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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by tango

  1. I've not seen any hint of that being discussed on here by anyone from those schools. Maybe I missed it. For the five public schools from the EVSC in the SIAC, not having the two Catholic schools on the schedules (in all the gate sports) would be a big hit to the athletic department budgets. I don't see it happening.
  2. Bosse likely at Enlow. Just relaying what Coach Hurley told me tonight..
  3. It won't surprise me if a lot of teams are impacted in some way.
  4. In defense of the IHSAA (I've never said that before), wasn't the issue with the kid (I think you're referring to) that the mother was pretty vocal with demands and they tried to get cute with a change of address? Personally I think the IHSAA should stay out of it and let kids go wherever they want. What I enjoy is that these transfers cut against the frequently heard argument from rural public schools that urban p/p's have an advantage because they can "recruit" from a larger area. I'm just guessing, but I suspect these transfers aren't coming because of the FFA program at GS, unless Brady Allen is the club chairperson...
  5. No, not to me it isn't. It seems it's pretty equal in terms of number of schools having been bumped (although I'm sure I've missed a few)... P/P: Cathedral, Chatard, Roncalli, Andrean, FW Dwenger, FW Luers, LCC, Ev. Memorial Public: NewPal, Columbus East, Southridge, Rensselaer Central, FW Snyder, Pioneer, Linton
  6. I almost feel sorry for Castle...almost.
  7. The Cathedral game in 2009 was also a great environment. Irish were late to the bowl, the streets were packed, a chill in the air and Reitz won 31-10. That was a good weekend for Evansville HS football.
  8. That young man has serious personality. What a great team mate and you gotta love "Reach Our Full Potential."
  9. Oh, we might give you all some good-natured ribbing, but its only because we had such a good rivalry. But on the bright side, just think, for us to say it would mean GS had actually won. IB that's not a bad trade and it would certainly make for a lively discussion on the GID...
  10. I like how the soccer field lines are black and don't stand out as much. Do you know if the EVSC replaced the lights?
  11. Speaking of that, is there any discussion of Washington making an investment to upgrade Hatchet Hollow? It could be a nice program boost.
  12. I believe that is the max amount that can be rostered for the tournament.
  13. In Hurley's early years our school enrollment was in the 775-800 range. It has dropped significantly since then.
  14. In recent years it seems MD has had more kids on their roster than us.
  15. Is this a "no practice" week or something? I haven't seen anyone at school in the mornings. It's going to take one heckuva season to convince me they are better than the 2018 Tigers.
  16. Good interview. I met Coach B at a MS jamboree we hosted not long after he started at Southridge. He's a class act.
  17. Ev. Memorial is a 3A playing up in 4A, with less than 550 students, so being ranked at all is a surprise if you ask me.
  18. I think Miner_Pride mentioned Southridge because that is their Wk. 1 opponent.
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