 basketball titles during her time when the female sports should have been dominating.  Give me a break!


    And of course the girls sports should be weighted equally to boys.  They’re HUMAN BEINGS just like the guys.  Girls basketball shouldn’t be just as important as boys.


    Girls titles are more common?  They’ve had the same number of sports as the boys for 20+ years, so wrong again.  Oh, and of those three you mentioned, only Penn has won any girls titles in the last decade. (1 basketball title)


    The last I checked, a girl in athletics has nothing to do with how a boy performs on the athletic field.  At least it never has in my many years around athletic programs.

  11. 54 minutes ago, DT said:

    We all have a say.  We all have an opinion.  We all have a stake to some degree.

    If you dont think we have a voice, or out thoughts and opinions go unheard and mean nothing, ask Bobby Cox if public opinion, and specifically message board feedback, had anything to do with the creation and implementation of the Success Factor Initiative.  

    Ask Bobby if the 10 Year Holy War that occurred right here on the bandwidth of The GID from 2002 to 2012  had any influence on IHSAA policy thinking and decision making.

    Im not sure where you were.  Dont recall you taking part in the fight.  I know were I was.  Deep in the trenches.  Blood on my hands.  It was brutal.  


    That’s the IHSAA, not individual schools.  Individual schools will always choose outlets for kids to receive education and, additionally, helping keep kids off the street.


    Success factor is one thing.  Six classes is another.  To remove opportunities for kids to play sports to fit a fans agenda, will absolutely 100% never happen.

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/4/2020 at 7:18 AM, DT said:

    Its kind of a joke that we replace a high school varsity football program with a charter and make an assumption that quality of play is not reduced.  Long term expansion of charter school football basically reduces the quality of play from the varsity level to the club level.  Not a good trend for those who prefer to watch a high quality athletic event 

    Most coaches, parents and athletic directors (myself included) would argue that, at the lower level, it is simply an educational based activity.  

    If you prefer to watch a high quality athletic event, you’re certainly not going to watch Purdue Poly play Victory College Prep.  They, however, will continue with sports because it’s A.) Educational and B.) Keeps the kid off the street


    280 means 40 schools (potentially in neighborhoods where kids NEED something to do) now have kids not at the school and this is why I’ll always be a big advocate for athletics and the arts no matter what.

    • Like 2
  13. On 6/30/2020 at 12:14 PM, DT said:

    I will set the over/under at 20 programs sitting out the season.

    You taking the over or the under?

    It will be over, but they won’t contract.  They’ll sit out this season and then return in 21.


    There are still more than 315 football playing schools, and with the additions of more and more charters, that number won’t be going south of 300 for some time.

  14. 19 hours ago, Warren05 said:



    Now that my Homerisum (might not be a word but I don't care) is out of the way. I think that Center Grove is the clear cut favorite to win 6A but I don't think they go Undefeated in the MIC.LN will be much improved this year and so will BD. Pike will not be the bottom of the league this year but close.  I have my final standings as:









    100%!  In my personal opinion, I think Carmel finishes below BD, but we’ll see how that turns out.  

    The stars have aligned for a CG title run this year, so now we’ll see if they get the job done.

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