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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 29 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    It is a well attached to a windmill or a hand pump?

    Better buy seeds.



    My niece is married to one of these preppers. He spends inordinate amounts of money that they don't have on guns, bug out bags, freeze dried meals, and various survival equipment. It begs the question, if the Russians/Chinese/North Koreans/terrorist attack, are they really going to attack rural Jennings County, furthermore, wouldn't that be where the survivalist go to?

    I have plenty of beer in the garage refrigerator, I assure you I'll be able to survive any impending doom that may come my way. My freezer is well stocked with meat, and if I am stocked up on anything, it's charcoal. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    Resolution could make West Lafayette next to provide free tampons in all city restrooms: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2020/02/25/after-purdue-west-lafayette-could-provide-free-tampons-city-restrooms/4866635002/

    Yet another "solution" looking for a problem that really does nothing but cost taxpayers more of their hard earned $.


    Will these feminine hygiene products be available at the urinals?  Asking for a friend.

  3. 15 hours ago, foxbat said:


    I looked again this morning, I think I just need to quit looking!

    FIA has already canceled the Chinese GP in April. Although with cash layouts to get F1 one to come to your city are often cost prohibitive, the impact locally is well into the 100's of millions. Changing dates has pretty much been nixed given the already crowded schedule with the addition of two race weekends this year. The logistics of moving the F1 circus across five continents is a pretty tightly orchestrated machine in and of itself, which is all pre-planned months in advance. 

    The summer Olympics in Japan are now rumored to be in jeopardy. This could be a major hit for the Japanese, rescheduling is not really an option given the athletes' schedules. When you look at the amount of cash outlay host countries/cities have just to secure the hosting, this could well be catastrophic for the Japanese, with no real chance to get any ROI. 

    Not to mention the day to day economics of it all. Just in the markets alone, the losses will be staggering, not to mention possible shortages of goods worldwide. 

  4. 10 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Darn you Carol. 

    Socks and skin mask only?  😂 

    I threw up in my mouth a little. 

    I think the storyline is lagging a bit, I fast forwarded thru most of the escape, pretty predictable. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 hours ago, tango said:

    Great message. I too hope he can turn the program around.  A big step would be getting the community to show that football matters and invest in a turf field at Hatchet Hollow.    

    I think it’s a pretty cool venue, although a little tight on the sidelines. I haven’t been there in several years, they used to have a pretty nice Bermuda grass field. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Good for you buddy!!  Be thankful for time well spent, I'm sure.  I just wish my dad could have met my kids, he was a super grandpa to my brother and sister's kids.  Mine would have loved him.

    Nearing the one year anniversary, I've got some other things going on right now that would have involved him, and it's really kind of hitting me. I've been thinking a lot about him, sure could use his guidance. With my mom, it really hit me that first Mother's Day. I feel like I'm very fortunate, both of my parents opted to quit dialysis, I had the opportunity to tell them both goodbye, and thank them for being my parents. When all was said and done, I don't know if it makes it any easier, but I was certainly at peace with it. 

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  7. 41 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Hopefully you were able to spend some time with your dad after his HA.  My father knew he had issues, even had nitro pills prescribed (we found out later according to his doctor) but didn't listen to him.  An exploding aorta in his sleep took care of him.  RIP - 32 years ago.

    The heart attack at Indiana Beach was 73-74, he just died last March, so yea, lots of time, but never enough right?

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  8. I questioned why Bloomberg would even get in these debates, he had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, which pretty much exactly what happened last night in my opinion. He did make a couple of salient points, the self proclaimed socialist on the stage has three homes how does that work? When being beat up by Bernie about his wealth and lack of paying taxes, he agreed and said you made the laws. 

    Bernie is becoming a bigger and bigger problem for the D's. Klobuchar, Warren, and Biden need to get out, their votes are siphoning votes away from anyone who could challenge Bernie, be it Mayor Pete or Bloomberg. I have said all along and still maintain, the D's will screw Bernie again, they realize if he's the nominee November will be a blood bath. 

    The D's have been hedging their bets since the late summer, they've already told us the November election will be illegitimate, now the seeds are being planted that the D nominating process will be the same. I predict great entertainment moving towards Milwaukee.  

  9. 28 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    The newer technologies that are out there in other areas too, such as optics and refined motor movement, are also making this kind of thing transferable into other areas.  Where you used to see the big bandsaw in the mills to cut large rough boards, you are now seeing the cutting done at the near micro-level and with much more refinement in areas like gear production and even medicine.

