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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 8 hours ago, Bobref said:

    What I remember about that game was it was on a Saturday. The previous week, Notre Dame had beaten #1 Florida State and moved into the #1 position in the polls. Our crew drove down to the game together, and I made them turn off the radio which was carrying the ND - Boston College game so we could concentrate on our pregame conference and be as ready as we could be for the game. Drove all the way, got dressed, went through our last minute stuff, and then walked out to the field with no idea what had happened in South Bend. I introduced myself to the chain crew and the first words out of the box man’s mouth were “Can you believe Notre Dame got beat by Boston College on a last minute field goal?” Just what I needed to hear going into a big game.

    That day was my first trip to ND Stadium, I was row 12, about 45 yard line behind the BC bench. I remember it like yesterday. I thought it would be an ND miracle finish, unfortunately BC had the answer all day. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    Would EC ever consider joining an Ohio Conference?  

    They have a great rivalry with Harrison, The I74 Battle, it’s pretty competitive, last time we saw we saw it EC took the trophy back from Harrison after 3 OT’s, and they rotate Indy/Cincy power schools thru the schedule while playing the conference schedule they’re required to play. Most years they’re going to win the conference and they’ll have a few weeks in there to lick their wounds after Roncalli, Chatard, Moeller, LaSalle, etc. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Old Man High Pants said:

    I also remember Jennings County & Madison being thrown out there. If it were the only option I would definitely take Madison & Jennings County over Connersville & Rushville but at this point I don't see the EIAC expanding any further unless those two were to leave. I'll beat a dead horse and say the conference should go back to 6 but who knows.

    The conference these days is a mess. Technically it was never set up as a 4A / 3A conference but a Big School / Small School conference. The 4A / 3A I believe was just easier to say, or market? The divisions will change this year with East Central, Connersville, Franklin County & Lawrenceburg being the Big Division. Greensburg, Batesville, South Dearborn & Rushville will be the Small Division. It's all so dumb, it'll be interesting once Franklin County drops to the Small School division forcing Greensburg back into the Big School division since Greensburg & East Central decided not to play anymore.

    I don't think you'll ever see South Dearborn, Lawrenceburg, East Central, Greensburg, or Batesville leave the EIAC. It's a great conference for all the athletic departments as a whole. Could East Central go fully independent in football? I know a lot of people would prefer that and I'd say fat chance but now that USC is going to be in the Big 10 never say never.

    I could eventually see Franklin County moving to another conference in the distant future. Brookville isn't going to grow while all the schools around them in the conference keep getting bigger. If they were to ever to drop down to 2A I could see them going to the TEC. But that's a long way away if ever.

    Connersville & Rushville could leave tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised. I think it's going to depend on some other Indianapolis area conferences though. There's been talk for a long time that Connersville & Rushville could join Richmond, Muncie Central & Anderson leaving the North Central with some Hoosier Heritage like New Castle, Delta & Yorktown. With Centerville moving up to 3A now I think that becomes even more of a viable league. 

    Connersville and Rushville have their own issues. Not sure where they fit conference wise, they have both wondered aimlessly since leaving the South Central Conference. I don’t see any end in sight for either of them until each community finds a way to lure people to their locale. Rushville’s issue is they’re just far enough away from Indy to not make the donut scene, New Pal comes to mind. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Unfortunately, I don’t have an article to provide as evidence and I can’t remember if I read about it or if I was told about it. However, when Jennings County, Madison, Seymour, and Columbus East started looking into leaving the HHC six years ago, Jennings County and Madison were looking into going to the EIAC. The EIAC wasn’t interested though because they liked their eight team, two division format. They liked having that perfect split with four teams in the 4A division and four teams in the 3A division.

    Having said that, I’m curious what the EIAC thinks these days. The previous classification cycle saw Franklin County move down to 3A. The newest classification cycle has South Dearborn also moving down to 3A. Therefore, East Central and Connersville are the only remaining 4A members in the EIAC. The divisions are still the same, however, and are still labeled as the 3A Division and the 4A Division. I wonder if that will ever change. Personally, I’d like to see them return to no divisions and a round-robin schedule. I don’t think East Central would go for it though. I think they like having the freedom to schedule Ohio schools and Indy privates.

