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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by tango

  1. I saw Whiteland early against Gibson Southern and am obviously familiar with Castle. I've also watched Cathedral on ihsaatv. This game will be running clock to start the 3rd Q.
  2. My comment wasn’t an indictment of Webo. Just making a comment about our past experiences. But for what it’s worth, Coach Goebel didn’t make it sound as though there was much working together on a time...
  3. Lawrenceburg better get it together or they’re gonna get blown out.
  4. When Lawrenceburg played at Memorial on Saturday in 2017 Regional the start was 5pm EST. When we played Danville the following week at their place on Saturday for Semi-State it was a 5pm start. It isn’t a hard concept.
  5. On radio this morning Coach Goebel was discussing start time and said if Saturday game Webo said noon. It sounded Then like Coach was leaning Friday, and that's obviously when it will be. Good luck to the Wildcats.
  6. Harrell has this as 56-0. I've never seen a semi-state game predicted to be so lopsided. Worst part of the drive this time of year is the deer all along I-69.
  7. I agree. I truly believe that if we had our normal 3500+ fans in the Enlow grandstand last week that we would be the team playing Mooresville this week instead of Central. But c'est la vie. Aside from that, not having the weekly tailgates and seeing friends and family at games has been a true bummer this season. Good luck to you guys tomorrow.
  8. Amen. Yes, that was a cold night. Fortunately, I was asked to heat footballs with a torpedo heater on the sideline so I was toasty warm. The coldest I have ever been was the Danville Semi-State game in 2017 when it was an otherwise tolerable temp of low 30s but the sideways rain and sleet made it brutal.
  9. That is a very good question. What do you think @Titan32 ? Stinky Stinky Stink 2, 4, 6 In 2017 you had your chance to see our tailgate tricks we were ready with lots of food, Tiger BLs, and Rumplemintz. At halftime monster Parris and his boys tried to get back on the bus, but worst of all the Clown and his crew didn't show up to party with us. Maybe we'll get another chance to party some day, but it won't happen as long as the Blue Tigers stay in 4A. So good luck against the Rock Ridge Raiders this time, you might set up a toll booth and charge each player a dime. (I hope you like Blazing Saddles...)
  10. East Central has had a lot of success against SIAC schools. They beat Ev. Central in 2017, Reitz in 2016 and Harrison in 2015. Central beat them in 2018. Lawrenceburg has not fared as well against PAC or SIAC schools, but that's probably only because @StinkTownClown didn't drink enough Tiger BLs before those games.
  11. I will take Castle over Jeffersonville 28-7. Mooresville over Central 28 - 13. Mater Dei over Triton Central 42-20.
  12. I agree 100%. The start time TC set last year was bush league. Here’s hoping MD wins big and pours it on.
  13. Nothing to hang our heads about in this one. Central should have beat us by 21+. Bears’ season ends next week against Mooresville. Congrats to MD and Castle, two classy programs.
  14. The diocese closed Rex Mundi in 1972 when it became clear we could not support 3 Catholic high schools in Evansville.
  15. And having served on the same board and seeing the same data, this is 100% correct.
  16. Local radio is reporting there may be a question about whether Greene Co. schools are going virtual this week? Does that impact Friday night?
  17. As of 10/19 (after Wk. 9), the top 4 in Sectional 24 were: #1 - Northview 69.26 #2 - Central 64.31 #3 - Jasper 52.10 #4 - Memorial 44.86 These 1/4 & 2/3 games were actually played in Round 1, with #4 Memorial beating #1 Northview 28-6 and #2 Central beating #3 Jasper 30-7. Any Sagarin numbers involving the SIAC or SAC were not real accurate at that time. After 2 tournament games, the numbers have gone up substantially. Central is now 86.93 and Memorial is 69.16.
  18. A word to the wise... the Central @ Memorial game will NOT be video-streamed. It is only on radio at 97.7 WREF.
  19. No question it was a huge advantage. Both chose to play Friday night, which I think was a mistake given the travel involved. This year playing at home isn't as big an advantage because crowds are next to nothing. But last year it definitely added to our advantage in those games. We were lucky to get past Mooresville. They probably win 8 times if we played 10 games.
  20. That's what I thought you meant. Personally, I think either team would have a tough time beating Mooresville.
  21. @JustRules Are you using current Sagarin numbers or the numbers at the time of the draw?
  22. Like last year, I don't think anything will be livestreamed until Regional. I don't think any of the local stations ever do tournament streaming.
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