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Everything posted by foxbat

  1. How Does the Coronavirus Compare With the Flu? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/29/health/coronavirus-flu.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  2. When Coach O'Shea was at LCC, he taught math. I recall, growing up, that almost all of my high school coaches for football taught classes other than PE/gym/health. I think we had a total of three that taught PE and/or health. The rest taught speech, government, history, English, and had one that taught honors biology and advanced biology teacher.
  3. The point was mortality comparison ... the specific percentages only matter in contrast to each other. Even using your modified numbers, corona's mortality rate is about 85 times that of the flu numbers reported in @swordfish's post.
  4. I wonder if Steyer's possibly eyeing a California position. If he is, seeing what he saw in South Carolina, he would avoid results on paper with a California twinge by dropping out now ... even though he may still be on the ballot.
  5. Actually I meant a representative slot, not young's slot for the six year piece ... rep then gov. Or he could go rep then Senator. Senator would be a nicer gig if he could get it ... especially stepping toward the presidency and also providing a safety net if he didn't get the presidency.
  6. Agree that Sanders would not likely pick or likely even consider Buttigieg. When Buttigieg finished second in New Hampshire, his top five categories of voters were, in order or strength: Higher income folks ... over $100,000 income Those that opposed Medicare For All Voters whose top-identified issue was climate change Late deciders Trump haters With the income item and the Medicare for All juxtapositions, it would seem unlikely that Buttigieg would even get a passing glance from Sanders. By contrast, here were the categorizations for Biden voters in New Hampshire: Voters whose top-identified issue was foreign policy Religious voters Those that opposed Medicare For All Somewhat religious voters Seniors The religious/somewhat religious voters question might be the bigger sticking point, but it depends on the granularity of that component. If you are talking fire-and-brimstone type religious voters, then Buttigieg could be more of a potential liability despite the other items. On the other hand, if you are talking more along the lines of Beatitudes religious voters, then the opposing Medicare For All, the mix of foreign policy and climate change, some Trump haters and late deciders, mixed in with Biden's "common man" appeal could prove an interesting combination ... especially given Buttigieg's age. Buttigieg would fit with the Democratic Party's idea of inclusion, but given how close Clinton was to breaking the glass ceiling last time around, a female candidate like Klobuchar or even a bigger stretch/gamble/reward of Harris or Abrams may still be lingering it the Party's minds. Of interest, this is what Klobuchar's top voter categorizations were in Iowa:\ Seniors Religious voters Those that opposed Medicare For All Republicans Moderates She's about two decades older than Buttigeig, but she'll look young standing next to Biden on a stage. Add in a pair of Midwesterners on that ticket, along with the other category items and the question comes in, do you gain back a chunk of the Blue Wall? If so, what paths does that leave for Trump to 270. Michigan was won by Trump by .23% with Pennsylvania won by .72%. Wisconsin comes in 3rd at .77%. Florida was 4th at 1.2%. Wisconsin has taken strides in the past 3 years or so to purge rolls and make it harder to dislodge, so it may well stay red this time around, but Pennsylvania and Michigan may well be impacted by a dual Midwesterner ticket. By contrast, Clinton won New Hampshire by .37% and the next closest was Minnesota by 1.52%. Klobuchar and Biden finished 3rd/5th respectively in New Hampshire, so you could make an argument that with a Republican governor and a pair of Democratic Senators and Democratic representatives, that it's definitely on the cusp of being in play. The net would be 32 votes if NH flipped red and PA and MI flipped back blue. That gives Trump 272 and puts Florida as the end-all-be-all decider ... with Arizona hanging back on the rail. If New Hampshire doesn't flip, then Florida doesn't matter. An argument could be made that Buttigieg is a Midwesterner too, coming from Indiana, but given that a year ago, no one outside of Indiana really knew who he was, I doubt he would get a Midwesterner moniker if picked as a VP candidate. Given Buttigieg's age, I think the more secure path for him is to go after Young's seat in 2022, possibly a governorship in 2024. He'd be around 44 when he got done with a term of each ... right about where Kennedy was when he was elected. He could also parlay it into a Senator slot, which holds much better options while seeking the presidency ... especially if you don't win.
  7. Given diagnosed cases of corona versus deaths and compared to regular flu, the mortality rate in US is higher with corona ... about 2.2% so far with corona than the roughly .00538% with regular flu.
