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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. I believe I did. Too bad we don't have the "old GID" to search. Corporate welfare is just a mechanism to fleece the taxpayers in order to enrich the corporations.
  2. http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/30/foxconn-is-not-building-a-factory-in-wis A big Corporate Welfare failure. And yet the practice will continue.
  3. Who am I to argue with a lawyer, a wordsmith, and the smartest guy on the GID? I suggest you contact the author of said commentary and inform him of his incorrect usage of this word. Here is Mr. Dickinson's contact info: https://www.law.pitt.edu/people/gerald-s-dickinson. I'm sure he would welcome helpful criticism from a fellow legal professional.
  4. Record Low Temperatures Threaten Year-Round Shorts-Guy Population: https://thehardtimes.net/culture/record-low-temperatures-threaten-year-round-shorts-guy-population/
  5. The Trouble With Child Labor Laws: https://mises.org/library/trouble-child-labor-laws I agree.
  6. Conflict of interest? Yes, probably. Good legislation on repealing restrictive, unneeded regulations? Yes.
  7. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/01/washington-state-policitian-says-dwarf-tossing-offensive/ Agreed. When dwarf tossing is outlawed only outlaws will toss dwarfs?
  8. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/30/have-gun-cant-travel Here is hoping the SCOTUS makes the right decision, a decision for personal freedom.
  9. Ms. Harris is on the socialism bandwagon right from the start of her campaign: Under Medicare for All, If You Like Your Insurance Plan, You Can’t Keep It: http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/29/kamala-harris-medicare-for-all-private Scary.
  10. Who's Afraid of Howard Schultz? Just About Everyone, and They're Right To Be: http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/29/whos-afraid-of-howard-schultz-just-about The heckler speaks in only slightly more graphic terms than many folks on the Democratic-to-left side of the political spectrum. For instance, New York Times columnist and former Nation scribe Michelle Goldberg pleaded, "Howard Schultz, Please Don't Run for President: A bid by an ex-chief of Starbucks would be reckless idiocy." She calls his potential bid "a narcissistic spoiler campaign." The fear, which is widespread on the broadly defined left, is that Schultz will somehow take votes away from any Democratic challenger and thus hand Donald Trump a second term (this fear is wrong on multiple levels, not least of which is that it's wrong about electoral history). But here's former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau wheezing out similar anxieties while also slagging Schultz for being rich. Schultz, adds Favreau, "is afraid that if he tells half the country's voters what he truly believes, they'll reject him. So he's buying his way right to the general." Actually, no. Last night and in other interviews, Schultz is perfectly clear on why, if he runs, he will do so as a "centrist independent." He openly disagrees with a lot of ideas that dominate Democratic Party discourse and he doesn't want to be forced into accepting those policies. Specifically, he's criticized Sen. Elizabeth Warren's asset tax on "tippy-top" earners, and a whole host of tax-funded giveaways that he says we can't afford. For instance, he spoke about the cost of single-payer health insurance plans, which will almost certainly be part of the DNC's 2020 platform. He noted that California's total state budget is currently around $150 billion but the cost for Gov. Gavin Newsom's version of single-payer runs toward $400 billion. Even as he talked forcefully about growing up poor, with parents from the Greatest Generation who failed to participate in the post-war economic boom, he refused to say government should be all things to all people. In his various interviews over the past week or two, he never misses an opportunity to talk about how a $21 trillion debt is the single biggest problem we need to reckon with. He's right to say it not only ties the hands of government (and the ligatures get tighter as interest rates rise) but also that it inhibits broad-based economic growth, the best way to increase living standards. He also refused to be penitent about being rich last night, at one point saying he helped to create a great company and wasn't going to apologize for his or anyone else's success. He called the class-warfare rhetoric used by so many Democrats "so un-American"! In other words, he doesn't fit very well in today's Democratic Party. Cue Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who is running for president herself: Well, that's what elections are for, to hammer out definitions of what's ridiculous, right? It's an odd thing, really, to see Democrats and progressives mad as hell that Schultz won't run as a Democrat but than never missing an opportunity to put him down as latter-day robber baron who is so out of touch with the little people that he should go back to sipping lattes on his mega-yacht. Over at the Center for American Progress, a liberal political group, Neera Tanden calls Schultz's possible run as an independent "disgusting" and calls for a boycott of Starbucks if he goes through with it. "Schultz," sniffs the Times' Goldberg, "appears to share the conviction, endemic among American elites, that the country hungers for a candidate who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative." Ah, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we? It's not really that Schultz is threatening to run as an independent, it's that he's already thinking as an independent. At Barnes & Noble, he hit any number of great notes beyond fiscal responsibility. He stressed the need for economic mobility, made a practical and