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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, HHF said:

    I always thought those two schools secretly loathed each other and would never lift a finger to assist the other, competitively that is.  

    Heresy bumped to another level.


    Once again, you don’t know what you don’t know, but such is the state of journalism today. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, DE said:

    Complete disaster.

    In his SOTU, he called the Ukrainians, IRANIANS or URANIANS and refused to name the 13 brave, heroic soldiers who were killed b/c of his inept leadership.

    I can’t imagine the pain it caused the man, but why does he continue to bring his son up every time KIA’s are brought up? He son did not die in combat. 

    • Kill me now 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    And no one else can do that? The notion that only those who have lived an experience can express a legitimate opinion and discuss the subject intelligently is a particularly harmful kind of close-mindedness. 

    You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

    Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan


    Anyone who can sneak a Dylan quote in, is OK with me!

    • Like 2
  4. Mrs IO just finished her second go around with COVID. She is vax’d per her doctors orders, and had her first case late October. She got to go back to work from the second round 1/31. She has had a persistent cough since her first case. It has finally gotten better in the last week or so, but she’s still hitting the cough syrup occasionally. 
    Sue was pretty fortunate in that she was never really sick with it. Her second bout she did say she had a headache for several days. Mrs IO had the antibody infusion the first time but it wa not offered the second time. I read in the mean time the “government” has suspended shipments of the antibody meds during a changeover to an updated version.  It was reported that the new meds were in fairly short supply initially and they were saving for the most at risk people. 
    During Mrs IO’s latest case, both little IO’s along with one girlfriend all had it. None related as we hadn’t been around each other. Best of luck to your wife, you might look into “long haul COVID”. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, bucksfan said:

    I have known Coach Rodenberg a long time and followed his career although never worked for him.  

    I have know Coach R along time and followed his career although I haver worked for him.   We spoke right before he left Roncalli, and he told me Roncalli and most private school always have money when they want something or someone.  I have been in and out of many private schools throughout my career and I would have to agree with Coach Rodenberg on this. So all though the stipends might be set on paper, that does not mean that is the only money to be paid for someone a school wants.

    Has the interview process even started yet?

    Roncalli did just have their athletic fundraiser a couple of weeks ago, they should be flush with cash. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, HHF said:

    I lead, you follow.  Its always been that way, and its the way it always will be.

    Some of us are born to lead and clear the path.  We are very few in number, but with great resolve we forge ahead , breaking thru barriers and fighting off detractors.

    I much prefer to lead than follow.  

    The majority of the members here either lack original thought, or are incapable of translating those thoughts via the written word.  

    Its been my pleasure to provide that service for them.

    So not only are you riding TA’s coat tails with the vehicle that he DK, Jimmie, etc. built, you’re also claiming intellectual dominance of the audience you hope to monetize at some point. You’re truly a piece of work. 

    Lastly busted, I’ve been a follower all my life…..as I told you earlier, you are the definition of not knowing what you don’t know. 

  7. I’m sorry, I can’t get past #1. I think you’re mind is slipping a little in your retirement. I seem to remember things being a bit more heated back in the day of The Horde. And you bringing up your nostalgic memory of TA is laughable. He is the guy who banned you from this forum for doing the same shit you’re doing right now. You’re here because the GID has the fan base you need. The bottom line is you don’t have whatever it takes to accomplish whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish. 

    I believe you have some insight, knowledge, and could be a contributor for HS Football in the state of Indiana. It’s the disingenuous ego driven manner in which you do it that rubs people wrong. The post is a prime example, once I read the first item, most of the rest of it is dismissed based on the fact the first paragraph is total BS.   

    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Fkfootball said:

    I’m not sure what you mean?

    This is true, but he wasn’t there long enough. You don’t turn around a program like that in 2-3 years. It starts in the youth system. 

    Aside from a couple of parochial powers, running the CYO Toss, I can’t remember the last time I saw Power I, the 80’s maybe? 

    I’m not sure of the MS program of late, but thru the years, JC HC changes didn’t necessarily mean youth/MS coaching changes. I’m not sure the HC has any control over the youth program. I think there are some good guys there doing the best they can, I think they could use some coaching and some new blood. Year in and year out over the last probably 8-10 years, hands down the best youth teams in the conference are Madison. They are well coached, disciplined, and the play hard. And they don’t do anything the HS does, they run single wing, and they run it well. It makes zero sense to me. 

  9. 3 hours ago, temptation said:

    He provides more content (agree with it or not) than every other user on this board combined.

    You pretend he doesn’t matter and you pay him no attention but you take a shot at him below the belt at every opportunity.

    I quit paying attention to him after his second retirement. Anyone advocating the contraction of HS Football programs clearly does not understand the point of a HS Football forum. I assure everyone, Roncalli will be fine. Coach Rosenberg will be fine, and the sun will most assuredly come up tomorrow. 

    • Like 6
    • Disdain 1
  10. 54 minutes ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    There were jokes made when I was in high school about their high Hispanic population. I brushed it off thinking it wasn’t any higher than what Columbus had, but I also didn’t take percentage of the population into account. It’s crazy to hear it’s now nearly 1/3 of the total population. I guess I still look at Seymour as a bit of a backwoods area and not as something that would attract minorities.

    Superintendent told me fall of 20 it was about  32%-34% and it hasn’t gotten any smaller since. I am told by those in the know the majority of newcomers are Honduran and Guatemalan. 
    County line is about 1 1/2 miles north of me, perhaps the urban chic is bleeding over from Bartholomew County. 

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