  8. Was thinking this as well. Imagine a leap to governor from that. Would mirror Pence ... in a stroke of irony.
  9. Told my wife yesterday, that I had good news and bad news about the coronavirus impact on the market: Good News: I still have enough in my retirement account to consider early retirement. Bad News: I'm retiring alone and she'll have to fend for herself. *posting this from the downstairs couch where I slept last night*
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/2020-02-26-high-school-student-gives-bonus-points-test-winston-lee-23934983.html FTA: “If you could, could you give my bonus points to whoever scores the lowest?” the student’s note asked. Lee told Good Morning America he was “surprised” by the message, which had zero specifications about who it would be helping. “He didn’t care if he considered them a friend, didn’t care if they were cool, didn’t matter to him what situation had caused them to score lower, he just wanted to help, be kind, commit a loving act,” Lee wrote of his student. The teacher said that the student’s final score would have been a 99 out of 100, if not for his five-point donation. He told Good Morning America that he decided to go through with the offer, giving the points to a student who wouldn’t have passed the test without them.
  11. Used to have that issue with all the kids in the house. When the 30-40 gallon water heater that came with the house eventually broke down, I replaced it with a 70-80 gallon water heater. No longer have to worry about sleeping in on weekends and being the last one in the shower and having to take a cold shower.
  12. Thought you'd enjoy that. 😀 Now's the time to just go grab some of that beer stockpile that you have, cook a couple of steaks on the grill tonight, and then catch the opening of Season 2 of Altered carbon which kicks off today.
  13. Surprised that the US isn't carved up based on electoral votes, by land mass, ... see picture below of the president hosting visitors in the Oval Office during a praying in schools event ...
  14. Processed barley and hops ... should be a good carb alternative unless it's that light beer stuff. 😀
  15. Right now, the markets are responding to issues with companies like Apple talking about missing numbers due to the supply chain and demand aspects ... and most of these are what are classified as luxury items. Wait until the impact hits the more necessary items like food, medicine, and even general commodity items like sheltering supplies. I read yesterday or day before that the advances for the year had already been wiped out and we were in negative territory YTD for the markets. I haven't yet checked my stuff as I've been busy, but like you said, it's probably just a good idea not to at this point. Likely to get worse before it gets better.
  16. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/federal-appeals-court-revives-seth-rich-family-lawsuit-against-fox-news FTA: Seth Rich was murdered the morning of July 10, 2016, in what authorities say was a botched robbery. Conspiracy theorists seized upon Rich’s murder and spread the baseless rumor that he was the source of the stolen DNC emails obtained by Wikileaks and that his death was a politically motivated hit job. Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder who is now facing extradition to the United States for a host of charges, helped promote the conspiracy theory. The government concluded, however, that the DNC emails were stolen by Russian military intelligence, and there’s no credible evidence pointing to Rich’s involvement. Rich’s parents, Joel and Mary, filed their lawsuit against Fox News in the Southern District of New York in March 2018, alleging employees of Fox News swept them up in a deceitful scheme to promote the conspiracy theory, and that Fox News let it happen. The lawsuit alleged Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman and Fox News guest Ed Butowsky “induced” Rich’s parents to hire investigator Rod Wheeler to help “solve” their son’s murder, and that the three colluded “to pursue and develop a fiction” that painted Rich as the DNC leaker and as “a criminal and a traitor.” “Joel and Mary Rich, grieving parents of a murdered child, seek justice for having become collateral damage in a political war to which they are innocent bystanders,” Rich’s lawyers told the court last year. “They seek to help prevent similar malicious and reckless conduct to protect future innocent victims from similarly becoming political fodder.” ... Calabresi noted Fox News published an article in 2017 titled Slain DNC Staffer Had Contact with WikiLeaks Say Multiple Sources which promoted baseless claims that Seth Rich was involved in stealing the DNC emails. Fox News later retracted the piece. “Fox News guests, however, continued to reference the retracted article for months,” Calebresi said today. “And to this day, Fox News makes available online at least two videos repeating, almost verbatim, the content of the Zimmerman story.” Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity heavily promoted the conspiracy theory, and a seven-minute segment between Wheeler and Hannity from May 2017 is still on the Fox News website. The interview took place after the Rich family repeatedly disavowed the conspiracy theory and Wheeler. “We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth's murderers,” the Rich family said.
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