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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. The comments about farming and manufacturing by Bloomberg are illustrative of what created Trump, and obvious that the D party has not learned any lessons from 2016. What I have seen of the debates, and stump speeches by all of them clearly show they're pandering to people where they're already going to win. Honest question does Bernie's message play in OH, PA, MI, WI, states anyone has to win?  

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  2. 1 hour ago, gonzoron said:

    I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

    Upon further review, I noticed as I was leaving Sunday morning it was a Hampton Inn. I didn't make the reservations or pay for it, I just had an address texted to me that said here's your hotel, room is in your name. That coupled with the fact that there were a couple of cuties wandering around the bar at the Stacked Pickle offering free shots of Skrewball, I didn't really notice the name when we walked back to the hotel.

  3. On 2/11/2020 at 5:05 PM, Bobref said:

    Big changes to the MLB playoff process are being proposed now. What does that have to do with Indiana high school football? It just confirms something that some of us have been saying for years.

    If you want to make the regular season games more exciting, ignite fan interest, keep people and teams engaged to the greatest extent possible, you take steps to make those regular season games more meaningful with respect to post-season opportunity. MLB has obviously realized that changing the playoff protocol is a legitimate and effective way to do that. In order to make regular season games more meaningful, they are proposing changes that would keep more teams fighting for more playoff spots. It would increase playoff participation from 10 to 14 teams. The stated purpose is to make the stakes for regular season games higher, to make for more competitive games, greater "buzz" and, of course, the increased revenue that flows from that. 

    This teaches us that the most sophisticated minds in sports see using the playoff structure as a way to improve the regular season … just what we should be doing in Indiana with at least playoff seeding, and better still, a playoff qualification format.

    I get what you're saying, more teams having meaningful games late in the year, instead of the usual 2-3 teams vying for that last playoff spot. But the bottom line is always money isn't it, more playoff ticket sales, more concessions, more advertising at the local venues, and of course the big ticket item, more TV $$$$.  

  4. 3 hours ago, TrojanDad said:

    So I have to assume in your world, the govt was successful in collecting the mass inventory of guns that are already in the hands of users?  Why would I need to make a ton more?  You don't think a market would be created of an ample supply already in existence?

    Germany and the former Soviet Union was fairly successful in collecting citizens firearms....how did that work out for them?

    Far more people will be killed on roads and highways this year....why are you not advocating much lower speed limits, ban of mobile phones in cars, banning of alcohol and weed, etc?  It would seem you pick and choose your risk based on politics.

    First you have to know who has all those guns and where they are. I would assume when that process starts, there will be a huge increase in boating accidents. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    The ability to do all three don’t require more than high school chemistry. Machining firearms takes engineering skill.

    And now you are going to fire back with some 3D printed gun nonsense...

    I guess it depends on your definition of "engineering skill" 

    Legal 80% builds have become so easy, you could add engineer to your resume DE. Of course if you're a prohibited possessor, then you'd be breaking the law.  

    ***I know, I can't stand Lenny McGill either***


  6. 24 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    Seeing what friends on that side of the spectrum are posting, I think Bloomberg is becoming more of a target for attacks than Bernie is. It has definitely divided the party as far as which one they hate more. Crazy thing is, if they focus too much on one, the other could get the nomination. I still see a Hillary contingent raiding the party either just before, or at the convention. 

    I agree, I still think she plays a role in this. She's got to be going crazy watching this mess. 

  7.  I found it interesting that no one has heard from Tulsi Gabbard since she sued Hildog, and after Tom Steyer was lauded by the pundits of having a good debate Friday night, he barely beat her last night. 

    Bloomberg is the wild card in this thing. I will admit that I have found this whole process interesting. I think it will take some twists and turns along the way. I think Bernie will ultimately have the support to win the nomination, but the D's won't allow it, he'll get screwed again. He is the Democrat's worst nightmare.  

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