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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Here is exactly the reason I quit worrying about this crap years ago, you can have any kind of system you want, if you’re not going to live with it, what’s the point?

    #2 ranked crew who was eligible was sitting at home this weekend. 
    #23 crew who was SS eligible did not work a regional. 
    Rumor has it the 6A crew was observed yesterday for the 8th time this season, can ANYONE explain the point of that?

    Perhaps I’m jaded, perhaps I’m just cynical, or perhaps I’m just tired of being pissed on and being told it’s raining. 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    @Impartial_Observer this is why no one has had a treason trial... yet. 

     So you would have us believe, that the going’s on on January 6, were so dire, such a threat to our nation, so damning, yet judges and prosecutors are too lazy to prosecute them? Sure, makes perfect sense to me. God only knows there are no hot shot young prosecutors out there wanting to make a name for themselves. Would you care to share with the group what strain you’re smoking, I’d love some for myself. 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 11/16/2021 at 7:35 AM, boilerfan87 said:

    Agreed. Hats off to Coach Cooley & Co. 

    But you pose a good question. Who has made it that far besides East? Seymour in 99 (who also lost to Cathedral in Semi State)? That's it, it would appear. That would make NA just the 2nd team besides East to advance that far. 


    But yes, give me Cathedral this weekend. 

    Agree hats off to Coach Cooley and his staff. Good to see him have some success after being in a couple of less than ideal situations. 

    • Like 1
  4. Curious if any of our legal types have listened to these proceedings? In listening to jury instructions this morning, the judge had three days to come up with jury instructions and he has stumbled and stuttered through this whole thing. 
    I believe the trial is a sham, this prosecutor has clearly been pressured into charging this young man without having a real case. That being said, I’m also curious as to our legal guys take on the judge’s behavior during the trial?

    • Like 1
  5. On 11/4/2021 at 1:10 PM, DanteEstonia said:

    And you are like a land whale who hid away from here for almost a year after Trump failed in his coup attempt.


    1) Perhaps with age comes wisdom, the wisdom to realize that engaging with people like you is not a worthwhile exercise.

    2) Coup attempt? How many people involved have been charge with treason, insurrection, or any of the scary words the media likes to throw around?

    3) Perhaps your miserable attempts to bully me have driven me away?

    4) Why wrestle with pigs? 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    Not sure how I let this momentous occasion get by me.......congrats HHC fans on reaching the 100 page milestone. 😄

    I kid

    Now back to your regularly scheduled conversations

    I’m reminded of what Joe Goodman told me when I congratulated him on number 200, in his gravely voice he said “well in reality it just means I’ve been doing this a long time.”

    In our case we're just too lazy to start a new thread, besides ain’t this one ain’t broken. 

    • Like 1
  7. I had an incident many years ago when I was coaching where I refused to let my team take the field with what I deemed unsafe weather conditions. There is a back story, I’ll spare you the gory details. We were on the road, I called my AD and explained the situation. He said he had my back, do what I felt was best for the safety of our players. Ultimately we ended up playing, after I deemed it safe for us to return to the field. And the game went on without incident. But after some discussion with my AD, I found out, the IHSAA takes withdrawing, forfeiting, not playing a scheduled game is in fact a very serious deal with them. We had no issues, but as a coach, my players safety will ALWAYS come first. 

  8. On 11/6/2021 at 2:39 AM, tango said:

    Here is the question... Will @Lysander make a trip south to watch his EC Trojans on Saturday in the friendly confines of Enlow Field? I'm doing chili and dogs, so plenty of food (and liquids) will be available. I just wish EC had picked Friday night....

    Bigger question will Mrs. Lysander allow him to wonder that far away from home unattended. I would trust her judgment on this issue. 

    • Haha 1
  9. I had a friend text me the initial sequence with the shove in the back that started the melee. Then saw the video of the “fight”. It just saddens me to see such events. I have no idea of history of the two teams, mood of the game, etc. This whole thing just seems a microcosm of society today. Sports are suppose to be a diversion, something enjoyable to entertain us, part of the educational process for the participants. These kind of events just puts a black eye on everything. 

    The IHSAA has a history of dealing with these sorts of things pretty harshly and I’m sure they will be in the office bright and early this morning dealing with this situation. I just think it’s time we as a society stand up and say “this type of behavior is unacceptable under any circumstances”.  I am in no way attempting to place blame on anyone in particular, I’m sure there’s plenty of blame to go around. 

    • Like 5
  10. 2 hours ago, RetiredCoach91 said:

    In regards to the Jennings County opening, what do they need to do to turn things around? Do they need to take the Madison approach and leave the HHC? Without seeing them, just how far off are they from actually competing within the conference? Is the interim keeping the job and getting them on the right track?

    First thing you need to do is talk to Howard Jones. Find out what he did. 

    • Like 2
  11. 49 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    The dictionary picture for "insecure lunatic".

    Were you listening to the Dude’s story Donnie? Then you have no frame or reference…..you’re like a small child who wonders into the middle of a movie……

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    We have a 100% graduation rate and a 99% college placement rate. We'll take any public/private school kid tomorrow that likes those chances. Way better chance getting to college than getting playing time. And, if you think we sustain full enrollment without recruiting you're crazy. We beat the streets constantly for good kids. It's hard as hell to find parents committed to the sacrifice of $15k/annual. There are are certain forms of aid, but way less than the public and DT/temptation would mislead you to think. 

    Any Catholics wonder why everyone hates them 🤷‍♂️

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