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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 3 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    No. I'm the only one calling out the BS by the GOP. 

    Have you ever noticed that, since 1920,  for every major disaster in our country's history, there was a GOP President in charge? 

    Great Depression? Hoover, GOP

    9-11? GWB, GOP

    Great Recession? GWB, GOP

    COVID-19? Trump, GOP

    It's like they, and the people who vote for them, plunge the country into chaos every time they are in charge. 

    Intellectually one of your lazier posts but what the hell I’ll pay along. 
    Man steps foot on the moon, July 1969, Republican President. And if Elon is going to step foot in Mars, you better vote R!

  2. 31 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    This is entirely the fault of the GOP. Trump was in the White House and the Red States fought mask mandates and distance learning. 


    Mississippi leads the way in COVID deaths per capita.

    Utah made people pull into weigh stations to screen for COVID. 

    Hawaii and Vermont are at the bottom, to no surprise. 

    We have a fair amount of data at this point, you might want to read up a little on how ineffective all this shit was, not to mention how destructive it was. No I’m not going post link, you’re a big boy at least you play on the internet. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    Is ANYONE still defending this guy?

    Serious question.

    Too many high level D’s saying no to 24, and they’re not saying it behind closed doors, in my opinion virtually zero chance he’s the nominee. 
    I read an interesting article the other day, Biden’s 24 run is based on whether Trump runs or not. In his mind I believe he honestly isn’t in his comfort zone, I think he has reservations about running, but he believes he’s the only person who can beat Trump. This will ultimately play out with his handlers, they don’t want to give up power, but they may not have a choice. And given the chance to hitch their trailer to a winner, they’ll flee like rats off a sinking ship. 
    Regardless of your politics, if we take a look at the last year and a half, I think you have to agree it’s been a shit show. Joe Biden couldn’t lead a line of ants to a bowl of jello. But in an all out war to displace the Orange Man, half of the country were willing to destroy the country. And as far as the COVID response,  BOTH parties are to blame, it was a boondoggle from the beginning. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, coachmay said:

    In 2012 the IFCA formed a 14 member committee with myself and Ryan Gallogly {Brebeuf HS} as Co-Chairmans. We put together a 3- part proposal to the IHSAA that included- Part 1- 6th class, Part 2- Success Factor and Part 3- seeding {see below}.

    I polled all the football playing schools Principals, AD's and Head Coaches in the state on all 3 proposals. Principals- 83% of the principals voted  & 85% voted YES, AD's- 86% of the AD's voted & 85% voted YES, Head Coaches- 96%of the head coaches voted & 91% voted YES. 

    We presented are proposal the indiana Athletic Directors committee and they voted 24-0 in favor of are 3 part proposal. Then we presented it to the IHSAA and they approved the 6th class, they approved their version of the success factor {ours was for 4 years not 2} and they did not approve seeding. 



     Coach May, we’ve always been told that 70% support from the Coaches and a blessing from the IIAAA was the basis for making changes. Did the committee offer any insight into why no seeding? Is this something the IFCA will advance again?

  5. I think it’s safe to say, as details come out, this young man, pulled off some Dirty Harry level stuff. 
    Had little to no cover when the shooter started. 
    Engaged the shooter starting at about 40 yards 

    Continued to close the distance between him and the shooter again, with little to no cover AND way out gunned. 

    Hit the shooter eight times out of 10 rounds fired. 

    Cleared bystanders while engaged with the shooter. 

    This young man, was in the right place at the right time and willing and able to do what had to be done. With NONE of the training, experience, firepower, and resources that the officers in Uvalde had. 

    This shooting has illuminated several points central to the firearm debate in this country. 
    Laws/policies will be ignored. 
    The ability to defend oneself is a fundamental right that should not be infringed. 
    Hitting an astounding 80% of shots taken, the hero fired his gun 10 times to stop the shooter. What if there were two shooters? What if he was wearing body armor? What if he only hit him two out of ten times? 10 round capacity mag laws only inhibit law abiding citizens from defending yourself. If you want a “why” this is pretty conclusive. 
    This was over in 15 seconds. Think about that very carefully, hundreds of lives were altered/ended by an event that last 15 seconds. Imagine your 22 year old self standing in line with your girlfriend to get a cookie…….

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  6. 1 hour ago, swordfish said:

    WTG Fox 59......SF did not expect to see this headline.....

    "Good guy with a gun shoots Bad guy with a gun BUT he broke the mall rules........?"


    ‘Good Samaritan’ with a gun stopped Greenwood Park Mall shooting, went against mall’s code of conduct

    GREENWOOD, Ind. — While police are crediting a Bartholomew County man for shooting and killing a suspect in the Greenwood Park Mall shooting, mall policy states he should not have been carrying to begin with.

    Greenwood Police Chief James Ison confirmed Sunday that the shooter was shot and killed by a man visiting the mall. The Good Samaritan, as police called him, was armed with a handgun.

    “The real hero of the day was the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in the food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began,” Ison said.

    Police say the 22-year-old from Bartholomew County had a legal gun permit. However, according to mall policy, the man should not have been carrying his handgun in the mall in the first place.

    Last updated in April 2020, Simon Property Group states in its code of conduct that no weapons are allowed at their shopping centers. The group is the owner of the Greenwood Park Mall.

