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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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    Central Indiana Conference
    Hoosier Conference
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    Coach / Staff

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  1. I think 8-man is a great idea if we have the schools that want to play.
  2. I agree about the 4 years but I was joking. Seriously if we’re going to have a multiplier, I like the current one.
  3. Other than DL and goal line offense, why do you need to be in 3pt stance?
  4. It might be a bad hire for other reasons but the notion that it is for the simple reason that he's a MS coach is straight up garbage. There are plenty of good MS coaches and can't understand why HS coaches play the holier than thou card on MS coaches esp ones in their own program.
  5. The start of the season is going to be tricky for sure. Nevada away should be a W but its on the road. Vandy will not beat themselves normally. The uglier the game is, the better for Vandy. Their offense wasn't dynamic last year and the QB graduated so if Boilers score points they should win. I think TCU bounces back this year. Depends on what they get offensively because the defense is always solid to really good. Can't believe somebody doesn't like Patterson but loves Briles. Might sum up Baylor community perfectly.
  6. Skill guys are normally backs/receivers/db's and I'd classify TE/LB as front 7. But stand corrected on those two I guess. And IU should be more worried about Purdue taking Indy recruits than Iowa. Iowa has consistently been a top 25 program for years. Why wouldn't kids go there instead of IU other than being close to home?
  7. I think they get their lineman from Iowa/Wisconsin/Illinois ie closer to campus. They have to branch further out for skill guys. Chicago, Indy, St. Louis, Ohio, Florida, Texas. Plus they seem to really go after height in their skill guys and I don't recall CG having a D1 skill guy over 6 ft.
  8. Just saw video on Covenant Christian’s junior to be. Was a highlight video but was really impressed his footwork and ball handling/play fakes. Can tell he’s been coached well. Has good arm strength that should keep getting better as he gets older.
  9. I think they do a really good job of getting kids overlooked by the elite schools in the Midwest. They've been in St. Louis a lot recently also. They must have a guy specifically assigned to Indianapolis.
  10. Right. And they're trending downward it seems. If it's borderline, they'll get in because NCAA wants IU fanbase's money.
  11. Idk about that latest list but like I said I try to keep up with UK and the SEC. I feel like the SEC only having 7 teams isn't enough. The conference is better at the top and has more depth than in previous years. I'm also really not sure about IU getting in....
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