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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, TrojanDad said:

    No one on this forum said much about Schumer and his recent threats targeting 2 supreme court justices...........

    Not much has been said (other than a select few...very few....) mentioned a word about Biden's loss of mind yesterday on this forum.......

    But be honest...had that been Trump instead of Biden....cursing workers in their own workplace, threatening violence, blatantly lying about public comments he had indeed made, and butchering gun lingo, I am guessing those that were quiet yesterday on this forum would have been chirping quite loudly.......

    OK, first of all it's Chuck Schumer making a threat, is anyone really going to take that serious? But I get the point, had Mitch McConnell done the same thing, the media would lose their minds.

    It's pretty well known the most dangerous place in America is being between Chuck Schumer and a TV Camera. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, GoodKn19ht said:

    #FACTSSSS yeah it is rough, even a rail would be nice! 

    Seems odd though, administration over there is young, hungry, and seem to be all about building something. I don't know much about the local demographics, is that an issue? Assuming older more farm based type people in Aurora vs. what Lawrenceburg has attracted with the boat?

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  3. 1 hour ago, GoodKn19ht said:

    Well it appears that the entire South Dearborn community is against turf, or spending money on improvements in general. Which is a shame because the administration sees the need, but is handcuffed... and shackled at the feet too. 

    Yet Lawrenceburg has had it for several years and EC added it last year. I'll be honest if they'd just put an escalator in to the field, I'd donate! That climb out of there after the game sucks!

    • Haha 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    I got a 50 dollar drone for Xmas from father in law 3 Xmas ago, it was decent day out, sunny, no snow,  we took it outside,  legit, lost it and crashed it behind some houses in a farm field, I would say only 200 or so yards away from my house, I searched for HOURS for that thing......   used it for about 4 minutes total.   Felt horrible. 

    I have nearly pulled the trigger several times. I have plenty of empty cornfields right now to practice in. We see them all the time at the beach. 

  5. OHSAA is only allowing four tickets per player and two tickets per coach to the state basketball tournament. 

    Ivy League cancelled their men's and women's tournaments.

    Big West and MAC are not allowing general admission. 

    Where is the IHSAA on this issue? Can they afford the financial hit of not allowing general admission to the regional, SS, or Finals?

    What about the NCAA?

    From what I've heard via the grapevine, Avon HS with their current situation has lost about half of their baseball season. 

    Who will win out, public safety or the almighty dollar?

  6. 37 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    Did you find a neck brace in there too?  The whiplash from the market movements are going to be enough to snap the head right from the shoulders.  😀

    My financial advisor touched base with me yesterday and I'm meeting with him Thursday ... it's actually just a regular check-up, but the timing makes it seem sinister.  Based on all of our previous meetings, we'll probably talk money for 5 minutes and football for 55 minutes.  The only thing that would make it better is if we were doing it over a beer.

    I quit even looking at it. I'm not a trader, I'm an investor, in it for the long haul right?

    18 minutes ago, BARRYOSAMA said:

    I was actually referring to SF's memeriffic stats.  Sorry for confusion

    The question remains, no confusion on my part. 

  7. I ran some numbers last night that I was being spoon fed by Don Le'mon from around the world. The stats seemed pretty consistent, death rate of those who get the virus is about 3.5%. Given other risks, auto accident, heart attack, stroke, murder, medical malpractice, etc., I'll take my chances, but in the process I will buy all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer I can find. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    I do the same thing.  But I already have plenty stocked up in my bathroom for packing.  Every January just before show season, I stock up on the small deodorants, shaving gel, etc. that you need to be able to fly.  This year, I've been on both ends of the country (Seattle, Boston) and Canada (Edmonton and Montreal) and many in between, stuck in Detroit, Minneapolis and Nashville.  A cold ALMOST caught me in Toronto last week, but strategic use of Zi-Cam, Benadryl and fishermen's friend lozenges kept me from getting a full blown cold.  AND plenty hand sanitizers and alcohol wipes.....

    Love the Zicam! It seems like every time I turn around someone is coughing on me. I use the Zicam swabs. 


  9. For many years, when I fly, go to conventions/trade shows, any time I am in contact with large groups of people, or will be shaking a lot of hands, I have carried a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket. No I've never been a germaphobe, but noticed many years ago after such events I usually came down with some sniffles or a cold. I started using hand sanitizer, and problem solved. So I keep a small TSA compliant bottle in my backpack when we fly, which just happened to run out when we came back from Florida in November. Of course me being me, I threw the bottle away. Fast forward over the weekend I've been all over trying to get another small bottle and I'm staring at empty shelves. Are you kidding me? I don't even care about Coronavirus, I just don't want a cold!

  10. 22 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Indiana confirms first presumptive positive case of coronavirus: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/health/2020/03/06/coronavirus-indiana-cases/4973737002/

    I had plans to attend an event in the Indianapolis metro area over the weekend.  Guess I will have to cancel.   Time to buy some more seeds................


    I will be at the IHSAA for a meeting Sunday morning...game on!

    Flying to Florida next Saturday... game on!

    I will drink extra alcohol just to be safe!


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