    That's an interesting observation on China too.  There's been a long misunderstanding that China was only a competitor more on cheap and plentiful labor.  I often discuss in my classes that the use of automation and technology need not necessarily lead to workforce reductions, but instead in an increase in added-value services.  If you can "redirect" the workforce into a value-add service as opposed to the sheer manufacturing labor component, you can potentially find ways to "feed the monster."

    This is a pretty simple example utilizing laser sensor technology to measure rough lumber and optimize cutting solutions for a gang rip saw. Some systems use optical scanners, some lasers, it's all pretty mature technology. Koetter Woodworking in Starlight, IN has a pretty elaborate system that goes from skip dressed 4/4 material to cut to sized finished product. It also allows them to sell FAS material that was made from #1C material. I realize our industry has the stigma of clear cutting the entire planet and burning it to the ground, but nothing could be farther from the truth. In large scale operations there is literally nothing wasted. Every part of the tree is used, down to sawdust. When we were manufacturing solid wood parts, we even sold our saw dust to an animal bedding place. Used to be a PITA any time we had to run Walnut, had to disconnect the dust system, use a portable collector, then reconnect everything. 

    I could drone on for hours about the Chinese. One item of note however, in the late 90's, as the Euro gained strength against the Dollar, this started getting into the European manufacturers pockets. Most of the big players set up manufacturing facilities in China to take advantage of cheap labor and an artificially low Yuan. And there was clearly a difference in the European produced machines vs. their Chinese counterparts, but they were hitting a price point and that resonated with some buyers. 


  10. 1 hour ago, billybob said:

    I think Wright should graduate early and go on to college 

    I see this happen a lot. 

    I had the opportunity to sit at a wedding reception with my daughter and several of her former travel teammates at a wedding last summer. The discussion got around to all the things they missed in high school because of their commitment to their sport and playing at the next level. It was sure interesting to listen to, I hesitate to say that any of them regretted anything, I think they all just felt like they missed out on something. All of them talked about missing Football homecomings, dances, school activities, social activities, etc. It was very interesting to listen to. College will still be there in the fall, you only get one shot at this.  

  11. 11 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    Interesting video.  Thanks for sharing.  Any idea off the top of your head, or from reading or experience, what's the payback period on a machine like that?

    I would have to do some research. Most of the equipment in the video is readily available and most likely operating in commercial shops near you. It's all fairly mature technology as well, the flat bed machining center, edgebander, vertical boring machine, return conveyors, labeling machine, material handling equipment, etc., have been around for many years. The robots are a fairly new technology in our industry. The newer adaptive robots are just now starting to grow in our industry. Earlier robotics were very task specific, expensive, and as processes changed, they were basically boat anchors. 

    An educated guess would be this cell is somewhere in the 6ish million range. There are a myriad of factors involved with figuring the ROI on such a system. A significant reduction in workforce to process your parts, could be partially offset by hiring additional workers to assemble all these parts. My biggest fear having a system such as that, is feeding the monster. You have to generate a LOT of work to keep that thing running and honestly at this stage of my career that's one pressure I have no interest in. 

    It might be interesting to know, you'll mostly see this type of system being installed in China, rather than the US. The Chinese have been very proactive in investing in technology rather than just throwing cheap labor at manufacturing. They see emerging economies in the Pacific Rim countries and are trying to head it off. Systems such as this also offer quality, tight tolerance, repeatable results, something the Chinese have never really been known for. There is a market for systems such as this in the US, but I would think that's a shrinking market. It's worth noting most of the manufacturers of this type of equipment are either Italian or German. I have a penchant for Italian equipment myself. The Germans are.....well Germans, their engineering is second to none, but you still have to deal with the Germans. 

    Every guy in the US has a few tools in his garage, maybe an old table saw he inherited from grandpa or something thinks yea I can build that. It's a new world out there Scooter.   

  12. 33 minutes ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    Wonder if the shocking issues they had last year led to some of this.....  Didn't want to upgrade with their own capital. 


    I would imagine the settlement of the death of the 12 year old last summer or soon to be settlement played a large role in this...




    The autopsy could find no cause of death, no trauma was recorded, and this somehow becomes the park operator's fault?

    Oddly enough I've only been to Indiana Beach one time, as a 8-9 year old kid, and the only memory I have of the place is my dad having a heart attack there. 

  13. There are any number of issues I take with any comparison of the US to Scandinavian countries. First and foremost is scale. Sweden for example is about the size of California. Yet has a population of less than 9 million people. Scandinavian countries are not big on immigration or accepting refugees. Yes personal taxes are somewhat high, but what makes the whole thing work is free markets. Low corporate taxes, less regulations, less government manipulation of the markets. 


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