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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. Why would I do that? I don't care if you like them or not. I was just asking.
  2. Why? Is it because you simply do not "like" Aaron Rogers or Tom Brady? They weren't the ones throwing 3 interceptions yesterday. That was Drew Brees.
  3. BINGO! Said it then and will say it now....he did that b/c of his post playing days. You brought it up, not him.
  4. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Agree to disagree. Have a great day.
  5. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Why would our crew or any crew, get downgraded for enforcing a penalty correctly, on a scoring play, in the playoffs, in a tight game? Forgive me if I am missing something. Thank you.
  6. Opinions are what makes discussions so intriguing.
  7. DE

    Penalty or no?

    Interesting. Sorry. Forgot to add. I didn't have to "look at 10 replays, use slo-mo, or even say “I think he did Very close,”
  8. Just heard on the Chicago news break at halftime of the TB/NO game that the crowd was around 8,400. Good call Irish. Thank you again. Heard KC had around 16,000. The most of any team left in the playoffs. Wonder what will be allowed in Tampa for the Super Bowl? And please.......do NOT sell the tickets at a ransom. Donate them to the military, police, first responders and front line workers.
  9. And I forgot to add. The covering official did great except felt maybe one his sideline partner could’ve helped him w the missed penalty. This crew not having a consistent game. Is it an “all star” crew? They just called a crack back block on 83 for KC. Kelce literally did the same play earlier in the game. No call. Agreed 100% on reviewable. Man. Hit didn’t look like anything. The hit on Jackson last night looked like yeah. Concussion. That one I was like......huh?
  10. Said it forever and still stand by it. Reaching the ball towards the goal line while not a last ditch effort to win, is not a smart choice. The risk far outweighs the reward and Higgins just proved that.
  11. DE

    Penalty or no?

    But, did Adams move forward before the snap? I think he did Very close. I understand the "nitpick" argument on some calls, but definitely not this one or the others that have transpired since this play has been used. This was a scoring play in a divisional round game. Anyways, I’d call this every time at every level during every game.
  12. These new motions appear to be the new pick concept. Instead of an offensive receiver "picking" the defender, the motion creates the defender (in man coverage) to get picked by his own teammate. Should the wing official have tossed a flag here?
  13. Heard too many times from the rules experts (i think that is what they are called on tv) that the 2nd foot coming down by the hitter is a telling point. That is the 1st thing I looked for w bob's clip. 2nd foot came down. Had a chance to pull off and didn't. Allen looked like a clown flopping. Think the flopping only gets "better" the bigger the person is. Like when an OL or DL flops from getting farted or breathed on.
  14. Not to derail anything, but to piggy back on flopping. I had a JV hoops game the other night. Both teams tried to take charges, early in the game. Neither myself or my partner called it. At the next dead ball, we told both teams, do not flop, you will not get the call and you risk injury. BAM, not one more flop.
  15. By NFL rule, yes. To any common sense official, no!
  16. Thanks Irish. Feel free to lock this thread. My intentions are NOT for this to spiral out of hand. I was just curious and I thought you and Gip would be the best people to turn to.
  17. Lambeau looked great. Do you know the total attendance for last night? Irish, thank you for your response. Do you happen to know why they let more fans in now, compared to the regular season? Because of playoffs? As I said prior, Ive always been for fans in the stands.
  18. I really don't care who beats him, just as long as someone beats brees.
  19. Anyone else pulling for TB to beat NO and venture to a snowstorm in GB? No, just me? OK. 😉
  20. Covid is involved, but not my intention. I have been very clear about wanting things opened back up. I was just wondering as to the why now? Just like in Buffalo, but their crowd was much smaller. Lambeu looked GREAT.
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