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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by tango

  1. #2 - That is what we are hearing. Enrolled at Central. I don't think the new coach (who I like a lot) will tolerate what was tolerated in 2017. We shall see. #1 - Why? Basketball?
  2. By enrollment is a huge mistake in my opinion. Trade the #3 and #10 and you might have something....
  3. Obviously no dog in the fight, but it seems intriguing to me.... Boonville, Jasper, Lincoln, GS, HH, Southridge & (MV, PCHS, or NP) in one division would be VERY solid.
  4. I wonder about this too. Jasper is a very close-knit community. It will certainly be interesting to see how things play out. Personally, I think it is a great hire. Lewis had a heck of a run at Reitz.
  5. All of our students are subject to random testing, not just athletes. They do a random sample every month or so and can pick a specific student upon suspicion. It's been that way for a few years.
  6. It's a much easier drive now than in the past.. About 75 minutes if you put the coal to it....
  7. Hah! I wasn't referring to the conjugation (or whatever the heck its called) or correctness of "quietest" (I'm the last person to troll on the English language, BTW). I thought it was funny you made the point that you would be what I bet every coach wishes everyone in the stands would be - QUIET and keep their mouths shut!!
  8. Not a coach, but we spend a lot of time running 7 on 7 in summer workouts and throughout the fall at practice. We did the Colts 7 on 7 last summer (only because its by invite, a fun event for the kids, and we won $1,000 for the program by winning it). We don't do any other 7 on 7 events though, mainly because our coach thinks the kids give enough time during the summer and adding weekends out of town is an unnecessary burden. I don't recall us doing anything (7 on 7 or 11 on 11) with any other schools last year except at the Hanover team camp.
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