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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. On 12/25/2020 at 9:10 PM, southend said:

    The rivalry started when Myron moriority  was hired at south from up north. He was a star athlete at St Joseph in Rensselaer. Then coached up north at lake central, if I’m not mistaken. Maybe not. But anyway he came to Bloomington and went up against his high school coach at Martinsville.  Was a big rivalry game for several years, with both programs producing multiple all state players and D1 recruits. Bloomington north never has had the coaching to create a good rivalry. They came into existence in ‘74. So martinsville was always the challenge for Bloomington High School up to that point in football and basketball. Not so much now. 

    I can attest the game isn’t nearly what it was when Bill Siderwisz/ Moriarity we’re on the sidelines. To a lesser extent when Joey was coaching.

  2. 57 minutes ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Good old Chuck Hurley. Never met the guy but I’ve heard so many stories about him from my dad and my father-in-law. Just talked about him last week actually.

    Honestly, I do think Jennings County would fare better in the EIAC than in the HHC. Outside of East Central, Lawrenceburg, and maybe Batesville I think they would be much more competitive overall. Maybe not record-wise but I think games would be closer. They swept their three game series with Connersville from 2018-2020. The last ten years (2008-2017) of their annual week 2 game with Greensburg was tied 5-5 (JC leads 15-14 overall). I don’t think Rushville would be much competition. Franklin County and South Dearborn may get more wins on Jennings County than vice versa but I could see those games being one to two possession games on average.

    Chuck Hurley was one of the finest men I ever met.

    Rushville and Connersville are a given in Football. I’m talking about across the board, they might fare a little better in Men’s basketball, but across the board, I think it’s about a wash. 

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, WWFan said:

    I agree to an extent and as stated have no dog in the fight. But as you stated what does playing Clarksville (recently dropped for Floyd Central) pekin, Scottsburg do for SC in post season? If you can compete with these schools in every other sport why not take your lumps in football and be better prepared for tourny play? I agree they arent ready for CE to come down here or maybe even NA. The area itself seems to be rapidly growing. Even Charlestown is like 75 students off 4A. To me I look at it as if im SC. If you continue to grow and gain more and more kids I feel youll outgrow the MSC. Next year if Clarksville doesn't go independent the conference will probably have 1A-4A schools. It just feels they are outgrowing them is all and im not sure where else they would go. Again....10 years from now 

    Likewise I don’t have a dog in the fight. I know as of last fall there was no thoughts of leaving. I get what you’re saying, and with a brand new school system, there are a lot of wild cards that at this point are just unknown. I’m not familiar with the inner workings of the MSC either. 


  4. On 12/18/2020 at 12:32 PM, WWFan said:

    Well you're the one who said they are another Madison. That's how this got started. He listed proof in tons of areas (other sports) that dispute that claim and all you have said is "they didn't win sectional." I have no dog in this fight and don't get on here to just argue but Silver Creek is better then Madison. Will they leave MSC or could they even be a top force in HCC in say 10 years? Who knows. But they wouldn't just be bottom feeders year in and year out. Thats my opinion

    I would agree SC wouldn’t be bottom feeders in the HHC. I’m sure they already play a nearly full HHC schedule in most sports aside from football.

    Regarding Football, first off hats off to SC in what they’ve managed to build in a short time frame. I’ve seen them several times over the last 10 years and seen the growth. That being said there is a big difference in playing 1 game a year against bigger schools and the depth they bring and playing an entire season. How many people did SC have playing both ways this year? Then think about replacing Clarksville, Scottsburg, Eastern Pekin, etc., with Jeff, NA, BNL, etc. As the season grinds on, it becomes a cumulative effect. I’m not trying to belittle any of the programs listed, just for comparison.

    All of this is fun to speculate about, from my conversations with people in the know, SC has no interest in a conference change, and honestly why would they? They are typically among conference leaders across the board and they’re growing while already being the biggest school in the conference they’re in. 


  5. On 12/18/2020 at 11:24 PM, Frozen Tundra said:

    There’s a split in the community about whether downgrading from an HHC schedule is the right thing to do. Some feel the HHC has passed up the rural/small town makeup it used to have and is becoming too big for a small community like Jennings County. The fear is that they won’t be able to compete and will continue to lose athletes and fan support.

