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Everything posted by DE

  1. He wasn't even the most well known of his siblings. His sister, Rosie,was quite the down hill skier, back in her day.
  2. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    Oh this is getting good...
  3. I am a ND fan and I would take a 6-2 record in their last 8 meaningful (I forget exactly how the commentators coined it) bowl games. Last meaningful bowl win (Cotton-https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/boxscores/1994-01-01-notre-dame.html) was against Texas A&M.
  4. DE

    IU 2020

    O$U is a school only a "mother could love". They are so easy to dislike.
  5. I think WVU belongs in a conference more along the lines of Rick Vaughn's former league, The California Penal.
  6. I've officiated many PW games. Surprised this doesn't happen more often.
  7. Drum major has the staff and that really cool hat. I witnessed a game at KV many years ago. Sectionals. The visiting team were throwing haymakers at each other.
  8. Then you’d still have the BIG at 12 teams.
  9. Uh.......Isn’t WV already in the Big XII?
  10. I am NOT condoning Mike Leach’s comments post game or any actions of the fight, but someone, anyone, please correct me if I am off the mark here..... Does Mike Leach’s teams have a history of this type behavior? It will be interesting to see “who’s recruits” these young men were? Leach’s or former HFB coach, Joe Moorehead.
  11. I did not catch the UK-NC State game. Accountability and consequences for actions are lacking in so many parts of life.
  12. DE

    IU 2020

    You mean O$U right?
  13. I posted about the stalled drive. Imsc, the officials bungled that one. His middle name is Moses, for those of you keeping score at home. 😉
  14. I thought I read that he is the back up cup holder to Coach Saban. Now that guy has the BEST gig in college football. Been there for years. Follows Saban around. Gets rings. Gets paid. Nice. Maybe when he retires, JGJ will rise up to head cup holder. I jest. I jest. Silly things like that guy shadowing Saban for years, Patterson’s personal water girl every year. Kirby’s and Venables personal get back/ belt holder coach, Brian Kelly Xanax dispenser Coach, etc all make shake my head.
  15. I thought a fair catch on a kickoff in college gave the receivers the ball at the 25? Or is that just the nfl?
  16. @southendto Irish’s defense, I was the one saying the drop off happened after bama and Clemson.
  17. Don’t think there was even a flag on the play. Maybe happened so fast to the naked eye, hence no flag, but was buzzed down by replay which I believe can be looked at for review. Safety.
  18. I agree w the lopsided scores but that does NOT mean ND wasn’t deserving of making the cfp. Does Clemson have to win their semifinals? Asking for the team beating them by 7 in Q2.
  19. Huge realistic ND fan here, but your post is awful. Facts. Maybe add VU to your list too.
  20. DE

    IU 2020

    Or they could’ve left them on w a middle finger in front of it. 😂
  21. Not gonna matter, but the officials blew a call at the 1006 mark on Books TD pass to Mayer. They called an illegal shift on 25 and 85. 25 shifted out of the back field to a WR spot creating an empty set. All legal formation prior and at the snap. They just bungled it. Bama holds at 843. That cost them 6, potentially 7-8 points. Oh well. The refs didn’t throw an interception or not able to cover Smith.
  22. 😂 😂 😂 “One time, at band camp...”
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