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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. LOVE it. Though I must ask, as cases "soar", why are fans allowed now?
  2. Always keep in mind when I speak of uniforms. To ME, the absolute best, BY FAR, are Penn St. and Alabama. The most "new age" I would go (as if I have a say---lol) is the traditional helmet in the matte (spelling) paint. I also do not know which I dislike more....all the new age uniforms or just color on color (besides white on white),
  3. When I coached at CP (07-11), I always loved our simple, clean uniforms. As seen above. Red tops. White pants. Or white on white. Coach Pettit had a fun little thing. For trophy games, we would bring out the red pants. The kids really liked it and rallied behind it. They knew it was a big deal to be wearing those.
  4. My alma mater (Lake Central) does this too. It is up to them and their community, but I like simple, old fashioned uniforms.
  5. This. Is. Awesome. I’m gonna look it up and see if Shemp was there too.
  6. Gary, In. legend, Coach Hank Stram. I was joking about the halftime show. 😂. Are you serious?
  7. Who was the halftime show?
  8. Why? We are both 2 clear minded, common sense, level headed men.
  9. I have got to think in the NFL (any pro teams w the amount of divas that are involved in all of them), huge success comes w/ how they manage people. Like Phil Jackson. His assistants were awesome and loyal, and he knew exactly how to push everyone's buttons.
  10. Oh. My. Goodness. I was joking. I thought you meant Coach Khaki. Completely forgot about Coach Walsh.
  11. Tiger Woods? Michelle Wie? Brooke Lopez? Richard Sherman? Hilarious. I did not think I would read/hear/speak that name when I woke up this wonderful, Friday.
  12. Herbstreit connection to O$U too.......
  13. Lawrence or Fields? I think it’s a no brainer. It’s Lawrence. But. That. O. $. U. Connection. Tho.
  14. Thank you. I always appreciate the truth. I know you will always provide it my friend.
  15. So they discriminated because of age? If I am reading that correctly.
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