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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    Could it be possible that before (Tom Allen and Jeff Brohmthat our instate DII and NAIA schools were enjoying a deeper pool of talent than they should have due to poor in-state recruiting by the D1s?  Could that be part of the reason Indiana's lower levels have enjoyed a high level of national success?



    Marian and St Francis haven't slowed down much during the Allen/Brohm years. 

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Tanka Jahari said:

    Do you have a personal favorite when it comes to endzone cameras?

    I really have no idea, but I will say of the vids I see of our games, there seems to be a wide array of film quality from the SL view. From the EZ view I don't see as much difference from one film to the next. Some tend to show greater detail, assuming they are zoomed to some extent, I really have no idea. 

    Just out of curiosity when you cut your tape before uploading to Hudl, do you run SL/EZ then to the next play? Or do you have the entire game SL and EZ as different flims. I'm sure the preferences for all officials is SL/EZ on one film, it's amazing how many times you use both views to determine things for us. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    For different reasons, I think Pete is in a similar spot at this point that Trump was in 2016. People in the party are weary of the age of the candidates, their message not really resonating, and them having been in DC WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too long. The media will beat up the front runners which may clear the path for Pete. 

    I don't think the party thinks any of the three winners (currently) in Iowa has a prayer of beating Trump, a panel on CNN last night said as much. Pete is REALLY young, and has very little experience. I think he's a pretty polished politician, but I wonder in my own mind if he's not dooming himself running now instead of in 2024 or beyond. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm merely stating the facts, the gay thing and the black thing are going to be issues for him as we've already seen from the vid out of Iowa.  

  4. 24 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Mayor Pete and Bernie now tied in Iowa, then Warren then Biden a distant 4th.  Way too obvious, they are panicking now hoping Biden can show strong in NH or else....

    Dem's worst nightmare. Prepare for the sudden media love affair with Bloomberg. Rules have already been changed to allow him on the debate stage, my guess is they will continue to evolve to screw Bernie once again. I still think the D's see Bernie as an outsider. I'm still not convinced Pete is a player.  

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  5. As a politician, I've always held Pelosi in pretty high esteem. She's savvy and a tough old broad, I respect that. But I think she's been influenced by the uber left wing of the party going down this impeachment path. I think she held it off as long as she could, and basically sold her soul to keep the speaker gig. She's smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall, that she knew full well all along, and this was just her frustration knowing the wheels are falling off. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in the speaker's office prior to kicking off this impeachment. On the bright side of things, with the SOTU last night and the impeachment vote today, it should cut into the air time the debacle in Iowa would otherwise garner. 


  6. 36 minutes ago, DT said:

    And the talent pool continues to diminsh

    Iu allows lesser talented athletes to consume roster bandwidth

    Indiana State , Butler, Depauw and others shop the high school clearance bin, taking kids who didn't even make All Conferen ce or All Area or All County


    What about a kid who opts for a smaller school over a D1?

    My daughter had multiple D1 offers and opted for Marian. In her words "dad I don't want this to be a job, I want to experience college as well." Smaller schools offer varying degrees of that. When she went on her visit, she said "it just felt like home." I told her all along forget sports, find a school you would just like to go to school at. We all knew there was no million dollar contract at the end of this rainbow, Softball was a means to an end. As I've stated many times, Marian University is the best college athletic program in the country you've never heard of.  

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  7. 4 hours ago, gonzoron said:

    And if you watched the video in the article, you may have noticed that Melania has her LEFT hand over her heart. A clear breach of etiquette. It's not OK to be ignorant.

    I noticed this LH thing during the anthem, I seem to recall several folks doing this, does this have some meaning?

    Given IO’s long history of sporting events, he’s often wonder how many National Anthems he’s stood for. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Liar, at least according to past statements you have made on this very forum.   And even if your statement was true, will you accept such entitlements when you become eligible?  And if you do accept will you accept payments and services until you reach the point of your contributions (plus interest of course)  then principally decline to receive any more?


    Please, feel free.  Will you please tell us the government K-12 school and government university you attend so I can do the same for you?



    I'll be honest Muda, I have no recollection of @gonzoron claiming to be on SS. If I recall that's an assumption you ran with and no one ever said any different. 

    I just got an estimate from SS, it clearly states the amount of money both myself and my employers have paid into it. Yes it's a government ran Ponzi scheme, and if the government elects to stop it tomorrow, fine, but I want the money I paid in, as well as what has been paid in on my behalf. I'm pretty sure I could make a great deal more heading into retirement.

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  9. lol, when our oldest was just learning to walk, and all the associated bumps and bruise involved with that, he had an accident where we had to take him to the ER. Similar deal, just wanted him checked out to make sure he was OK. I felt like I was being interrogated by hospital staff, same questions over and over from multiple people. I finally told one guy, the next person that comes in here with these same BS questions is going to find out what abuse is. That was almost 25 years ago. 

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