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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health https://mises.org/wire/review-real-anthony-fauci-bill-gates-big-pharma-and-global-war-democracy-and-public-health
  2. The Biden Administration Crushes America's Brief Experiment in Showerhead Freedom https://reason.com/2021/12/15/the-biden-administration-crushes-americas-brief-experiment-in-showerhead-freedom/ You'll have to pry my multi-headed shower unit from the cold, dead hands.
  3. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2021/12/15/indiana-return-125-each-hoosier-automatic-tax-refund-2022/8908542002/ Wait, shouldn't it all be going back to Indiana government school teachers?
  4. Biden's Stimulus Bill Subsidized Meat Producers. Now, the White House Blames 'Corporate Greed' for High Meat Prices. https://reason.com/2021/12/14/bidens-stimulus-bill-subsidized-meat-producers-now-the-white-house-blames-corporate-greed-for-high-meat-prices/ Indeed it is folly. Yet the will continue to try, and be exposed as complete hypocrites in the process.
  5. So you believe talented young Mr. Curry's dream of an NFL career (if that is indeed his dream) would have been greatly diminished had he chosen the likes of a Notre Dame or Purdue over Ohio State?
  6. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/the-new-woke-model-army-gender-advisers-us-military/ More: Read it all. Here’s an academic paper from 2016 examining what gender advisers do in NATO armies, and suggesting that the US military add them to its ranks. The paper cites several examples of overseas deployments in which gender advisers were useful in helping soldiers understand complex gender standards, and how respecting them helped the mission. That said, are you confident that in the current highly politicized environment in the US, that gender advisers will be of practical help, versus being de facto political commissars? I’m not — but I could be wrong. Ms. magazine recently cited a Georgetown report about the need to further feminize the US military. Excerpts: How, exactly, will America’s war-fighting capabilities be improved by having commanders who are more empathetic? How in the world do empathetic officers “increase the US’s overall security”? It’s mind-boggling. You will not be surprised to learn that the article ends with a call for more gender advisers to feminize the US military. Also in today’s mailbag, from another reader: UPDATE: Reader Richard York comments: UPDATE.2: A reader e-mails: Oh George S. Patton, where are you when we need you?
  7. Any Indiana Mr. Football candidate who chooses to play at an out of state college/university should automatically be disqualified for winning this prestigious award. Same goes for Mr. and Ms. Basketball.
  8. Of course the head coaches would respond that way. It's part of their livelihood being threatened.
  9. Hell will freeze over before Kokomo voluntarily leaves the NCC.
  10. There already is one: https://academy.bsu.edu/ While they don't charge tuition you do have to pay a significant room & board fee. And admission is relatively selective.
  11. FTA: How true is this statement? If it is valid then I say the rest of the MIC voting them out is justified.
  12. Yep. As I have opined before competitive tackle football should only be played by adults, i.e. those individuals 18 years or older.
  13. Yeah, it's no longer working for me as well, getting some kind of session has time out message. Weird.
  14. https://oklahomawatch.org/2017/10/09/student-concussions/ AND https://ksi.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1222/2017/10/2325967117727262.pdf Indiana Ranks 28th out of 50. AND https://watermark.silverchair.com/1062-6050-50_2_03.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAsMwggK_BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKwMIICrAIBADCCAqUGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMuEnbDdFwDbFK5vJiAgEQgIICdiZF2OQhVaG-g9U3SW7AdYahX5cvusSBuGScOeX8Y2jnKvkFS11Ri4nDk3dJSxt5hFCd_7ICqMbD26bs4vJz5oDROwm2uIYuZUcYibjRbfg7blFgY_tpYJFsEb_efl7wOBZEjyxzwBRGaKi-iifcnsZwDMDlHJBhE9LNcWyAct7p80qw1QZmxpiG-C1SyWHRV1kU-oY0P7JFQ065MTRitmiuTOxGBPi36nm9lErcfoXt9g9c3izJK3XpkI2THQwOeoHTiS42DkGN0v-8Q2hMytYZDQrwLAiBa3srtDdhNap6oIrBWYyntrDt6S6qWT25JRY1_rtvLt32WWwQtBl8kzkP3tRiO2MPitQxcGodpqYYC8KdeElvcy7qfazWfKisP9j4SFP-S7K-ozEfZVcMbLqGvTDPAN3ee5GFH3gY8zeswt6szCyhakML5zUwN36kJD_QJKH2DeZDPSsMSc5C6EwU-Omhezw0GufvVFF5iaWVsdFAegiO8Oyxq8ibE2A8JVdRUp1JsetArBxWMfmmxF8uRHCI6VUNCU8nLbA4cGtqajlhQ_ieRuMWSUYe6hAjLhvwOAjEgqaHNI_GaD0Mni8LQMQmj3cs3HmxTMCUTJTFH5XD7XKQCB0GVD2t7zBXkxpsOKkhNjl3HfAslbOTsNeNzcCupGjZBecs7IHX9Iapr2haqZEXes4BNKetK7TFXkss94G9W36wwPQnKV800K9xsPfQcdwulo9w8TyPf1SjqEwms-ZrX_HCxNzW07pb_llMeexOZXFsWBThn2dtm8eSuStBD8wvQn3EAItWBv3pMfoo83YOIi977dD5wqUUOly4qoFkpA Charts in this study lists Indiana as having 149 schools without athletic training services. Playing football is dangerous to the youth of Indiana.
  15. Yes. Safety first. Not adults living vicariously through their children.
  16. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2021/12/13/ball-state-basketball-transfer-luke-brown-wins-eligibility-ncaa-bsu-blackford-indiana/6479088001/ (Note: Story is behind a paywall) Great news for young Mr. Brown. I wish him all the best in Cardinal uniform.
  17. But I thought the IHSAA's primarily enrollment based classification system is used primarily to prevent these massive roster variances? And if there really is no correlation between massive roster variances and instances of injury the IHSAA can do away with it's enrolment based classification system and go to a more equitable system like promotion/relegation. Win-win.
  18. Cris Collinsworth slobbering all over Aaron Rodgers last night was pathetic, almost made me physically ill to listen to it. The best take on that pseudo fellatio of Mr. Rodgers was of course over at Deadspin: https://deadspin.com/cris-collinsworth-sees-the-very-very-best-in-aaron-rod-1848204843
  19. Just about a perfect football game. Running the damn ball and controlling the clock. What the game was meant to be. And the fact that Navy won makes it that much sweeter.
  20. https://theathletic.com/news/ncaa-bans-fake-slide-less-than-a-week-after-pitts-kenny-pickett-used-in-acc-title-game/Gw73ldap3Z5p/ Well it was good while it lasted..........................
  21. Football is by far the most expensive extra-curricular sport/activity offered by high schools, is it not? Shouldn't the community expect some return on such an investment? What kind of civic pride is enabled by saying "well our high school football team is currently on a 25 game losing streak and have lost those games by an average of 28 points a contest, but they have good looking uniforms and the kids seem to have fun playing!" ? No, such thinking is just wearing rose-colored glasses. Meh, 6-8 man is not "football". Better to go with a co-op scheme where two or more schools join forces to field a 11-man team, like in Illinois.
  22. What if that "someone" is the IHSAA? Sure your school could have that 11-member football team but you would be banned from participating in the IHSAA football tournament. And it most certainly has to do with competitive balance. And safety.
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