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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 6 hours ago, crimsonace1 said:

    There are no good reasons to remove opportunities from student-athletes for the sake of a dumb talking point. 

    Only 12 can be on a basketball team. Football has 11 on the field at any given time. 

    He just doesn’t get it.  I’ve spelled out many times how contraction is a bad idea, but he just won’t listen.  It’s not part of his narrative apparently.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Trojan88 said:

    Or just leave and go somewhere else  - a lot of postings and energy related to DT and that comment. Seriously, get over it and yourself. Not sure why you are so bent, but are there not better topics to cover? And, for your specific topic, then start your own forum with your own site. Is that direct enough? Jeez.

    If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a little upset with me.  You have that right, then again most of my commentary is on the Packers, Purdue football, and that little school on the southern end of their county that apparently is a candidate for contraction.   I float no conspiracy theories as I think it's an utter waste of time because I come to these forums to learn things as opposed to all of this bunk that is bandied about.   Sure, I post things there a little goofy at times, which is something I will never apologize for or go anywhere else.


  3. 29 minutes ago, AG said:

    Performance periods are longer at Purdue because the program recently suffered through the worst 4 year period in it's own history. Hazell was given 3.5 seasons and Brohm has fared much better.

    With that, there's no hard and fast generally accepted performance period.  We're dealing with 18-22 kids not robots!

  4. 4 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

    I think its a solid question and good for a football forum board to discuss.  

    My opinion (for what its worth) is that it needs to play out.  When a team gets hammered by injuries, not sure if its fair to assess much.  Unless a team is top tier like OSU, PSU, etc. they simply don't have the depth to overcome certain injuries...especially those to playmakers.

    Brohm needs to address his O line....that's a known.  He gets a few more key players, could change everything.  With Moore, Bell and others together in the lineup, will be tough for defenses.  

    This IU fan thinks the Boilers will have a better season in 2020 if they avoid the injury bug....and plug some holes. 

    Adjustments need to be made and they will.  But, again I believe Brohm know what he's doing.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, DT said:

    It just seems odd to me that you have absolutely no one on the depth chart who appears to be the first team QB for Air Brohm next season.  

    Another huge roster misstep for Purdue.  

    There's just no excuse for this kind of roster mismanagement.


    Why do you even care?  I trust Brohm implicitly.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    I think Outback Bowl is giving them wayyyy too much credit. That would involve a 9, possibly 10 win season. Ain't happening in the B10 East. 

    Very true.  College football on the east coast just can't piss in the tall weeds with the big dogs.  Well, an exception can be made for Penn State, and that's about it.

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