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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2023 in Posts

  1. Well the best way to get decent experience for the young guys on Friday nights is to beat these teams by 40 at half. Then for a solid quarter play their 1s vs your two and threes. But, that is what Penn used to do, now we struggle to do that. But, yes scheduling quality JV and freshmen games becomes much more valuable. I just want Penn to be the team that people in the North wanted to avoid; now everyone wants a shot at us, because we are beatable.
    1 point
  2. I think that when each option is laid out for presentation, if remaining in a conference is Penn's goal, then the DAC is the way to go....With that being said, I would suggest only going into the DAC if they jump to 10 teams and onboard Elkhart with them. This gives Penn the opportunity to get 5 conference games and 4 non again. Penn's conference schedule will improve right away, and they can still look south, east or north for touch competition. If the DAC wont move on that, Independent all the way.
    1 point
  3. I think this argument was suspect when the administration made it in 2002, and does not reflect the reality of Penn's scheduling across almost all of its sports today. Most programs already compete against a number of teams in the Region--both home and away year-to-year--as well as against schools in the SAC plus Carmel and others. The flexibility of days on which all other programs compete mitigates travel concerns even more. A move to the DAC would require a different arrangement for when JV and freshman football games are played, something that should be seen as a welcome and necessary change anyway. Freshman football on Thursdays and the odd the Monday here and there makes no sense. Agreed, just another square peg in a round hole situation. To your point, the NLC would make for a marginal improvement, but that's only because the NIC is one of the most conceivably bad arrangements for Penn in the first place.
    1 point
  4. The good ol' Herbie Classic. Saw some great games and players during its short run in Cincinnati. Concord De La Salle played there one year but not against an Indiana team.
    1 point
  5. Ben Davis is hosting IMG Academy on September 8, but that's been well-documented.
    1 point
  6. Webo will more than likely be 2A in the next enrolment count. Could their enrolment go up as a result of the Lilly Development? Absolutely. But people or developers are going to pay a large premium for that farmland. That they want to build houses on... The State and Lilly set the bar pretty high when they came in and purchased the land for $50K-$60K an acre...
    1 point
  7. Scheme fit was not going to work out it seemed after spring ball, give Allen credit on giving Harrell system a good try, wish him well and find himself a great program where he can sling it from the pocket
    1 point
  8. Eastlake is flying 55 kids out. They are a year round school and have a 2 week break during that time frame. They will be visiting colleges in Chicago during their stay.
    1 point
  9. In my mind I hear "Holiday Road" from National Lampoon's Vacation playing while I look at this map.
    1 point
  10. What are you wowing about? It's literally a saying lol... words. "Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians"... if you or anyone else finds offense in that, I can't help you, you're beyond saving.
    1 point
  11. https://mises.org/wire/you-dont-it-leave-telling-sophistry-tax-apologists Taxes are theft.
    1 point
  12. Not quite sure why any of the DAC schools would want to leave? That to me is one of the most well-rounded conferences in the state as far as having similar schools 1-8. The only change I could see happening there is if Penn gets added; maybe a package deal with Elkhart? But the NIC is currently in trouble waters. You have 3 pods of schools that really just "kind of" fit one another. Big schools = Penn & Elkhart. Mid-Sized = NP, STJ, Marian. South Bend publics = Washington, Adams, Riley (assuming clay is shutting down). It works for the time being but long term that is not a stable conference. Unfortunately the NLC is doing pretty well and I don't they would want any part of a shake up. But I think there has to be a major shake up in 3 conferences to stabilize the Michiana area. Conference 1: Penn, Elkhart, Warsaw, Mishawaka, Goshen, Adams, Riley, Washington = 8 public schools that make up the biggest urban "citys" in the Michiana area. You keep some natural rivals. Get Warsaw playing with the big boys. The South Bend schools are currently a liability any place you put them. But with Clay closing enrollment will go up in the other 3, hopefully with improvement on the field could get SB going on a different path. Conference 2: Northwood, Northridge, Concord, New Prairie, St. Joe, Marian, Plymouth, Jimtown = 6 community based mid-sized schools with solid athletics across the board with very good fan support. Then you have the 2 privates that fit the same profile and that's a solid 8 team conference right there. Conference 3: Laville, Rochester, Bremen, Tippy Valley, Knox, Glenn, Wawasee, Fairfield = 8 Publics in that 2A-3A range. Yes, Wawasee would be by far the biggest school but this is where they fit athletically. That conference screams parity right there. Nearly impossible for this to happen, but this would be an ideal scenario for the Michiana area to stabilize these conferences. Would be awesome to see something like this come to fruition. with 8 team conferences that still gives schools opportunities to play each other if they are in different conferences (Concord vs. Elkhart, Jimtown vs. Bremen, Bremen vs. Plymouth, Marian vs. Mishawaka, etc.)
    1 point
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