humanitarian case for immigration, questioned both Trump's and earlier presidents' foreign policy as often reckless and open-ended. Mostly, though, he was raising topics for actual debate, rather than as occasions to bark out increasingly shrill or stupid talking points. He was at times emotional but never shouty or irrational. He also stressed that voters who identify as independent are the single largest group. He's also betting that people are tired of contemporary, increasingly tribal politics. When he ran Starbucks, he was regularly pilloried by conservatives for all sorts of irredeemably liberal things, such as refusing to use the phrase Merry Christmas on their cups to Schultz's endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016. In the current context, liberals hate him because he actually believes in free market capitalism. Which isn't to say he isn't angering folks on the right. As Scott H. Greenfield observes, Schultz's economic realism mixed with liberal social ideas is to progressives what garlic is to vampires. At the same time, Schultz "is the real deal of the businessman-president model, because he's actually a wealthy, successful businessman." That helps to explain why Donald Trump was quick to call Schultz out when he appeared on 60 Minutes: Others on the Republican side of things are more welcoming, and not because they think he will drain votes away from the eventual Democratic nominee. Writing in National Review, John Fund notes: Based on what I've read so far and what I saw last night, this is exactly right. Schultz is certainly not a doctrinaire libertarian, even if he is "socially liberal" and "fiscally conservative." He almost certainly believes in a government that is bigger and more expensive than I'm comfortable with. There's almost no way he can actually win, especially if he runs as an independent, but since when should getting elected be the main goal of politics? He's staging an alternative conversation to the increasingly awful one that Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, insist on having while the ship of state bears down on that deadly iceberg on the horizon. Schultz is pointing in a new direction, one we should all be heading towards unless we are committed to self-destruction. As one of the comments to this excellent commentary by Mr. Gillepsie says:
  11. https://www.cato.org/blog/return-reefer-madness It comes down to the fact that government has no business telling an adult individual what they can or cannot put into their body.
  12. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/28/are-billionaires-immoral-democrats-ask You are always going to have "winners" and "losers" in a free society. Not everybody can be equal, and not all will have the same opportunities. It is what it is, and socialism can't change that.
  13. Credit to Irishman in the Memes thread for posting a tweet by Mr. Trump who is applauding this effort. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/28/heres-why-president-trump-tweeting-support-indiana-bible-bill/2699366002/ So Mr. Kruse believes that using the force of government to shove Christianity down the public's throats is a legitimate use of that force.
  14. Do you happen to know the name and number of this Indiana bill? I would like to read it's wording. I wonder if it allows for classes in Quran literacy? Torah literacy?
  15. So what's if it's an emergency? If Mr. Trump believe he can snap his fingers and order the U.S. Military to acquired the land and build the wall, he's in for a surprise: https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/424195-trumps-militarized-land-seizure-for-border-wall-is-more-complicated-than
  16. Yep. Here is some more: https://tomluongo.me/2019/01/27/democrats-begin-eating-themselves-prepping-for-2020/ And Ms. Johnstone is also correct that Bernie himself, keeping his 2020 aspirations high, has helped the very thing being used to smear him now, RussiaGate. But, this smear campaign has a cause, and it isn’t just the lunatic Left smarting over the rejection of their lunacy by desperate, ten-toothed deplorables. Because the DNC are delusional enough to think that it was Bernie, like Ralph Nader in 2000, who cost the Democrats the presidency. It couldn’t have possibly been a terrible candidate, lack of message, and appearing as the party of the unelected oligarchy who were too busy strip-mining the country to notice that a lot of people were really angry about it. No. It was Bernie’s fault. Self-reflection is not a strong point of ideologues. You see, Bernie could have been a Manchurian Candidate all along as part of Putin’s nefarious plot to thwart the imperial aspirations of the anointed femi-Nazi Hillary. These are talking points created by the Clinton wing of the DNC to discredit Bernie by painting him with the guilt-by-association brush. There are few things in this life that made me laugh louder than this. But it is also very dangerous. Proxy Wars Turning the mob on Bernie is exactly the same type of thinking that led to funding the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980’s. It’s the same misguided planning that created ISIS to overthrow Assad. Use proxies to undermine your opponent. Accuse them of things patently untrue and raise suspicion of them and their motives. Then create an army of radicalized, frothing-at-the-mouth, unthinking lunatics to do your bidding on the battlefield. It doesn’t matter whether its the Syrian desert or the digital ones of Twitter and Facebook. What matters is keeping people hating The Other with an intensity that defies reason and ensures that no outside information makes it through the filter of the cult. Alinsky 101. And who is the chief Alinskyite of the DNC? Hillary Clinton. Make no mistake that’s because Hillary still thinks she can win a rematch in 2020. Still think Hillary isn’t running? So