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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. I wish young Mr. Colby would have stayed coaching at my high school alma mater. Yet Maconaquah will ever be known as a 'basketball school' and football will never receive the community support that basketball enjoys. Probably the same for Kokomo.
  2. Not really. Just look at SMU and the 'death sentence' passed down to them by the NCAA in 1987. Last I heard the current SMU football program finished the 2021 season 8-4 and was in a (now cancelled) bowl game. Same could happen to a high school football team if the current community sentiment changes enough.
  3. I always thought the Mishawaka "Lady Cavemen" was kind of a weird nickname.
  4. So you quoted me in your post yet were responding to Bobref. Sure thing foxbat, whatever you say. <rolleyes> Have a Happy Christmas.
  5. They sure are. Interesting that if you look at this list which contain now closed & consolidated high schools having two nicknames was much more common: http://online.fliphtml5.com/bumg/hobg/#p=1 Have a Happy Christmas.
  6. But I'm not foxbat. You trotted out what you thought was a cute "gotcha" to my original comment and were proved wrong. So of course you doubled down, in a desperate attempt to save face. You really are no different than the rest of us here on the GID in your zeal to not be proven wrong. Have a Happy Christmas. Nice non sequitur. Have a Happy Christmas.
  7. Nice try foxbat, but completely different than Olympic boxing. Please show me a weight in Olympic Boxing that is banned from competing in the sport.
  8. Only a matter of time, Bob. Only a matter of time. "Bobby, your too fat to play football for Bellarmine, even though you were a high school star. You weight 225 lbs". Lawsuit filed.
  9. That sounds awful, and discriminatory. Don't see how a public university or high school could get away with it.
  10. Why do teachers fart in class? Because they aren’t private tutors.
  11. https://reason.com/2021/12/22/rogel-aguilera-mederos-rejected-a-plea-deal-so-he-got-110-years-in-prison/ What a travesty of the justice system. It's seems our judicial system will do most anything that allows them to NOT do the job their branch of government was created to do in the first place. Shameful, and probably unconstitutional.
  12. History. The school of Scott Skiles. Most people either loved or despised him.
  13. What sports are important and what sports aren't is changing, probably along with the changing racial demographic, which is now almost 30% Hispanic. Also combine that with an almost 50% free/reduced lunches/textbook rate: https://inview.doe.in.gov/schools/1054855945/population
  14. Depends on the cereal. Some do, some don't. I find the Great Value brand Raisin Bran and Shredded Wheat on par with the name brands. And it keeps me regular.
  15. Should have a whole new raft of officials, specialists in 8-man "football".
  16. Lafayette Jeff fled the NCC for that it thought was greener pastures in another conference. Then came back to the Conference of Champions with it's tail between it's legs.
  17. Aren't most of these schools concentrated in the far southern half of the state? I don't see some schools like Rossville (just east of Lafayette) relishing the thought of 2+ hour bus rides to find other 8-man opponents.
  18. Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-pandemics-us-secret-service-9d5c43814ef2c1ffb45c2a6f4e13faa9 Fraud and corruption in the federal government? Color me shocked.
  19. Against Faucism https://reason.com/2021/12/20/against-faucism/
  20. Hasn't Virginia Halas McCaskey and/or upper Bears management stated they have never fired a coach mid-season and don't intend to start now?
  21. Maybe they can coax Bill Pollian out of retirement, after all he would be the closest in age to the Bears owner.
  22. G.O.A.T. Brady makes the Mr. Obvious statement of the year after getting stymied by the Saint last night: He also curses out a Saints coach and breaks a tablet: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bucs-tom-brady-curse-out-saints-coach-breaks-tablet What a sore loser.
  23. And how do these promoters make money on such events? It's not like they have the gate draw of say an Alabama-Michigan football matchup. And how many Hoosiers are going to travel to a Las Vegas, Miami, or Los Angeles to see a Center Grove play in such an event? Sure, the parents and family will, but they won't fill a football stadium.
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