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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. Makes sense. I get your thought process.... Though the big OL that you are speaking of at Valpo (besides Jones) do not play hoops.
  2. I don't think ANYONE, including the great people at CP, would argue. Again, how do you control how tall you are? Unless you try the Arnold Jackson approach....which we all know, didn't work. RDP football is LEGIT! Hobart travels well too.
  3. All I can attest is, there wasn't one when I was there. Many did both sports. Marcus Shrewsbury would like to have a word with you Mr. P. https://nusports.com/sports/wrestling/roster/marcus-shrewsbury/2033
  4. BINGO! The school is supportive of their kids taking APC (or whatever it is called at CP). Our kids were expected to take it. If they didn't or couldn't b/c of their schedule, they would join us beginning in January for 530 am workouts in the weight room and conditioning. Many learned REAL quick to find a way to schedule APC during the day. Of course, some absolutely could not and they were the ones at the school by 5 am waiting on us coaches to get there. They then went on their day taking numerous AP/dual credit courses, heavily involved in all aspects of school and community. We worked HARD at CP, but man did we have a good time. Lowell football would like to have a word w you Mr. P. I think the ENTIRE state would agree of the football reputation Lowell has.
  5. When I was there, they all were. I have NO REASON to believe anything has changed. The weight room does not add 10 inches in height to a player. Our 6 foot safety running down the field trying to cover their 6-10 TE, Nate Wazniak is a vivid memory. Appreciate the response Mr. P.
  6. When I coached at Crown Point under Chip Pettit and Kevin Enright, we would travel to CG on a Friday in July. We would have a team day. Long trip down and back but it sure was worth it at the time. Those non air conditioned bus rides were brutal. I do not miss that part of coaching one bit. We would compete our tails off. The one thing that really jumped out at me comparing our 2011 and 2012 teams at CP to the CG teams of those 2 years, were the massive size difference CG had. At that time, our speed and physicality were even.
  7. Will get no argument from me. The. G.O.A.T at the QB position and it is not even debatable.
  8. Agreed. Long snapper?????
  9. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Do you think this rule should be eliminated from the rule book?
  10. DE

    Colts 2020

    Hard pass X's 2. Much more likely to see Carson Wentz in Indy. THIS!
  11. Also forgot to add.....my dad was a 1954 graduate of New Haven. I have never been to NHHS, but as @Irishmanhas known for many years, I have always supported them from NWI.
  12. Yes sir. Roughly 9K will have to do. Can't wait. LOVE it!
  13. Mark is one of the best men around. Honest. True. Genuine. We need more Marks in this world.
  14. DE

    Penalty or no?

    If the answer is yes to the 1st question, then yes should be the answer to the 2nd question. Correct? And the same for, if the answer is no to the 1st question, then no should be the answer to the 2nd question.
  15. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Thank you for the analysis. Appreciate all the good discussion.
  16. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Thank you Bob and others for challenging me to be a better official.
  17. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Thank you again. I always enjoy discussing things with wise officials. As a newer official, I believe I have a good feel for this ("that guy"). I allow the teams to play. Maybe b/c I am a wing, I look and focus on my keys while watching the game and that Adams' motion jumped out at me.
  18. DE

    Penalty or no?

    LOL. Do not think I am "Butt Hurt" (to quote you). Thank you for your well articulated response though. The point of that specific forum is to raise awareness, answer questions and debate. Have a great day.
  19. He wasn't too hard to spot.
  20. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Thank you to @foxbatfor his very welcomed help and assistance here. He wrote this much better than I. "Then why does the initial post not say anything at all about forward motion and focus specifically on the idea of a "new pick concept" and directly mention defense/defenders twice and indirectly at least once? Wouldn't a clearer post have been something like, "Penalty or not? Does the offensive player in motion turn upfield too early?" as opposed to two sentences about picks and none about forward motion?" @foxbatagain, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. Please accept my apology.
  21. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Sure. Thank you for the correction. Please accept my sincere apology.
  22. DE

    Penalty or no?

    This has nothing to do w the defender/defense. It has to do w Adams moving forward before the snap. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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