    The other school of thought is that leaving is the easy way out and admitting failure. These folks also believe they should stay in the HHC because they helped found it. They also believe there is potential to compete in the HHC.

    If Jennings County were to leave the HHC, the EIAC would be the preferred destination. The communities are small and/or rural. The schools are in the 3A/4A range which is closer in size to JC. Madison would prefer to wind up there as well but there aren’t any spots available at the moment. The EIAC doesn’t have any departing members to replace and doesn’t seem to be intending to expand. Jennings County would prefer to join along with Madison as part of a package deal.

    The official debate of leaving or staying in the HHC took place 2-3 years ago now. My understanding is that they decided to stay because a door wasn’t open elsewhere, but that the debate could resume if a door did eventually open up. It’ll be interesting to see if the football coach and athletic director have any say in the matter. Both are newer. The football coach was raised in JC and played football there but had left for awhile for college, the military, and being an assistant coach for a few schools in the Indy area. The AD is from the Chicago area and has no ties to JC. Maybe the outside influences these two have sway the decision and maybe they don’t. Time will tell.


    Chuck Hurley is spinning in his grave at the thought of JC leaving the HHC.

    That being said, across the board would JC fare any better in the EIAC than they do in the HHC? 

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    Based on what I’m seeing from the schedules on John Harrell’s website, it looks like the HHC has the teams reverted back to the conference schedule they used from 1997-2018. Seems everyone is playing the same teams in the same order as they did in that 22 year stretch. The only difference is the week you played Madison is now your week to pick up a non-conference game.

    As we learned from @boilerfan87, Jennings County (week 5), BNL (week 8), and Seymour (week 9) have to decided to keep Madison in that spot on their schedules. New Albany’s week 6 game with Madison has already been filled with Bloomington North the last three years and that will continue again next year. Floyd Central’s week 3 game with Madison has been filled with Silver Creek. That leaves Jeffersonville (week 4) and Columbus East (week 7) as the only teams that haven’t yet found a replacement for Madison.

    As for HHC teams with brand new non-conference opponents, @DanteEstonia pointed out that Jennings County will play at Norwell in week 1 (quite a shock). Also, it looks like Jeffersonville finally found a week 6 replacement for Cathedral (which they weren’t able to fill last year). Looks like they’ll play Silver Creek that week. And New Albany has replaced their week 2 opponent from last year (Eastern Hancock) with Gibson Southern.

    Didn’t JC traditionally open with an EIAC school? There seems to be some reshuffling going on in the EIAC I received several contact cancellations last week for EIAC games. 

  7. 10 hours ago, hhpatriot04 said:

    Yeah, living abroad for four years now and being paid into a foreign bank account. I'm going to need "a guy" very soon to make sure everything is correct as immigration is processed for my wife (who we already have "a gal" [lawyer] on retainer who specializes in this type of immigration).

    Everyone needs “a guy”. Whether it’s haircuts, car repair, or financial planning. My son recently moved to Fort Wayne for a new job, and he has always just kinda flown by the seat of his pant, get “a guy”, build a relationship, it will save you time, headaches, and most of all money in the long run. 

  8. On 12/5/2020 at 7:29 PM, Purdue Pete said:

    Not really

    The recipient of a gift does not pay tax on any gift valued at $11,000 or less, no matter if it is a boat, car, cash, or stock. This means you don't owe taxes at the time of the gift of the stock. When the recipient sells the stock, however, it is a taxable event.”

    Just like the SF.  Keep ur total points below 6 (or $11k) and no tax.  

    Dude you’re all over the place. You’re talking about inheritance tax, gift tax, unearned income tax, and I’m assuming cap gains tax in this thread. Inheritance tax is pretty easy to navigate around, gift tax is what it is, tax rates are pretty reasonable on unearned income, cap gains requires some ingenuity. As I keep telling my son, you gotta get “a guy”. 

  9. 6 hours ago, foxbat said:

    Actually, what you want to see and when you want to see it are the difference.  You want to see everything RIGHT NOW and don't seem to be willing to wait out SF to work itself out.  Realistically, if Roncalli really is a TRUE 6A school, it will get there eventually via SF provided that IHSAA doesn't get too cute and put them in the same sectional with someone like Cathedral where it has to be either/or.  In the same way, if Cathedral really was a true 6A school, and at best they are a lower-rung 6A, SF would keep them up in 6A.  Similarly, should Chatard get to 4A, assuming the IHSAA doesn't do, what our good friend @Impartial_Observer refers to as "stepping on their d*cks," and keeps them out of the same sectional with Roncalli, there will be ample opportunity for them to stay in 4A.  If Chatard really is a 4A or 5A school, then it's just a matter of time before 1) SF gets them there and 2) SF keeps them there ... again, assuming someone not getting "cute" with sectional assignments. 