it’s just coincidence that days after Kamala Harris (D – Herself) announced her candidacy Willie Brown breaks his silence on their affair. This is prima facia evidence that the Democrats’ crazy has jumped the shark, however. In their single-minded quest to beat Trump the Clintons and their allies do not see the damage they are doing to not only the institutions they think they deserve to control but also to their own feathered nests. The problem here is the unintended consequences of unleashing forces you can’t control. Proxy wars (political or military) create knock-on effects that grow beyond you. They take on lives of their own. This is especially true among leftists who have rejected all other forms of limits on their behavior. They have been encouraged, by people like Clinton, to view culture as despotic. Pelosi calls walls immoral. New York has made infanticide a legal right. The MAGA hat is the new Swastika. It’s not about ideas anymore. It’s about purity. And the left turning on Bernie Sanders was already in full swing before Hillary mobilized a few of her media quislings. This mania leads to people becoming so insane they think it’s okay to incite violence against 15 year old kids for standing still and smiling inext to grown men act like jackasses in public while cheering on pre-pubescent transvestite drag queens. Do you think Hillary has the chops to navigate this insanity for a year and a half? She couldn’t handle Trump in 2016… or campaigning for that matter. Eat the Rich Your clue that things have reached that point is none other than everyone’s media darling, Marxist lunatic Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez. Machine Democrats lost seats in the primaries to ideologues like Cortez. She’s not stupid, folks. She’s Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton 30 years ago. And she’s going to run their playbook better than they ever did. Pelosi has no idea what she’s up against. She still thinks she’s got this under control. But she is in a fight for her political life with Trump over the border wall which he will win if he wants to. Because he’s laying the groundwork to declare the emergency after raking them over the coals politically. He can’t lose this fight to her now when he has all the tools to make it happen. She’s the one with no cards to play now that the government is back in business looting people. All it will take to beat her is a small cadre of Democrats to cross the line and cut a deal with Trump. He already offered a politically reasonable trade. Does anyone think AOC won’t lead a small insurrection against Nasty Nancy over this? Or, at least, demand even more concessions from the party vis a vis committee appointments. The Hildebeast Hillary is the queen of slash and burn politics. She is Emperor Palpatine without the charisma. And she’s also, like all generals, fighting the last war. Sending her media shock troops out against Bernie Sanders, a man already reviled for selling out to her in 2016, is an admission that she’s completely out of touch with the realities of 2019. What Hillary is missing is that the political calculus of her past is over. If you don’t speak for the people you cannot win today. She will not be able to remake herself into a populist. She is damaged goods at a fundamental level. The kids who voted for AOC will never vote for her. The Deplorables no matter how upset they are with Trump, if he stands firm on the wall and throws them some crumbs on foreign policy, will happily vote for him over her. Hillary’s not stupid, however. She knows the Democratic field is a puddle rather than a lake. So she is looking to destroy up front those candidates she thinks are the strongest. It’s why Fauxcahontas will get a pass because she’s a laughing stock and even more unlikeable than Hillary is. And that’s why Hillary’s throwing her hat in the ring now, via her proxies. But, between now and when she actually announces she will let her opposition Democrats fall on each other like zombies on the last corpse. Hillary 2020. It's just a matter of time.
  17. Purdue athletic department tops $100 million in revenue: https://www.jconline.com/story/sports/college/purdue/football/2019/01/28/purdue-athletic-department-tops-100-million-revenue/2701244002/ That is a heck of a jump in the football program's "support staff". What exactly does that include?
  18. If You Still Think the Shutdown Proves Government Is Important, You’re Seeing What You Want to See: http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/28/shutdown-lessons-2019 Here! Here!
  19. The city of Frankfort has already cancelled recyclables pickup on Wednesday due to the cold. I fully expect CSF to cancel school on Wednesday, possibly Thursday as well.
  20. Meh, like you have anything to worry about down there in balmy Seymour: https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/us/in/seymour?cm_ven=localwx_10day
  21. https://www.jconline.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/27/indiana-teacher-pay-how-holcombs-plan-could-widen-pay-gap/2660717002/ Smaller schools will soon be forced to consolidate or close their doors. The enrollment numbers will soon reach a point where it is economically unfeasible for them to stay open.
  22. https://www.indystar.com/story/weather/2019/01/28/indianapolis-weather-record-breaking-cold-temperatures-tuesday-night/2698744002/ Getting cold. Hope my new furnace can keep up. Spent the weekend wrapping some basement pipes and setting up some spaces heaters in attempt to keep pipes from freezing.
  23. I wonder if young Mr. Phinisee is rethinking his decision to attend I.U. instead of the hometown Boilermakers. Honestly it seems like half the current I.U. squad is just biding time, thinking they can be "one and done" and then head to untold riches in the NBA.
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