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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. On 3/8/2022 at 11:55 AM, DE said:

    Hate to bring this into the discussion, but it will be discussed sooner rather than later....

    With the price of gas now well over $4.00/gallon, you will likely see the drum being beaten to raise officials pay.  

    Doesn’t really have to do with gas, I’ve turned down a couple of SB games that were an hour plus away from home and only paid 60 bucks. It’ll be shitty softball, I’m probably five hours in from work to game to home, for 60 bucks…..nah. McDonalds is paying 15ish and hour to start right now. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    What Old-Time Saloons Tell Us About the Pandemic's Damage



    This country was built on alcohol. 


    2 hours ago, swordfish said:

    SF has done his part supporting local breweries during this pandemic (so long as they offer a dark stout - if you can see through your beer, it ain't beer IMHO).  

    Glad to have many of the old local haunts opening back up that survived this plandemic........

    For years when IO is out of his geographic home base, I always ask if they have any local brews. 
    IO wonders at the science behind brewing/distilling. This past season of Moonshiners Tim Smith took a trip to several Mexican tequila and Mezcal distilleries. Fascinating generations old operations. The mix of science and art is truly amazing. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. I’ll never not laugh at this and since the term “ghost gun” is in high rotation, enjoy the chuckle. 
    For anyone who doesn’t know, you are able to build a firearm for personal use, it need not be serialized. You can not legally sell it. My guess is you are FAR more likely to find guns at crime scenes with serial numbers scratched off than not having any to begin with. To buy an 80% receiver, then do the work required to turn it into a functional firearm my guess is beyond the means or work ethic to be employed by many criminals. 


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  4. On 4/9/2022 at 10:18 AM, Muda69 said:

    Or maybe non-profit healthcare really isn't "non-profit" like they say it is?


    I’ve done a lot of work in the healthcare field from the buildout standpoint. What you typically find is there is a mishmash of corporate entities in any given hospital enterprise. Some are for profit and others are not. For instance locally there is a company that owns all of the hospital’s real estate, they are for profit. While the hospital itself is non-profit. You also have various subsets within the hospital that are for profit, for instance if the ER is staffed out of house, or radiology I believe is require by law to have a third party read test results, etc. Long story short it’s very difficult to say it is or isn’t a non-profit business. 

    • Kill me now 1
  5. 2 hours ago, DE said:

    yes, but what i am saying is, when you have a justice w such a lenient mode of thinking in regards to violent criminals, if something got to the sc, she is sitting there w her ultra weak punishment stances.

    Ehh, she’s one of nine and she’s replacing a justice that typically lands on the left side of the aisle, not a hill I’m willing to die on. A LOT of Indy’s problems could be solved by just having a judge look at a criminal’s record and decide bail accordingly rather than have a prescribed bail schedule. This is just simple local policing/justice fixes that will never rise to the level of SCOTUS. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, DE said:

    Not to mesh the 2 threads, but now with biden's hand picked justice, good riddance....would expect to see more lenient sentences to come.

    I know.  I know.  The lefties/rinos/never Trumpers will have yet another excuse.

    I disagree, I think if you look at this locally, which ultimately it is, I think you can get changes made. I think there is a reasonable chance changes may be coming to Indy/Metro. I don’t think SCOTUS has jack shit to do with the issues I’m talking about, automatic bonds, taxpayer funded bail, if they need to go to prison, send them to prison.


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  7. A very small percentage of the population commits violent crimes in a metro area. The neighborhood knows who it is, the police know who it is, the prosecutors know who it is, remove them from society. These people don’t fear death, they fear being locked in a cell. Marion County is a prime example of prison reform gone wrong and how being woke costs people their lives. 

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  8. 6 hours ago, Bobref said:

    I guess it is a question of expectations. Anyone who expected political leaders to be able to deal efficiently with a virus never seen before, let alone studied, amidst a global pandemic in the 21st Century, was always being unrealistic. Too many people think real life is like TV: “A global pandemic, but don’t worry, we’ll figure it out and have it handled by the next commercial break.” Science doesn’t work that way. It especially doesn’t when you add in all the politicos who sought to make political hay out of the pandemic.

    Trust me Bob, the bar was not set real high in my expectations of the government. I believe in the Hippocratic Oath, it mentions something about “do no harm”.  

  9. 11 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:Have you ever taught in the inner city of Las Vegas?

    Which is the main reason one size fits all solutions passed from on high are a horrible idea. Teachers face different issues teaching in inner city Las Vegas than they do in rural schools in Indiana.  No one in Washington is going to held responsible for those “solutions”, no one in Indianapolis, no one in Carson City is going to be held responsible for those “solutions”, but local school boards could be held accountable. 

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