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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. Especially in a year like this, where everyone's tensions are running high.... And to add fuel to any fire is just plain STUPID!
  2. Class and the NFL (as a whole) do not go in the same sentence, but I get what you are saying.
  3. LOL De facto? He IS. Leftwich is light years away from being a HC. Personally, I do not think he is ready to be an OC.
  4. I see a distinct pattern in all the NFL, and it isn't good. And sadly, the media pushes this narrative. I would believe that the vast majority of the NFL has decent guys.
  5. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    Depleted team and 17 goes and gets tossed. All this trash talking. I see it on both sides. All of it is garbage. I always shake my head when a team is getting beat and they are trash talking (Bears in this example...mainly the D). But when people allow it and justify it (see the guy justifying Garrett's MOY) this is what you get. Why does the NFL allow all this? Hide it in the name of "emotion", "competetiveness", etc. Trash talking has NO place in any sport. It is only getting worse. "Inmates running the asylum".
  6. Came away very impressed with Heinicke. What a great story. His teammates were genuinely happy for him. I’d take 11 if his type any day.
  7. Internal! LOVE that! AWESOME work CG!. Keep the continuity.
  8. Dominion? I dunno. But in all seriousness, no idea why it would take so long.
  9. There's a chance the Hoosier fans won't get it.
  10. Did you hear the one about the BIG Championship?
  11. One of the most attractive AD job openings in the state I would think.
  12. I must be missing who the HUGE difference makers on staff are... Can you share with us? I could only find the OC (was at App St) the DC (Chris Ash), strength coach and ol coach, both whom i never heard of.
  13. 11 draft picks too. If he gets it, I would imagine he gets to shop for the groceries too.
  14. Bident won't be POTUS, so there is nothing to be critical of.
  15. As I said, "I wouldn't touch that guy. Scummy." I have ZERO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH, say in his hiring. I just gave my opinion. You backed up my opinion why I would not hire him. All I can do is not watch his teams play or watch him on TV broadcasts, which I do not. I talked with one of his former assistants at one of his first HC gigs. He had the opportunity to move on with Meyer. He chose not to for multiple reasons, but one of them was b/c of the way he recruited and who he recruited. That is all I will say. This assistant coach has done very well for himself. Is a great man and is at a GREAT midwestern University who is doing VERY well.
  16. I know. Or else why would you literally lay out all the reasons... Yes HS and JJ did it too. Pre internet/social media days. They are the same.
  17. Without looking into anything, is it fact that he wants $12 million? If he can scam it out of someone, more power to him, but I wouldn't touch that guy. Scummy. I do not have anything against Helton, but I do not think he will be the long term guy at SC. I would guess Urban wants the GM too.
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