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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 18 minutes ago, swordfish said:


    Chris Cuomo apologized after "Fredo" blow-up........

    Should a Fredo apologize?  Isn't their regret implied?

    I would have had no problem with:

    1. Instantly just punch the guy right in the nose.

    2. Kept his mouth shut and kept walking. 

    As it stands they both look like two middle schoolers yelling "come at me bro" 

    Don't wrestle with pigs, you'll just get dirty, and the pig likes to be dirty.

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  2. I got this play from another forum, interested to see everyone's take. 



    This play really happened to me...

    2nd and 8 at the B 37-yard line. A is in an illegal formation at the snap, A1 passes and B27 interferes with A87, an B23 intercepts the pass. During the return of the interception B34 blocks A52 in the back. B23 runs out of bounds at the B 45-yard line where A63 hits him late. What do you have as a result?


    This play was part of our discussion Sunday night at our meeting, I would be interested to see what everyone's take is on it...


    4th and 5 from A's 35 YL. A1 punts and the kick in flight hits B68's helmet at the LOS. It goes past the NZ where it is muffed by B21 and rolls back to A's 30, where B12 picks it up and throws incomplete to A89 at A's 45. (Assuming for the sake of argument there are no ineligible A players down field on the pass) Who's ball is it and what is the down and distance?


  3. You are not required to have any special permission from the government to own a tank with an inoperable gun. If you can afford to buy it and drive it, they are legal in all 50 states as far as I'm aware. Driving it on the public roads is another discussion. Bring your checkbook, I have read accounts that some of the gasoline variants of the Sherman get as much as .8 mile to the gallon. By contrast our current M1 main battle tank gets about .6 mile to the gallon. On the bright side of things the turbine in the M1 will run on about anything that will burn, gas, Jet A1, kerosene, diesel, etc. 


  4. Just now, Muda69 said:

    So that permit is just filling out a few lines and paying a few thousand $?

    Is Indiana tank friendly?  There used to be a private military/tank museum near Crawfordsville that IIRC had dozens of those types of vehicles.


    I've never checked. I don't own nearly enough property, they are INCREDIBLY expensive not only to run, but maintenance is off the charts. The six figure price tag is the easy part. It is my understanding you not only have to have $200 tax stamp on the main gun and any gun over .50 bore, but you also need a $200 tax stamp on each round over .50 bore. I've seen Sherman main gun casings for sale, it's cost prohibitive for pretty much anyone that doesn't have FU money. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    One wonders why our civilian peacekeepers, aka local law enforcement, are allowed to own and use military grade weaponry,  but now the call is not allow the actual civilians to own and use them?

    Cops Still Love Their Armored Vehicles: https://reason.com/2019/08/13/cops-still-love-their-armored-vehicles/

    If local civilian law enforcement is allowed to own and use MRAP's, concussion grenades, etc. then why can't I own and use a bazooka, or a tank?


    You need a federal destructive device permit, and live in a tank friendly state. 

  6. 1 hour ago, swordfish said:


    Washington (CNN)Joe Biden twice on Saturday said he met with students who survived the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, when he was vice president. But the Parkland shooting took place in February 2018, a little more than a year after Biden left office. 

    The Democratic presidential hopeful -- who is far from the only politician to misspeak but has acknowledged he is a "gaffe machine" -- has a reputation for making misstatements on the campaign trail. His latest campaign gaffes came at a gun control forum in Des Moines, Iowa, when he described meeting survivors of the shooting that left 17 dead when they visited Washington to lobby for stricter gun laws.
    "I met with them and then they went off up on the Hill when I was vice president," Biden said at the forum. The former vice president made the same error later that day when he told reporters, "Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president," while describing members of Congress ducking meetings with the students.
    Biden did meet with a group of Parkland survivors in 2018, but he did so after he left office. Another mass shooting -- in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut -- took place while Biden served as vice president.
    A spokeswoman for Biden, Kate Bedingfield, on Sunday tweeted a link to a story about Biden meeting with the Parkland students in 2018, writing: "Wouldn't it be nice to have a president who consoles Americans in their time of need so often that he sometimes mistakes the timing? But even more so, wouldn't it be nice to have a president who will actually fight to prevent these tragedies?"
    The verbal stumble wasn't Biden's only misstep in Iowa, where a recent poll shows he maintains a lead over the rest of the Democratic field. Days prior, Biden said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" -- which his campaign noted was an error he immediately corrected.
    He was speaking to a group of Hispanic and Asian voters in Iowa on Thursday when he said: "We have this notion that somehow if you're poor you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids -- wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids. No, I really mean it, but think how we think about it."
    "They can do anything that anybody else can do, given a shot," Biden later added. On Saturday, Biden told reporters that people understood what he'd meant.
    Last week in Iowa, Biden also initially confused former British prime ministers Margaret Thatcherand Theresa May during a speech in which he recounted the international backlash to President Donald Trump's reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. May was prime minister at the time, but while Biden appeared to immediately realize his mistake, he did not go on to name May.
    And during his soapbox speech at the Iowa State Fair, Biden also bungled his "we choose truth over lies" line, and said instead: "We choose truth over facts."

    I still contend he was put there just to take some of the momentum away from Sanders.......

    I listened to a little of Joe Rogan's podcast with The Bern last night. It was interesting to listen to him in a format where he's not raving like a lunatic. I was a little disappointed in Joe's questioning, I was expecting a little more. The only thing he managed to get out of Bernie was he was going to create this utopia with a 1/4%-1/2% tax on Wall Street speculation trades. According to the radio this morning Bernie is polling about 8% at the Iowa State Fair Corn Poll, we'll behind the less bat$hit crazy candidates. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    Not a dodge at all. Illegal immigration was the motivation for the El Paso shooter.

