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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 52 minutes ago, Muda69 said:


    More security theater.  And of course the real threat is to U.S. citizens and their freedoms.


    I did the Real ID, to be honest it was about the same thing I went thru when I got my learner's permit. I provided my DL, birth certificate, Indiana LTCH, and an REMC bill. I'm not sure what information they have about me that they didn't already have, aside from knowing what our electric bill was for the month.

  2. 56 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    How much did the upgrade to XP cost? That wasn’t free, and neither were any other previous upgrades to Windows.

    You're the one who made the argument if anyone wanted Windows they wouldn't be giving it away. Do you even read anything you post?

    2 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

    What within a Samsung phone is generating royalties? 

    Apple still uses Samsung as a chip contractor.


    Who makes $$$ off of Android itself?


    1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    I also did IP law as an online class.

    And this forum is free! I would pay for this level of entertainment. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Rumors of MS’s demise are greatly exaggerated.


    Successful businesses evolve, diversify, and markets change. I never said MS had the gaming market cornered, they certainly have a profitable entry. 


    This has been entertaining, but seriously you are arguing MS make products no one wants? Laughable.

    You look cute in your cheerleading skirt Barry.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Do you not remember the antitrust case against Microsoft?

    Also, the fact that the Zune or the Windows phone didn’t take off should show how well Microsoft’s products were received. 

    Also, Windows 10 is free. If people liked MS Windows, it wouldn’t be free.

    Apparently they didn’t discuss diversification in General Business.

    Microsoft made billions in royalties from Android sales.

    The 10 billion in revenues in 2018 from Xbox clearly indicate products that no one wants.

    Give away the operating system to sell them Office, or an online subscription to lightweight Office Suite products.

    OEM licenses, enterprise products.....you’re right DE, Bill Gates and the braintrust at MS are clearly idiots.

    • Like 1
  5. Bernard Arnault was briefly the richest man in the world, displacing Jeff Bezos late last year. He's the head of LVMH, which is the umbrella for many high end brands, Louis Vitton, Tag Heuer, Moet, Christian Dior, Givenchy, etc. In other words built an empire on expensive crap that people don't need. He didn't build a better mousetrap, he built a mousetrap with hip and trendy logo on it. What does this actually tell us about the financial woes of the world?

    Bill Gates created a product that people wanted. He took the computer from the backroom with the geeks and put it in the living room for grandma and grandpa. Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest people in the world, he's also quite liberal. We've often heard him rail on the want for higher taxes and more social programs. But a couple of things bother me about this. Number one, why hasn't Bill Gates written a check to the US Treasury to pay more? I have no doubt Gates and MS for that matter have an entire battery of lawyers and accountants to in fact keep from paying any more in taxes than they absolutely have to. So why is it that one of the riches men in the world who often lobbies for higher taxes would act in this seemingly contradictory manner? To his credit he is a VERY charitable man, his foundation donates millions to worthy causes around the world. Why is this? It's quite simple, he, like so many understands if the money goes to the government it will be squandered. The vast majority of the money will be eaten up by the top heavy bloated bureaucracy. And what's left over, they'll screw it up. 

    Why are successful people demonized rather than celebrated. I say good for them. VOC can complain about them all she wants, but these uber rich dudes/dudettes didn't get that way by accident, they've been hungry, they've been driven, and they've worked incredibly hard.   

    • Kill me now 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    The whistleblower accomplished that.


    It's a little concerning to me that the Executive Branch is now controlling the Judicial Branch and half of the Legislative Branch. Where are the Constitutionalists when we need them?

    This is the dirty little secret that the hacks in the mainstream media are COMPLETELY missing. The courts are being changed and that will be Trumps lasting legacy. He's appointing young and seemingly bright lawyers. 


  7. 24 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    I find this YouTube channel interesting:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2I6Et1JkidnnbWgJFiMeHA

    Also watched The Report  on Amazon Prime video over the weekend.  From the description: 

    "An idealistic Senate staffer leads an investigation into the CIA’s post-9/11 Detention and Interrogation Program. A relentless pursuit of the truth uncovers explosive findings and the lengths to which a brutal secret was hidden from the American public. This riveting thriller is based on actual events and a bi-partisan approved, Senate Intelligence Investigation and Report."



    I watched this a couple of weeks ago, interesting.

  8. My mom and I used to watch Emergency every week when I was small. Oddly enough over the weekend one of those clickbait links that show up at the end of articles online was "what ever happened to Dixie McCall?" I saw Emergency on the list which reminded me. I didn't realize it was on seven years.

    Pretty cool link, I'll check it out more as time allows.

    • Like 1
  9. Amtrak is the poster child for all that is wrong with government intervention into free markets. 


    Founded in 1971 as a quasi-public corporation to operate many U.S. passenger rail services,[1][2][3] it receives a combination of state and federal subsidies but is managed as a for-profit organization.[4] Amtrak's headquarters is located one block west of Union Station in Washington, D.C.[5]

    10 hours ago, Bobref said:

    It’s the Postal Service on rails.

    Another 19th Century relic that has probably outlived it's usefulness. Of course I still have customers who hand write checks and use a Paymaster, so I guess the taxpayers will continue to dump money down that bottomless pit as well. 

    • Like 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    And there’s the kicker... Amtrak is not a business.

    Semantics, it’s a privately owned entity with government subsidies. It has a long and storied history of mismanagement, bleeding cash, and an increasing dependence on the taxpayers. Who do I talk to about getting subsidies for my business?

  11. 15 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    I heard from friends that he puts on a great show.  Never saw him or Zeppelin live, but had friends in another band that used to play a lot of Plant and Zeppelin in their sets back in college.  I liked his later stuff from Now and Zen and Manic Nirvana, but there's something about Pictures at Eleven that's unrefined and gritty, in a good way, that always intrigued me.

    I still have the first three on vinyl, I'd have to do some searching on CD's of the later albums. I loved the early albums. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    this is what I know

    My days in London and Paris recently:  The EUROSTAR train station got me from London to Paris round trip for about 100 bucks a person.  Train time was a little over 2 hours.   High Speed rail was awesome.   


    That makes perfect sense:

    London has nearly 9 million people

    Paris has over 2 million people

    Their roads were designed for horses

    Easy Jet does the same thing for about 65 bucks, but you'll have to use binoculars to get the same view, it does appear to go by slightly slower from 35,000 feet though.

    Yea about that high speed rail in the US....

    I'm not arguing the merits of train travel, I love ya man, but I don't think it's my place to subsidize your ticket.

  13. 17 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

    I don't know IO.....after all Nancy prays for the president.....she has a heart of gold......

    Such a beautiful smile signing the articles.....and then sharing all her pens.  What character.  Maybe her style will permeate through all the Senators.  So this might be different IO.......😜


    I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed Maxine Waters didn't make the tournament team. She would have added a lot of entertainment value.

    Does anyone think Nadler suffers from a touch of Napoleon Syndrome? 

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