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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. So would ol Joe rather get shot with a slow moving .45? I mean at around 850-1000 FPS at the muzzle, it should be safe by Biden’s speed analysis right? I mean the fact that one’s a 40 grain round and the other one is 250 wouldn’t  matter would it? 
    I think he’s missing the other part of Einstein’s equation. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    When exactly did the growth take off in Seymour and why is the city so attractive to Hispanics?

    Late 90’s early 2000’s. It became apparent early on Jackson County would not be able to supply the workforce needs of local industry that Jackson County Development Corp was bringing in. Within about a year of WalMart DC opening up, a manager told me we have approximately 100 new hires starting every week and we have people from 7 different counties. Cummins runs two buses a day from Greenwood and Whiteland bringing people to CIC. Which really sticks in my crawl when you look at the 10’s of millions they receive in grants and abatements, but that’s another conversation. 
    As I understand it a majority of the immigrants we have now are Guatamalan. Early on they were Mexicans, and the Guatemalans and the Mexicans don’t necessarily play well together. 
    I have heard estimates from locals, police, city hall, school officials, my wife, who say that anywhere from 30%-60% are illegal. 
    I frequent several Hispanic establishments, my experience is they are good hard working people just trying to raise a family just like the rest of us. 
    Without getting in the weeds, that’s kind of the situation, hey it always boils down to socioeconomic issues right, and while Seymour is doing well, it doesn’t necessarily translate to W’s on the Gridiron. 

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  3. Seymour just 13 miles away faces another set of problems. There is a very real chance they will be 6A in the not too distant future. Several construction sites going now and more in the works. If trends hold true Seymour would have an enrollment nearly 50% Hispanic and close to 35% non-English speaking. And while the options as far as Hispanic groceries and Mexican Restaurants have exploded around town, I’m not sure these numbers are conducive to success in the Gridiron or test scores in the spring. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, kingtut said:

    First home game for Linton and should be the first test for the Miners to see what kind of a team they have.  Linton is playing a lot of young players along with some seasoned veterans  returning at key positions, namely at QB, receiver, and running back.  Three tall receivers are good targets for senior QB Gennicks.  Gennicks is the leading rusher as well, taking one 96 yards last week at North Vermillion.  The first two games were running clock games and the varsity offense put up 106 points in the four quarters they played while the varsity D allowed 13 points.  Monrovia is much improved so we'll see if the Mines are deserving of the high rankings they have in the polls.  On a personal note, I didn't travel to the first two Miner games but I will be in attendance at this week's game, marking the 85th consecutive season I have attended Linton Miner football games.

    Hats off to you for supporting HS sports! 85 years, man that is awesome!

    • Like 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    No, you are just lazy. A older published date does not necessarily make that published research now invalid,  yet you strongly indicate that when research reaches a certain age it should automatically be discounted.



    FYI Darwin has a giant math problem that even he couldn’t solve. Since Darwin published his work, we have discovered many new technologies, most notably in Darwin’s case DNA. My point was Darwin based everything on 19th Century data, new technologies have merely exacerbated his math problem. Darwin is wrong because his data is old and outdated. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Ain’t that the truth. I can’t believe how bad they’ve been. Sadly, I’ve sat there and watched it in person both times this season. And I don’t even have to torture myself like that because I don’t have a kid or relative on the team. Yet here I am. Brutal.

    You want to talk about brutal, I’ve seen some brutal over the years. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    Maybe not lies, but kind of like Darwin, depending on old data can bite you in the ass. 
    They were clearly hotter early on, the second Gen fields not so much. Probably a little hotter than a natural grass field but when it’s 95 at KO, does it really matter?

    I can back none of my opinion up with scientific data, just from working on them the last 20 years. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Fkfootball said:

    Yeah they’d be ridiculous as well.

    I’ve basically done it. It’s like East, Jeffersonville, Floyd Central. In that order.

    East had strong years in the late 70’s early 80’s. Jeff used to be a lot stronger football program. 70’s and 80’s Jeff was a solid program, back in the Patterson days. Even under Ware early in his career Jeff was a program you had to deal with. Jeff has had a LOT lean years since. East had some lean years at the end of Stafford’s tenure. FC back in the day was usually solid, occasionally having a good year. Towards the end of the Weigleb tenure obviously during the ensuing years things went south. New Albany has been in a perpetual state of rebuilding for as long as I can remember. I can recall two decent teams in the years I’ve been around, other than that a lot of .500 or sub .500 seasons. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, Fkfootball said:

    It’s pretty evident that Columbus East has been the class of the HHC. Definitely the most dominant. Floyd Central and Jeffersonville have been the next 2 best programs in the HHC historically.

    I believe if I’m not mistaken FC was originally in the MSC. They were a smaller county school back then. 

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