    How quickly some “conveniently” want to sweep that fact under the rug.

    Have you read his manifesto? I contend the media took one component and ran with it. While I agree with the shooters not getting any pub in these situations, in this case when it's becoming so politicized, the manifesto should be made available to the public. It is very difficult to find. 

  8. 51 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Through all of these memes back and forth - the story remains........Is ANYONE surprised Epstein is dead, or like SF, that he lasted this long.......

    His cell mate was removed. The camera was not facing the right direction. The guards were overworked. They were short staffed. Despite a presumed previous attempt at suicide, the suicide watch was lifted. I still haven't heard what he hung himself with. If he was on watch they would have taken everything that is a hazard.

    Contrary to popular belief, I'm not the tin foil hat conspiracy guy. His death obviously should be investigated. He's dead and he was in US custody. I'm not ready to blame the Clinton's, Trump, Buckingham Palace, or the Russians. I would say suicide is not that uncommon in these types of situations. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    If ICE can find over 600 undocumented  in one plant on the same day, the employer knew. 

    Then prosecute. 

    Many moons ago when my wife was on the teller line and our local immigration situation started, she said the tellers knew Hispanics were using counterfeit  documents to cash checks. The banks policy was if they presented proper documentation to not question it, cash the check, and get them out the door. 

    In talking to people in the construction trade in CA, SOP is stop in the morning and pick up however many workers you'll need for the day. Buy them lunch, pay them cash at the end of the day and drop them off where you picked them up. This is just how it's done. Illegal workers usually hang out where people will shop that are needing help, Home Depot, Lowes, U-Haul, lawn and garden centers. 

    No argument from me, prosecute the people who hire illegals.

    We the citizens of the US are just as responsible for this issue as we are imports from Pacific rim countries and China, we want the cheapest possible products, and we don't care how we get them. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    But, but isn't it dangerous for children to play outside where they could get hurt, kidnapped, etc.?  And isn't the best form of 'play'  100% organized activities run by adults?  Children needs to either be supervised by an adult or 'supervised' by a device (phone, tablet, console, TV, etc.)


    Yes they could get hurt, kidnapped.....I suppose it's possible they could be abducted by aliens (the outer space kind) as well. As I have often said, you can't protect your kids from life, ultimately it will kill them. After waiting in line for what seemed like hours at the pharmacy to pick up a script for my wife Saturday, and not being about to not overhear the customer in front of us and the discussion with the pharmacist over a Vitamin D supplement.....here's a thought, skip the supplement and just go outside and play. 

    • Haha 1
  11. Admittedly the optics look bad, and if they did in fact knowingly hire illegals offending parties need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However locally there have been several arrests for illegally making SS cards and other documents used to verify legal workers. And this is one small town in southern Indiana. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Poor old Joe.....


    Gaffe-prone presidential hopeful Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth during an Iowa campaign stop on Thursday when he told a group of predominately Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”

    Biden committed the stunning blunder while speaking about education at a town hall with the Asian and Latino Coalition in Des Moines, where he’s campaigning and fundraising for the 2020 Democratic primary.

    “We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it,” Biden said at the event, according to video of his remarks.

    “Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids,” he added.

    Biden almost immediately went into damage control mode, quickly adding: “wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

    But President Trump’s campaign quickly seized on the tongue slip, with his “rapid response director” Andrew Clark tweeting out a video clip of the remark.

    “Yikes…have fun mitigating that one,” he tweeted.

    Biden walked out of the Democratic primary debates last week red-faced after he accidentally told donors to “go to Joe 30330” when he meant to tell them to “text JOE to 30330″ to donate.

    On Monday, the befuddled 76-year-old bungled the locations of the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings when he expressed sympathy for the “tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.”



    • Haha 2
  13. 25 minutes ago, Wabash82 said:

    Those are drafting issues and can be handled by drafting broadly and then exempting out items that fall within the definition only semantically. But it is all moot. There are some folks who'd like to see private ownership of bazookas, and folks who'd like to ban all private gun ownership. Neither's going to happen. We are going to get lots of conversation, but no action out of these recent incidents, as in the past. 

    You're probably right, but I see some R's showing signs of caving. Trump's a wild card when it comes to guns. 

  14. 58 minutes ago, johnathanspencer said:

    But doesn't the rulebook also state that an offensive team must have 5 players on the line of scrimmage between the numbers of 50-79 as well?  If that is so then if he played OL then your widest wideout would have to be a lineman number, thus not an eligible receiver.  Or am I off here?

    Not necessarily.

    99          72 78 52 61 69         90

         24               16                30    89

    99 and 90 are both linemen, on the end of the line. They are eligible by position and number. 

    It also states you can ONLY have four players in the backfield. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    I see your logic ... but no, this would not pass current constitutional tests.

    This is the issue I see. And I know I'm going to be accused of wearing a tin foil hat. In listening to those in favor of an "assault" weapons ban, the gist of it is they want all semi-auto guns banned when it all gets boiled down. If you question "what is an assault weapon" you're accused of getting in the weeds or arguing semantics. If the issue is pressed, even double action revolvers are semi-auto aren't they? 

  16. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    Can somebody with legal experience please tell me exactly what kind of 'legal exposure' the GID may open itself up to by allowing this particular situation to be discussed on the GID, especially as I have said before previous similar situations have been discussed with zero legal ramifications?    

    Why is Tri-West and Mr. Bruce treated like kryptonite?


    Bottom line, it's not your sandbox. They don't have to justify anything. 

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