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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    The fact that you, Daffy, label DHL as a private carrier is where it starts.  

    So after Deutshe Post became privatized and began acquiring shares of DHL, a private American company, eventually buying DHL out=DHL a government entity?


    1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    You also have to remember that the USPS uses several private contractors to move mail between offices (Beco and Hoovestol, being two examples). 

    So the fact that USPS uses sub contractors to haul mail=losing 69B dollars, as I stated poor management. 

  2. I recently ordered an item from the Netherlands. It shipped Monday on DHL. Delivery was suppose to be Friday, imagine my surprise when it showed up Thursday morning, for 15 bucks to boot. USPS will spend a week getting my Dollar Shave Club package to me from Covington, KY. In their defense, they do have to cross the Ohio River during the two hour trip.

    Poor management, frequent long lines, poor service, and rude employees, hard to imagine USPS is bleeding red ink, and has been for years.


  3. 1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Well, Daffy, I like this reason here-


    Back to my original post, “armed thugs detouring traffic”.

    The “protest” had no permits, no reasoning whatsoever ever to shut down Meridian Street on a Thursday afternoon. Yet they have armed thugs to force law abiding citizens going about their business into a life threatening position. This is Meridian and 9th, an area IO as well as I’m sure many others access frequently. My son works a few blocks north on Meridian.

    Boss Hog in his attempt to be as woke as other big city mayors, refuses to deal with it. He’s ordered IMPD to stand down leading to widespread looting in the downtown area. Pressure from many concerned citizens late last week lead to the investigation into this incident.

    Boss Hog and his minions can stick their head in the sand and play woke all they want, but this is going to lead to bloodshed, as it already has. Sooner or later there will be armed people looking for an altercation heading downtown to confront these thugs, people who actually know how to use firearms. 

    If you want to protest, go to the courthouse lawn, go to the city/county building, go to the state house, go to the governor’s mansion and knock yourself out. Carry guns, long guns on slings, knives, whatever you want. But you do not have the right to disrupt people living their lives or destroy their property. 

  4. 2 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Do you have photographic proof?

    You’re really disappointing me Scooter, for someone who proclaims to have his finger on the pulse of all things Indiana, how can I ever trust any more of your game/conference alignment scenarios?


    If you’re as good as you think you are, a little simple searching on social media, you can find Tony the Tiger and his real identity.

  5. On 8/11/2020 at 11:26 AM, Muda69 said:

    Indianapolis: City threatens $1,000 fines for first-time business violators


    Nice. Heavily fining businesses that are probably already on the brink of financial ruin.


    Meanwhile armed thugs are detouring traffic in downtown Indianapolis in broad daylight. Another record year cooking for homicides in Indy, the streets still suck.......

    Boss Hog is quickly destroying 50 years of brilliant vision, hard work, and an awesome downtown. Such a tragic waste. 

    Mrs. IO and I usually spend a weekend out downtown every couple of months, stay downtown, have a couple of nice meals, see a comedy show, enjoy a walk on the canal, just enjoy the vibe. I don't see that happening any time soon. 

  6. 15 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

    Rockefeller (fords) didn't run. Mondale (carters) ran and lost. Bush (reagan) ran and won. Quayle (Bush 41) didn't run in 96. Gore (Clinton's) ran and lost. Biden is running (and will probably win) 

    So out of 3 former vps who ran... only one was elected.. Now a 4th vp is running and he's about to make it 2 out of 4. 

    Not bad odds. 

    It's certainly helping Biden quite a bit. 


    The fact remains, one sitting VP has been elected president in the last 50 years. One sitting senator has also been elected president, perhaps Knee Pads should have run for president on her own, as a sitting US senator. 

  7. 3 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

    The last democrat vice president is about to be president.

    The last Republican VP who ran for president won. 

    You are saying?

    I’m saying there has been ONE incumbent VP elected in the last 50 years. Your move.

  8. 10 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

    I dont think so. I don't see Biden running for re election after his first term.. Shell have VP expierence which will help her in 2024. 

    Sure because in recent history VP has been a spring board to the Oval Office. Geez dude do you actually read the crap you post?

  9. 40 minutes ago, Muda69 said:


    Yep.  I know several mechanics who work primarily on small engines.  They all hate modern, ethanol-added gasoline with a passion.  It gums up carburetors and  hastens the failure of gaskets and seals.  And ethanol-gasoline blends have a shorter shelf life of two to three months while pure gasoline can retain it's combustibility for up to six months if sealed and stored correctly.



    I switched to the Echo brand pre-mix for all my two cycle fuel needs, chain saw, trimmers, edgers, bed defined, etc. It’s more expensive on the front end, I buy a six pack of quarts for like 40 bucks from my local dealer, and I go thru two of them a year. But my maintenance costs have dropped well over 80 bucks in the three years I’ve been using it. My mower has a Kawasaki engine, that is OK with E85, I’ve always ran some premix fuel thru my mower at the end of the season, it might smoke a little, but I’ve never had any issues next spring.

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  10. On 8/9/2020 at 1:34 PM, Bobref said:



    What is it that has turned the American public so cynical? Nothing is taken at face value anymore. There is no “benefit of the doubt.” Anything unpleasant becomes the product of an ulterior motive or hidden agenda. Any less than desirable outcome is evidence of a sinister conspiracy. It must be downright uncomfortable living in some of your heads.

    I have been in two local situations, one of which gained some national attention. The amount of information that was shared via, local, state, and even national media was laughable. To the point where either they were parroting rumors, or just flat making stuff up. I wouldn’t say I necessarily deem everything as ulterior motives or sinister conspiracy, but I take any from any media with a grain of salt. Particularly early reports on breaking stories. Being a central figure in one of the stories, it was utterly amazing to me the lengths media outlets would go to to contact me and the demanding voicemails and emails I received. I trust a very select group of people, and no one in the media is involved in that group. I don’t hold it against them, they have a job to do, but it doesn’t mean I’m buying all the stuff they’re selling. 

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