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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 4 minutes ago, bittergymteacher said:

    I actually made it to the final round of interviews when they hired Coach Funk.  I sat in the conference room with the school board, A.D., and Principal.  One of the board members asked my why I was such a "Bittergymteacher" and I told him a story about how my high school never had a swimming pool and it kept me from being a national champion swimmer (that and I suck at swimming).  I knew their lack of pool facilities would cost me the job!!!


    In all seriousness, I did make it to the final round that year and it was the most pleasant interviewing process I had been through.  I hated not getting hired but they definitely made a great choice in picking Funk that year.  Ole Miss will do it right again and take their time for a quality head coach.  

    South Newton has a pool, of which to say I was a four year letter winner for the Swimmin' Rebels.  I never even thought of applying for the Mississinewa job, probably because I've never coached a down of organized tackle football and I'm just tearing  the world of corporate finance up.  But now that I know they're may be some grid iron-natatorium correlation, I may give it a shot...

  2. 6 minutes ago, Miner_Pride said:

    Contraction... I am not for it.  I can understand not fielding a team if you simply never have the numbers to compete.  I like how in Illinois you have small schools within the same district combine in co-ops to be able to field a team, and give the kids who love to play the game... play. win or lose, they are playing a sport they love without have to change schools to do so.

    If we are talking teams that just lose and lose, and therefore should just drop football or contract into another bigger school...

    I know there have been runs for schools where they were perennial losers, and yet eventually have turned the tide.  And I know there are  team around today that are on tough times that were once powerhouses.  My old man used to tell me Perry Central took a long time to get where they were a 1A power.  North Central (Farmersburg) won 4 games in 5 years (3 of those against Union-Dugger) from '94-'98 but eventually started turning the tide with 8 and 9 win seasons, and last year reaching regionals for the 1st time.  Obviously Eastern Greene won 11 games in their first 8 years before at least reaching .500 status and eventually a state runner up.


  3. 9 hours ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

    You call those guys mean but you are wanting schools to cancel cuz their teams suck. Basically you are saying they suck. 


    Elkhart Memorial And Hammond schools would have had teams had their schools not closed. 

    Thats not contraction you bafoon.

    Teams do suck at times, that’s a given.  But I don’t think these so called “sucky teams” will be stuck in first gear forever.  Why punish a program for a few bad years?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BearsGold55 said:

    The problem is that there was lies, saying certain teams are contracting.  Straight up lies, and he makes these post and the person in charge just lets him do it.  Don't go after some people and then not after your boys.  I guess it is a matter of who make your forum tick right...

    In defense of said poster (which I can't believe I'm doing) who I think you're referring to, it's just a miscommunication.  I'm pretty sure I've seen him say he looks at records and determines who lives, and this case, who dies.  The supposed "Contraction List" is his mind only and sure as hell not at the IHSAA.

  5. On 2/14/2020 at 11:40 AM, LaSalle Lions 1976 said:

    I think the bigger problem for many school is the lack of opportunities for many of the smaller and poorer school districts.

    A good way to equalize this would be to follow the recommendation of the Kernan-Shepherd report which suggests that all school cooperations have at least 2000 to 4000 students per corporation.  This will help to equalize resources and opportunities for all.  Maybe back to three class football...who knows.

    Three class football?  Some people’s  heads would explode...

  6. 31 minutes ago, BearsGold55 said:

    This thread is full of rumors and lies.  Talking about programs that are supposedly contracting even though they are not.  Making up stories and falsehoods,  I thought we had a rule that there was no rumors on here, but oh wait, DT is one of the "good ol' boys "  on here so he is allowed to say whatever he wants.

    If that makes him feel better.   It's not up to us who plays and who doesn't.  Buy your popcorn, sit down, and shut up...

    • Disdain 1
    • Kill me now 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, HoopsCoach said:

    Northview is a neighboring school for both Terre Haute schools and they have 975 students.  Owen Valley is not too far away and their enrollment is around 715.  Northview can compete with THN and THS in several sports, but Owen Valley would struggle.  Mooresville, Plainfield, and Decatur Central are all about an hour from Terre Haute, and Martinsville is about an hour and 20 minutes.  I don’t see any of those schools being eager to leave the Mid-State Conference to pair up with THN/THS, and the other Mid-State schools farther east would have no interest in bringing them into the conference.  They would be a competitive fit in the Mid-State, but not a good geographic fit.  That is probably the best place those two schools could go.

    Thanks, as I said I've been north of 24 for awhile...

  8. 17 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    And a conference that includes schools in Columbus and Terre Haute makes no sense; particularly when factoring in that another Columbus high school is in a much more geographically compact conference.

    Exactly.  I know it's tough for the Hautians, but what else are they gonna do?  I think the next biggest schools in the area are Martinsville, Mooresville, Plainfield, South Vermillion, and West Vigo.

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