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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 2 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    I just realized 16 will be losing BNL too since the Stars are now a 4A school. If Cathedral gets moved up to 6A and New Palestine gets moved back to 4A then I could see Whiteland, Franklin, Columbus East, and Seymour being in sectional 14. Then I could see sectional 16 going back to an alignment they used in the past where Floyd Central, New Albany, Castle, and Evansville North are together.

    Seymour as well as CE will be 5A. 
    Seymour’s growth is mostly Hispanic, amounting to nearly a 1/3 of enrollment. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    Of course, you’re also a coach yourself, so ….

    IO has been has been retired for several years. And the one of the main reasons was…….parents. My last season we were like 12-0, ranked, and I had to talk to a mom who’s kid had started and played every game, she was unhappy about where the kid was playing. It was about that point IO wondered why he had missed most of his own kid’s college career for this shit?

    • Like 1
  3. We had the JC/Mooresville game. Pretty much the entire game there was literally some loudmouth standing at the rail, yelling at the coaching staff most of the game. I really felt horrible for the coaching staff. This season was a bad situation in general, but no one should have to be subjected to that. Imagine an official feeling bad for a coach who’s being yelled at. 
    As far as the Wrestling program, you don’t want to be the guy who follows the legend. 
    Good luck to the Panthers. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    I confess I haven’t followed this story. Was the weapon a revolver? Was there only one round loaded? If there were multiple rounds, was this the only “live” one?

    Initial reports were the armorer involved in the movie was somewhat inexperienced. I don’t think she had ever been a head armorer  before on a movie. It was widely reported at the time that the weapons were basically kept on set on a table and were available to to cast and crew where several people had taken the guns into the dessert to fire live rounds. The gun involved was a old timey single action revolver. So it’s not just a matter of pulling the trigger, you also have to pull the  hammer back prior to firing. 

    1) Assume every gun is loaded. 
    2) Never point a gun at something you’re not willing to destroy. 
    3) Make certain of your target and what’s beyond. 
    4) Never put your finger on the trigger until you are on target. 
    These simple rules do not change on a movie set. Typically guns used in movies are real guns, not “prop” guns. 
    Guy Relford had Michael Grasso on his show back in October. Grasso has been the armorer on over 400 films. Very enlightening as to the workings of having firearms on a movie set. Oddly enough the podcast seems to have disappeared. I can’t find it online and it’s no longer in my library. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Other schedule changes thus far:

    - Jennings County will open the season at South Dearborn. The Panthers opened with a neutral site game against Norwell this year. They’re trading one Knights team for another.

    - Seymour, who had opened with South Dearborn the last four years, will now open the 2022 season at Greenwood.

    - Seymour will also have a change in week 9. After Madison every year since 1997, the Owls will now host Bloomington South (as mentioned by @MuleDriver)

    - Not really a schedule change but Jeffersonville will be playing at Bell County (KY) in week 1. Jeff was supposed to host them this year in week 1 but COVID kept it from happening.

    BNL, Floyd Central, and New Albany’s schedules are listed as incomplete on John Harrell’s website. Here’s what we do know:

    - BNL still has Martinsville and Bloomington North as their opponents for weeks 1 and 2. Madison is still their week 8 opponent.

    - Floyd Central doesn’t have any non-conference opponents listed yet but I believe @Fkfootball had mentioned at the beginning of this past season who the Highlanders will be playing.

    - New Albany will still play Bloomington South in week 1 and Bloomington North in week 6. No opponent listed yet for week 2 but that was Gibson Southern this past season.

    Thru the miracle of conference realignments and other scheduling changes, I will finally get to see Louisville Male that I’ve heard so much about in 2022. 

    • Haha 1
    • Kill me now 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Bobref said:

    They only had 1 ball? 😂🤣😅   

    The game was ended. I think the ball is probably still in my garage somewhere. 


    10 hours ago, foxbat said:

    Was that something tied to the league or to the type of play in 8-man adult ball? 

    I recall when I was first introduced to lacrosse, there seemed to be a LOT of incidental activity between, during, and after the action.  You kind of had to take it with a grain of salt or it would get out of hand kind of quickly.  After a while you get used to the extracurricular activity although getting checked in the concession stand line getting a hot dog and in the parking lot seemed to be a bit much. 🙂

    The actually had a fine structure if people got out of hand. I actually think the league ended after that game. A lot of these guys were former college players. And obviously a bunch of wannabes who thought they could ball. The play in question a team from Fairdale, KY was playing a team from Salem at Salem HS. Fairdale had the ball and were attempting to run out the clock. Safety from Salem come flying up, isn’t close to timing the snap, drops his head and goes straight into the snapper, who had no clue what was coming. Dude literally fell over backwards out cold. It scared the shit out of me, I thought he was dead. I declared the game over, took the game ball and headed to my truck. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/23/2021 at 11:47 AM, oldtimeqb said:

    I played one year in an adult 8 man league post-college.

    We started the year solely 2 TE, I formation but started experimenting with this new-fangled Shotgun formation. Lol

    I can imagine in today’s RPO world, all that space could cause some high scoring games. 