    I think the breakout was instigated by a couple of idiot board members in Seymour. They tasked Seymour’s AD at the time to find another conference. Because geography plays a fairly important part, they could get five schools and really needed to get to six to have a viable option. BNL, Seymour, East, JC, and Madison. South Dearborn was the chosen one, but they had no interest in leaving the EIAC. 
    Hindsight being 20/20 Lawrenceburg may have been the better option, not sure they would leave the EIAC either. Huge natural rivals and they compete pretty well across the board in the EIAC. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Does anybody want to take a shot at how the standings will look this year? I feel like this is the most wide open the conference has been in a very long time. I personally don’t know what everybody has coming back this year. Columbus East will have much more experience and I believe I heard Floyd Central and BNL will be as well. New Albany will take a step back. I’m not sure about the situations at Jeffersonville and Seymour. As for Jennings County, I don’t think it matters what they have coming back. Yet another coaching change means yet another system to learn.

    Man I’m still hungover and counting my fingers….No clue. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    This is the biggest, strongest, and deepest era of Roncalli football in the history of the program.  The athletes of the past just dont measure up to the kids of the current era.  

    Thats not exclusive to Roncalli.  Its the way of the world in high school sports.  Many publics are experiencing the same reality.

    The faithful have been touting this run since these kids were in the 4th grade. 

    2 hours ago, The TW said:

    Then explain why Roncalli has put two players in a power five conference since 1984. 

    I saw this article on Facebook, and my first thought was DT. After reading it, I didn’t think the quality was high enough. Thanks for clearing up who wrote it. 

    Ehhh, he wrote an article last fall about the best lineman in the state and somehow missed Trevor Lauck. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Boilernation said:

    Yeah. Ratings and who is on BTN don’t matter. All that matters is BTN being added to cable packages.

    At some point but not now. My guess is non-west coast alums will love to be able to catch a 7:00pm tip-off on BTN. 
    UCLA/USC bring a ton on content to the deal as well, seems like a great marriage for soccer. 

  8. On 12/8/2021 at 12:25 PM, Bobref said:

    7. Coaches' vote dependence influences officiating behavior in a negative way.

    It stands to reason that since advancing in the playoffs is a goal for many crews, the officials on those crews will adopt behaviors they perceive as more likely to help them advance. Unfortunately, those behaviors do not necessarily correlate with good officiating practices. In same case, the coaches' vote system has operated to reinforce negative behaviors. Two examples come to mind.

    First, sideline management and control has been a point of emphasis for a number of years. This is a safety issue, not a cosmetic or "territory" issue. As a consequence, the IHSAA has repeatedly urged officials to strictly enforce the restricted area and sideline rules. In contrast, many coaches don't like that. They like to be as close to the sidelines as possible, or even a little way out on the field, so that the players on the field can easily see and hear them. There is a perception among officials that coaches react negatively to being told to get off the field, get out of the restricted area, etc., and that negative reaction manifests itself in the coaches' vote. So, some officials are lax in enforcing the sideline rules in the belief they are avoiding the negative effect on their coaches' vote rating.

    A second area where the fear of an unfavorable coaches' vote causes some officials to let things slide is uniform violations. The IHSAA has been very clear with its officials. They want uniform violations cleaned up. Uniform adornments, pants or jerseys that are too short, face paint that looks like it came right out of Braveheart, etc., all those things need to be caught in the pregame and corrected. But more than one coach has expressed frustration when a crew member comes up to him just before game time and informs him that he's got 10 kids with illegal face paint and two that are wearing pants that don't cover the knee. So, some officials let those things slide. And it's not a defense that they are "nitpicky." We all have a boss. Our boss wants those rules enforced, so we should enforce them.

    Although the vast majority of coaches undoubtedly participate in the process in an ethical way, every official has a story about a coach who threatened a bad coaches' vote after a controversial call. Such conduct is grounds for an immediate unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, but again, apprehension about the effect such an action would have on a coaches' vote -- one that would follow a crew for several years -- sometimes prevents officials from doing what they should. 

    In short, while incentivizing behavior that leads to better officiating is a goal of our process, in this regard the coaches' vote actually works contrary to the articulated goal.

    Someone’s been listening to Freakonomics. Incentives seldom achieve the state goal. 

  9. 32 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    I am a white male “senior citizen, raised a Catholic, and almost retired from a long white collar career. I do not consider myself a liberal. I didn’t vote for Clinton, Obama, or Biden. The Dobbs decision is unlikely to ever affect me in a direct way. But if I were a person of color, or a woman, or a Muslim, or a member of the LGBTQ community, I’d be scared sh*tless right now. Dobbs and the coach’s prayer case tell me that the Christian Right is in control. If the GOP gets control of the House in the midterm elections, we are going to see many, many freedoms that were previously thought firmly entrenched get rolled back. We may well be entering a period when intolerance will reach new heights in this country. We are supposed to be an enlightened society. But I fear the 21st century equivalent of the Dark Ages is looming.

    Ehhh, I think you give the R’s too much credit, whatever they try to do, they’ll blow it, they always do. 

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