    The property group has worked with Greenwood police for several planned security technology upgrades after recent incidents at the mall including two incidents where employees were held at gunpoint in the parking lot. These upgrades include license plate readers installed at mall entrances.


    Despite not following the mall’s code of conduct, Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers says the man saved lives.

    “Someone we are calling the ‘Good Samaritan’ was able to shoot the assailant and stop further bloodshed. This person saved lives tonight. On behalf of the City of Greenwood, I am grateful for his quick action and heroism in this situation.”


    We reached out to Simon Properties Sunday evening for a statement about the shooting. A spokesperson declined to comment, instead referring us to Greenwood Police.


    ALSO - WTF is a "Long-Gun Rifle"?


    In the Greenwood mall shooting, the gunman apparently used a long-gun rifle, Ison said, though law enforcement had not immediately recovered any weapons from the scene.

    IO knows people who were asked to leave a Simon Property because they were carrying handguns. 
    It should be pointed out in Indiana there is no criminal law against carrying on properties that are otherwise legal to carry, but the owners post as no firearms. They can ask you to leave or disarm, at which point you either comply or you will be cited for trespassing. 

    I was standing in line one day at the bank, guy in front of me has a giant knife in a sheath he’s carrying about five o’clock. He keeps fingering it and he appears to be tweaking to me. I keep moving to my left, then right to make sure I had a clean shot if he went for the knife. Guy finished his business and left. Teller says you see in a bit of hurry….I told her the story, she had no clue he had the knife but she was aware of his mental state. 

    One of the local banks I frequent is posted. Manager asked me one day if I saw the sign, to which I replied: “yep, it clearly states no Berettas, and I lifted my shirt and said as you can see, I’m clearly not carrying a Beretta. He just laughed and went about his business. 


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  7. 1 hour ago, swordfish said:

    SF is wondering how the news  is going to  report this  in the morning.  

    National media typically operates:

    A) Shooter uses a handgun, no real national attention. 
    B) Shooter uses a modern semi-auto rifle, but is stopped by a good guy with a gun, will usually warrant a little national attention, just enough to let the folks know the shooter used an “assault” rifle. 
    C) Shooter uses a modern semi-auto rifle and it plays out, CNN will be camped in the parking lot with round the clock coverage, pontificating, and live coverage of all the memorials. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    SF is tired of the tit-tat yada-yada so I googled it.......Looks like IO is right.....



    One of the studies listed in what I read I felt like did a great job of examining the cradle to grave emissions per vehicle, all the way thru the supply chain. Lithium is fairly expensive (expense in this context is relating to Co2 production associated with manufacturing) to mine but it produces HUGE Co2 emissions in it’s processing. According to this study, and I forget the total “cost” of each vehicle in terms of Co2 emissions. But they figured a normal car’s lifespan is about 180K miles. The electric car would have to go over 400K before is becomes a net winner in emissions over gas vehicles. 
    The bottom line all those people who keep touting “zero emissions”, they’re lying to you, and they’ve got their hand in your pocket the whole time they’re doing it. Hybrid is the now, let’s focus our short term THERE!

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  9. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    They may, and I've seen a number of ICE's catching on fire during these demolition derby.  But probably what you won't see in an EV demo derby is the smoke/vapor from a damaged cooling system, and the loud rumble from all those 8-cylinders engines.  It just wouldn't be the same, and an inferior product.


    No argument from me, as I’ve stated many times electric offers more speed, faster acceleration, more torque, etc, but it doesn’t sound like this:


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  10. 36 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Sources please. 

    Find them yourself, believe I made them up, whatever, I don’t care. 

    9 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    It's demolition derby season at numerous county fairs around the country.   Been watching a bunch of them via YouTube.  Great stuff like the figure-eight trailer races at Rockford Speedway:


    But watching these makes me wonder that the future holds for this great form of entertainment and sport once electric vehicles dominate the landscape.  Sorry, but I don't think watching a bunch of old Tesla's smashing into each other would be fun to watch.


    Then again, don’t batteries have a propensity for catching on fire if they’re damaged?

  11. 2 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Hybrid technology is the now. 
    Battery technology is the future. 
    The dirty little secret is the greenies can’t get past is the fact that “green” vehicles produce more Co2 in the manufacturing process than gas vehicles will produce over their lifetime. Hybrid tech gives us some of the benefits of battery, sans the huge amount of Co2 produced in manufacturing massive fuel cells. Coupled with savings in conventional fuels and emissions. 

    Which begs the question, why did Honda opt to pretend leave Formula 1 citing it’s commitment to renewable energy propulsion. 

  12. Hybrid technology is the now. 
    Battery technology is the future. 
    The dirty little secret is the greenies can’t get past is the fact that “green” vehicles produce more Co2 in the manufacturing process than gas vehicles will produce over their lifetime. Hybrid tech gives us some of the benefits of battery, sans the huge amount of Co2 produced in manufacturing massive fuel cells. Coupled with savings in conventional fuels and emissions. 

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  13. Majority of west coast ports are in one state, including the two largest in LA and Long Beach. Ports on the east coast are in multiple states. Not hard to understand why we always hear about how terrible the ports are on the west coast. There’s competition on the east coast and there’s not on the west coast. 
    I’m sure that and the fact that the vast majority of Asian imports come thur west coast ports purely from logistics standpoint. 

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