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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. Bob. What part of "me and you" do you not understand? LOL.
  2. ONLY if your taxpayers agree to it. I HIGHLY doubt this attendance "decline" is anywhere near permanent. I expect a full V recovery!
  3. Why should Noblesville care about your opinion? I may have missed it, but do you have kids that go there and play football? If so and you are this unhappy, let them go where they want.
  4. Let us know what the dominant area Indy schools are doing compared to Noblesville?
  5. Positive I didn't say that..... I still have all day and multiple days to hear your breakdown.
  6. I have multiple days if that works for you. I just want to make sure my "animal" is the same as your "animal". Thank you. As is the goal for EVERY team in the state, I would presume.
  7. What is to understand that is any different from EVERY other school in the entire state? Do you think Noblesville, or any other school that is "struggling", is trying to lose?
  8. Correct. Freedom of choice and personal responsibility are great aren't they? I would guess, that ALL schools already do this.
  9. Does it matter what the fans like, if the kids/players, coaches, school likes it?
  10. Rome built in a day? Didn't think so. Just because you don't like the offense, doesn't mean squat. BTW, I have NEVER met Coach Sharpe. Though I have watched 1 of their games.
  11. And then HITS ya w/ the fb trap for 80. Where'd he go? Many ways to skin a cat. Best wishes to you.
  12. The Chosen One, huh? Can't wait to see this play out.
  13. When I coached w/ Buzz in 2006, we adapted our offense to fit our personnel. We initially planned on pro set, very balanced. We discovered that wasn't our best fit and morphed into a run heavy, power, and 2 TE inside/outside zone team. Much like the NIU Huskies of that era.
  14. Tsk. Tsk. What about #49, Dafney? He’s a Sycamore too.
  15. Whoops. But would the Bears have provided what Arians (and all other coaches) needed to excel? An elite QB. IMSC, he has always had one in the professional ranks. Was Smoking Jay a Bear when MT was the HC? With that being said, I'd still take Arians over Trestman even w/ one of us as the Bears QB.
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