    I used to officiate an 8-man adult league in southern Indiana. It was nuts, but they paid well and paid cash. The league told us up front they would not allow any BS and they didn’t, we had complete authority. I did it for about three years. Last game I did was a championship game and it got out of hand near the end. Last play left the center unconscious after a cheap shot and I ended the game with about 1:30 left on the clock. I took the ball, got in my truck and left. Not sure if they played after that or not. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 22 hours ago, MuleDriver said:

    Bhss beat roncalli I believe the only year they played.  I'll check but bhss lost badly to chatard all three times.  I'm guessing chatard wanted some stiffer competition. 

    Roncalli and BHSS played in 18, first year of the contract. BHSS won, and promptly cancelled the contract. BHSS picked up Edgewood, and Roncalli picked up an Ohio school in 19. In 20 neither team could find a decent game and the elected to play a one time deal. However Covid cause BHSS to not only miss the Roncalli game, but also Chatard. I believe Chatard is the only team in the CCC that BHSS has played consistently. 

    The season is still nine weeks long, BHSS is still missing the week 8 game for 22. Roncalli has Elder, I believe this is the second year of a four year deal. I would guess based on past experience they will either play someone really good or really bad. I know there weren’t a lot of options for week 8 in 2020. 


  9. 19 hours ago, MuleDriver said:

    Interesting schedule change , John harrell has Seymour hosting bloomingtin south week 9 2022. These two haven't payed since they were both members of the s.c.c back in early 90s.  Bhss also travels to nahs week 1. I'm sure hoping our starting qb and rb don't have to sit again vs Na week 1. ......... unsure the future of conference indiana but I wouldn't mind seeing bhss join the hhc. I don't think it will happen . I think bhss would join the mid state before anything else. But have heard the mid state  is picky about its member schools....

    Isn’t week 8 and or 9 traditionally crossover weeks for CI and CCC? I know BHSS has seemed less than eager to play some of these games, cancelling the Roncalli 4 year contract after the first year, only to have to pick them back up when they both had open dates. Then of course the Covid hit. 

    So my question is if BHSS has picked up Seymour for week 9, what does this mean for the crossover games? Seemed like a great idea with competitive games even though CCC is typically smaller schools. 

  10. 8 hours ago, temptation said:

    We are taking about BEN DAVIS and WARREN CENTRAL.  Two schools near/above 4000 students who eat, sleep, and breathe football and have for 4 decades often at the expense of other sports and programs.

    Center Grove and Carmel are sending double figure kids to the next level annually while BD/Warren are sending a handful combined.  

    Save the “monster freshman class” nonsense for a couple of years.  So many variables to consider before taking that comment seriously.

    Its not hard to see where things are trending and save me the “it’s cyclical” argument.  BD and Warren will continue to compete and dominate “the new MIC” solely based on enrollment advantages. 

    As recently as 20-25 years ago, IPS schools were competitive in multiple sports on a state wide level and now they are an afterthought.  Marion County schools have now taken on that moniker in most sports due to simple socioeconomic shifts and urban sprawl.

    Money talks and the suburbs have it.  I walk the front lines daily and can tell you that by the time many kids at most Marion County schools reach the practice field at 3pm, they have already fought multiple battles that most suburban kids don’t have to.  It’s a much steeper climb.

    Why don’t schools like Warren and BD compete for state titles in sports like golf, tennis and swimming?  Shouldn’t they be able to?  They have 4000 kids!  Are their coaches not trying hard enough?

    I encourage anyone to job shadow me and see the trauma that many kids in the city experience on a daily basis.  It’d blow your mind and you have to see it to believe it.

    Do some quick research on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  It’ll do you some good.

    Not hard to figure out, the particularly in the money making sports. The power shift from metro schools to township schools, and now to the suburban schools. Many reasons for it, but it always boils down to two factors, numbers and socioeconomic. 

  11. 10 hours ago, ragdoll said:

    Casey is a legit college O coordinator who could become a head coach at that level. He is sharp in seeing the field, understanding the game. If Matt Canada or Cam Cameron could be NFL O's, I have no doubt he has that ability. If he believes this is right for him, then I have no doubt he will compile the staff and, in time,  they will build a team that will make a championship contender if the support from the admin/community is there. I can only guess that the ongoing success of CG has had an affect on the admin and people in the Indian Creek district and a hunger for sustained success has developed.

    IC has some history of decent ball. I think the support is there. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock over the past 24 hours, I’m sure you’ve heard the news about the Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference voting out Carmel and Center Grove and the two schools pitching to join the Hoosier Crossroads Conference. Without rehashing a topic we’ve repeatedly beat a dead horse over, I simply ask whether this big move will cause ripple effects throughout the state in regards to conference affiliation. While the situation is still very much fresh and fluid, I could personally see a domino effect happening that would affect the HHC. Admittedly, I’m not privy to any inside information but I would like to think there is some validity to my speculation. What do you guys think?

    Potentially. I’m privy to some info I can’t share. I can say a good friend of mine who’s an Indy area AD says there’s all kinds of proposals flying around. 
    I think taking the haves out of the HCC and the MIC and going their way, the have nots do the same thing and go their separate way makes a lot of sense.

    There has been bit of a power shift going on, it’s moving from the townships to the suburbs. 

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  13. On 12/7/2021 at 2:46 PM, RetiredCoach91 said:

    Whats the offseason look like for the conference teams? Saw online some teams around the state doing open workouts this time of year. Any conference teams have winter practices going? 

    I believe limited contact period has/will begin around this time of December. I would guess most teams in the state are beginning in school out of season limited contact sessions. 

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