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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. If you do not feel well, stay home. If you want to wear a mask and social distance, feel free. Get rid of contact tracing. Open the gates. Voila.
  2. DE

    Colts 2020

    Why shouldn't they have beaten Houston? I've read on here that they are terrible.
  3. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    So much upside there. Salary cap space. Lawrence. A mid 1st round pick also. Not a terribly brutal division. Likely get to hand pick the GM, if he isn’t the “GM” too. Even if that’s Detroit? No way. Run off Caldwell. That place is a joke.
  4. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    😊 If they beat the Packers this weak, with EVERYTHING the Packers have going for them, I'd be very surprised. Both teams have a TON to play for.
  5. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    Thank you. That will do it.
  6. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    Don't forget Pace and Nagy.
  7. Disagree. The only thing I would add is *SOME* kids. That poster isn't incorrect about part of their comments. Some kids can not. I think CP kids could be coached by Coach KK for sure.
  8. DE

    Chicago Bears 2020

    What? Didn't watch a snap.
  9. Gene Miller, as in the Washington boys basketball coach, Gene Miller?
  10. Is Bloomington South/Martinsville a bigger/heated/better/whatever you want to call it, rivalry than Bloomington South/Bloomington North?
  11. Love this 1st post and may even love the screen name more! Welcome aboard Goose!
  12. I would've liked to pick up Twin Lakes when I was coaching. I saw they had an opening. Do not know what week or if it would even be a possibility. KV does play Harrison in a bunch of sports.
  13. Who? CP? LC? Both. I agree. Many times I would’ve been out of the game w today’s rules. Maybe Bob had the game. Don’t know. But we were at our place. We ran triple option. We had GREAT backs so most defenses tried to take away our backs on the option and make the QB (me) run. Fine w me. So I turn up the field. Got N and S then and ONLY then could we cut back against the pursuit. So I did. As I did the back side LB was closing in. At the last second I put my head down. He obviously had the momentum because me head was ringing like church bells. I get up. Hand the ball to the U or BJ. Get the signal for the next play. Call the play. We break the huddle, I get under center, and I begin barking out our cadence. Or so thought. I got under our RG. He (Scotty) looks over his left shoulder and says, wtf are you doing? That is when I knew I was knocked silly. I calmly step out. Begin to move under center. Forgot the entire okay. Took a step out. Turned to the R. Called TO. Jogged over to Coach Britton. And his response was. Why did you call TO? Not. You ok? Nothing. 😂 I said I forgot the play. He reads me the riot act the entire TO. The entire team stayed on the field. I get back to the huddle and they are all cracking up. Called the play. And guess what. He had me run the ball again. Got knocked again and all was right w the world. Get home to go over game w my dad. He asks the same questions. And said. Don’t do it again and listen to Coach. I said I did. He asked. What he say. I said no clue. I was knocked silly. He said. Then hit him before he hits you. And walks up stairs. 😂 What a different time.
  14. I really don’t know to be honest. Ever since I got into officiating, i don’t spend much time following KV football besides chatting w players I have in class. I think coach nowlin may know better than I being in the coaching “circles”. They did have a very nice regular season it appears. I wouldn’t see why KV’s HFB coach would go anywhere. From my coaching experience at KV, our short term goal was to get AND STAY in the top tier of the conference. We only did this once. But we never beat Andrean. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda in 2012. We just continued to block the incorrect inside mlb on our blast play. It was completely the OL coaches fault (ME). We had a back breaking pick 6. We lost 33-13. We ended in a 3 way tie for NCC Champs and then went out and laid an egg (destroyed by Hobart 38-0) in sectionals at our place. Different story for a different day.
  15. I always enjoyed playing CP. They were our (LC) biggest local rival. A lot of mutual friends from youth league teams we played.
  16. KV’s 2nd teamer, ILL-EE-YUH, super neat kid, has the best mullet this side of PRIME TIME Billy Ray Cyrus.
  17. Sorry. Reality. If the kids were good enough to play at the universities that are competing for the cfp championship then they’d be there.
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