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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 3 hours ago, temptation said:

    The real question becomes:  will she still be “offended” by our country’s national anthem after we inevitably swap her for an arms dealer in the name of optics prior to the midterms?

    It’s really of no consequence for me. As an American it is her god given right to protest the government. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    So she must not be a "political prisoner" as you claim.  Just an American citizen who broke the laws of another country, got caught, was tried under the judicial system of that country, and is now paying the price.  

    Frankly she should receive no special consideration by the Biden administration and the State Department, aka making her a "political prisoner."




    So in your opinion nine years in prison is reasonable for a little weed in a vape cartridge? In your opinion her situation has in no way been influenced by the Ukraine war? No she should not have broken Russian law, which she allegedly did. 

    • Like 1
  3. Regardless of my thoughts on Griner, she is an American citizen being held as a political prisoner by another country. I would expect the full cooperation from the federal government in freeing her. 

    While I disagree vehemently with some of Griner’s methods of protest, as an American citizen she’s more than welcome to do so. 

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    But my car was made in 2021.

    What is your point you sick fuck?

    Are you trying to impress me with your wealth you sick fuck?

    Are you insinuating I can’t afford a year old Subaru you stupid fuck?

     I don’t drive a 20 year old truck you stupid fuck.

    I’ve never had COVID you stupid fuck?

    What is your fascination with me you sick fuck?

    Congrats on your new Subaru, man I can only aspire to such heights!

  5. 1 minute ago, Muda69 said:

    There has been talk of an overpass or underpass on 1-2 major streets in town, but nothing ever comes of it.  I think primarily because of the expense.  In the meantime the Fire Department has to maintain and staff two small fire stations on the north side of the tracks (the main fire dept. headquarters is south of tracks) in case they get a call while a train is basically splitting the town in half.


    We have had the same issue for years. Keep in mind Seymour is split into quarters, so yea, I feel your pain. The Louisville Indiana line upgraded their rail in southern Indiana, so at least the trains are fast now. 

  6. 55 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Agreed.  A busy railroad line run right through the middle of Frankfort, which a railyard on the west side of town.  The city is frequently cut in half, north to south, by stopped trains, up to as long as 30 minutes.    People around here bitch and complain about it but such is the cost of free enterprise.

    Seymour and Columbus have both built overpasses. 

  7. In an interesting move today the long rumored entry of Porsche as a power unit supplier to F1 has finally been out to paper. It’s still widely speculated what badge will adorn the engine cover, given Porsche’s long and storied racing past we  can only assume Porsche. But Audi and VW already heavily involved in Formula E have some background in the tech. 
    Again this is current hybrid technology and three very high profile European manufacturers are jumping in the deep end. Meanwhile on this side of the pond, Ford and GM are doing what?

    The really shocking part of the release was that Porsche also bought 50% of Red Bull Technology, which is the company that builds the chassis. 

  8. 9 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Well, considering COVID was released under a GOP President, and the COVID is pushing you closer to death, it might be better if Trump had been re-elected. You, with all of your pre-existing conditions, would probably be dead, which would be a net positive for this world. 

    And some of us also can afford to buy vehicles made in this decade. 

    You are a sick fuck. 

    • Thanks 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Dude is your mind just a series of random non-connected thoughts.


    1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    And now we are at the final "comeback" that your fat-ass can muster. 

    You, and the GOP, drove the country into the ground every time they held the Presidency in the 21st century, and one BIG time in the 20th. Your ballot is responsible for many of our nations woes, and it's provable. 

    Suffer, prole. 

    Your honor the prosecution rests.

    • Haha 1
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