    This also goes to the problem, as I pointed out before, about a multiplier vs. SF.  SF moves based on performance and performance takes time.  Multiplier is done right now, but doesn't really achieve competitiveness, it only punishes or cripples.  So the questions really are, do you REALLY want competitiveness?  Do you REALLY want revenge/crippling?  And if it's the former, then why would you not be willing to see competitiveness shake out?

    I don’t disagree with any of that, the only issue I’ve had all along is SF rewards/penalizes the next two teams for the last two teams.

  10. 4 hours ago, PHJIrish said:

    The Bombers won the Ohio State Championship:


    I'm not sure why that link won't work, but St. beat Pickerington Central 44-3, scoring 30 points in the first quarter.  It was Pickerington Central's first loss of the season.


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  11. 30 minutes ago, MDAlum82 said:

    The COLDEST I have ever been in my life was not in a deer stand or duck blind.  It was sitting in the bleachers at a Regional game MD @ Webo back in 1997 or 98.  Game time temp was low 20's with what felt like gale force winds coming string into our faces on Visitor side.  It still gives me chills to think about it.  

    2000 game at Danville was pretty chilly.

    This may shock some, coldest I have been in my life week 9, 2012 South Decatur, game time temp 42. Which would have been fine, it was the 30mph winds and monsoon that was the killer. Throw in about a half delay for a broken leg, less than 2minutes to go I’ll the half, then 20 minute halftime for senior night. The rain was relentless the entire night.

  12. 3 hours ago, DT said:

    It would seem to me that the further you advance in the tournament, the less money you ultimately make after travel, meals and other expenses.  I officiated for 10 years and I did it primarily for the extra side income.  I would never accept an assignment that took my hourly take below a certain minimum, depending on what level I was offiating at.  



    We can’t be friends.

    • Like 2
  13. I’m going to preface this by saying, I gave up worrying about tournament advancement a long time ago. In fact if it were not for the younger guys on our crew, I wouldn’t even apply for the tournament. 

    1. Observers. I have no idea what input observers have or what purpose they serve, other than crews getting feedback from someone who knows what we’re doing. There are crews out there getting observed 3-4 times a season. One observer told a friend of mine that he was the only observer that traveled south of Indy. So does that translate into don’t take games south of Indy if you want to be observed? Does being observed have anything to do with your advancement? 

    2. Rating system. In it’s latest iteration is set up to favor crews that have worked deep in the tournament based on years licensed, previous tournament experience, and height level worked components. Allegedly these three components are 30% of our ratings.

    3. Coaches vote. This had been covered, no need to rehash. I do feel like coaches need some input. I’m a bit torn as to what that input should be. 

    4. Information. I think this year more than any other has highlighted the discrepancies in how information is decimated from Indianapolis. With the advent of Zoom meetings, we were able to catch meetings from all over the state. I thought it was odd the different things you heard from one association to the next. Why some info is sent to association chairs to be forwarded, some sent to white hats, and some sent to all officials. 

    5. This system is not a system to identify the best crews, it’s a system to fill games. It serves it’s purpose and I’m assuming the school of thought is if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. 

    6. Coaches and AD’s don’t understand how the voting works. I’ve had coaches tell me “hey I gave you a 4, I give you one every year”. I just thank them for voting.  They don’t understand a 4 hurts you. The first year  I voted as a HC, my AD asked me why all my votes were 5’s and a a few 3’s. After I explained it to him, he understood.  

    Add in what has been mentioned with crews leapfrogging steps in the process and it creates a perception that the system is rigged to begin with. 

    As  i stated, I quit worrying about this crap a long time ago. We work the games,I have no problem looking at myself in the mirror. But I will admit, think about if you were a coach or a player, and you knew before the season started, that you had no/zero/zip/zilch/nada chance of making it to LOS, and it had nothing to do with your performance on the field. At some point you just feel used.


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