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Everything posted by DE

  1. Sure is. Now. Go have a beer. Relax your jugs. You got a big game to attend Saturday.
  2. Bazinga, Mr. P. So I take it by your witty comeback, that you completely missed it. Got it. Now back to your daily "take my ball and go home" rants. Oh wait, that will only last a few minutes. 😉
  3. You hitting the early bird drink specials at Caesar's Palace already? 😉
  4. I hope you knew I was kidding....you know, with the name mash up and all. 😉
  5. How come you don't have Greenwood contract, Mr. P.? They could then be absorbed into Center Grove and be called Center Greengrove Wood Trojanman and Trojanwoman (for you that get triggggggered by pronouns). Enrollment of 3,700. UNSTOPPABLE!
  6. I can see I triggered ole ronnie baby again. @gonzoron Relax yourself dude. Jokes fly right over your head.
  7. No sports will be cut. Science says there are only 2 genders no matter what you, me or the next person thinks.
  8. Hey. Leave me out of it. 😉 #TrustTheScienceRemember #ButOnlyWhenItFitsYourNarrative
  9. See....people thought Creed was a dullard. The man is brilliant. No reason not to.
  10. Just listen. LOL 🙂 I have no idea why the video is edited. I know of at least 1 other The Office fan here...... @Coach Nowlin
  11. Sorry guys, I do not know who "mo" is. Meant "no".
  12. Good stuff here too. As a newer official, I know there is A LOT I can improve on.
  13. I know what you are saying, but have you seen some of the officials working these pro games? 😉 Good stuff.
  14. 🙂 As most of us know, that is not very common now a days. I too fall into that trap from time to time. I want the advancement NOW. Then I realize by talking, working, studying, analyzing, etc., that in a certain sport, I still need more time.
  15. There is only 1, I care who judges me. 🙂 I enjoy learning from experienced people who enjoy dialogue.
  16. I bolded dictate b/c I do not think anyone wants their choices to be dictated by someone else. I hope that makes sense. That is why I didn't answer that part. Would I like it if only the same 10 crews rotated through the finals? If they are rated the best (which I guess would be a different discussion) than I would have no problem with it. I would work harder to break into one of those crews. I do understand what you are saying Bob. As an entire, I see how that can deter folks from wanting to continue to officiate (which I would question do they REALLY want to put all the work in to be the best?) Good discussion guys. Thanks.
  17. GREAT information. Thank you. I thought she did fine Sunday. Only noticed her twice. The delayed false start call on Hill (KC) and the potential interception by David (TB). I did ask @Bobrefa question about why the LJs changed. Had never noticed that before. As I said, there are many fantastic officials in all walks of life, but to "advance" people because of their gender, skin color, whatever, and not their merits and hard work, is very wrong.
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