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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Kamala Harris ends Democratic presidential campaign: https://apnews.com/9f15f9bae46c54de8d88ad3e8388e4be Who is the next to thrown in the towel? Cory Booker? Mayor Pete?
  2. Washington College Cancels Anti-Racist Play Because It Could 'Potentially Upset' Some People: https://reason.com/2019/12/03/washington-college-the-foreigner-censorship-students-kkk-racism/ Yet another example of the complete pussification of most college campuses these days. Students are nothing but snowflakes who will run for the hills or sit down and sob uncontrollably when faced with something the least bit "traumatizing". Pitiful. I fear for the future of America.
  3. https://reason.com/2019/12/03/betsy-devos-wants-to-overhaul-the-broken-federal-student-aid-system/ Agreed. Some potentially welcome reforms to the system, but doesn't go far enough in getting government out of the education business entirely.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Daniels#Controversy_over_selection So do believe Mr. Daniel's tenure as Purdue's president has been a successful one or a failure, regardless of the allegations of political patronage that led to his election?
  5. I don't understand you statement. I have followed the money. Do you support the government propping up the dairy industry on the backs of taxpayers?
  6. I understand the consolidation in the dairy industry, it has happened just like the farming industry. My spouses uncle ran a small dairy farm for decades before he gave up. What I disagree with again is federal taxpayer dollars going to prop up and promote the dairy industry. Shouldn't they be allowed to succeed or fail wholly on their on merits?
  7. As the article states, overall milk consumption in the United States has been dropping for decades yet the federal government keeps spending millions of taxpayer dollars propping up and promoting the dairy industry.
  8. Can you please provide documented examples of this track record you speak of, during Mr. Daniel's tenure as president of Purdue University?
  9. Purdue prof: 'Misunderstood' Mitch Daniels' track record should buy him grace: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/opinion/letters/2019/12/01/purdue-prof-misunderstood-mitch-daniels-track-record-should-buy-him-grace/4349334002/
  10. https://reason.com/2019/11/30/the-nations-biggest-dairy-is-failing-despite-relentless-government-intervention/ Yep, yet another government "solution" that only ended in failure. Let the free market decide. Always.
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/hamilton-county/carmel/2019/12/01/roundabouts-carmel-indiana-traffic-safety-crashes-increase/2312652001/ Looks like Mr. Brainard and the Carmel City Council jumped on the "new hotness" and it is still costing drivers and taxpayers.
  12. Yet Sheridan fled the Hoosier for the Hoosier Heartland Conference several years ago. Perhaps the Blackhawk faithful thought slumming in the HHC like LCC did would increase their chances at a ring. Doesn't appear to have worked. What is better, playing the likes of West Lafayette, Rensselaer, Tipton. Twin Lakes, etc. during the regular season or the likes of Clinton Central, Clinton Prairie, Carroll, and Taylor?
  13. How long in minutes or hours did it take you to compile, correlate, and display that data? Very impressive.
  14. So if the 2019 season was supposed to be a 'rebuilding year' for Lafayette Central Catholic what are now the expectations for the 2020 football season? Undefeated and another 1A state championship are to be expected. Then what? The success factor bumps the Knights back up to 2A where they languish for a few years. However this gives 1A government school programs like Sheridan, Pioneer, South Adams, Southwood, North Vermillion, West Washington a chance to steal the ring for a couple seasons. Then the yo-yo starts again.
  15. Shows the overall weakness of 1A football, and how an established program can dominate it for decades.
  16. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/11/29/governor-eric-holcomb-disputes-reveals-amazon-investigation/4332828002/ Hmm. I wonder which side is on the side of the truth?
  17. He was? So criticism of a statement made by a University President is now "trying to change"? Again Wabash, was the president of the black student Union at Purdue University also the victim of a targeted investigation like Mr. Sample at IWU? It definitely is. Unfortunately some here are too blinded by their left-leaning ideology to realize that. Or they just don't want accept it.
  18. Frankfort High School field at approx. 8am this morning:
  19. Was the president of the black student Union at Purdue University also the victim of a targeted investigation like Mr. Sample at IWU?
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