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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. You failed to answer the question: if giving someone PWO status isn’t designed to make the team better, then why is he doing it?
  2. So, if it’s not to make the team better, why is Coach Allen doing it?
  3. Q. What do they call a coach who advances the interests of “the health of football over all“ before those of his own program? A. “Unemployed”
  4. Sure he can, but it’s a matter of priorities. He can be loyal to his family by doing the best he can to advance in his career and provide for them the best he is able. Sounds to me like that’s what he’s doing. That’s where his loyalty belongs.
  5. The implication being that if he leaves Indiana for what he perceives to be a career-advancing opportunity at Alabama that is somehow disloyal? Disagree strongly. He’s a professional football coach.
  6. You realize there are a finite number of scholarships, right? Allen has one job, and that is to win games for IU. If he thinks expanding his PWO program will help, then he absolutely should do it. He has no obligation whatsoever to “Indiana small college football.”
  7. I used to love working at places that are literally in the middle of a cornfield. There are several places like that in the northern half of the state. Perhaps even more in the southern?
  8. And an average of, in my experience, approximately 5.9 freight trains per game.
  9. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2875682-14-team-expanded-playoff-format-is-perfect-fix-to-reinvigorate-mlb-for-a-new-era Here are some excerpts that explain why MLB is proposing this change, since you have asserted that the reasoning behind the proposal is simply to generate more revenue from more playoff games: “In 2019, attendance was down for a seventh straight year. Many factors have led to the dip, but clearly one is so many teams surrendering playoff objectives before or during seasons. MLB wants to have as many regular-season games matter as possible.” “The drama would ratchet up leaguewide. More eyeballs would be glued to screens, and more butts would be in seats.” “Is your team hovering below .500 in late August? Don't worry! It's a five-game winning streak away from being smack dab in the postseason mix. And if this protracted playoff dance plays out, imagine the drama. That would undoubtedly turn the heads of the younger demographic baseball needs to court.” “... it's about a bigger pool of fans investing, rooting and cheering every year.” So, you are free to disagree with the fundamental proposition here: that the playoff procedure can — and should — be adjusted so as to make the regular season more competitive and more meaningful. But you’re not just disagreeing with me and @JustRules. You’re also disagreeing with the MLB people who are charged with making their sport — both regular season and postseason — more attractive to fans. Of course, no one is infallible. But the logic makes sense, and people with millions of $$ at stake are willing to bet on it. To me, it’s just a question of whether you’re willing to do what is best for the future of Indiana HS football, even if it involves a significant change in the status quo.
  10. BTDT! A good reason to never dispense with the pregame field inspection.
  11. You're still missing it. The number of teams they've decided to go to is not the significant part. The significant part is that they're using the playoffs to make the regular season better. You can only do that with a qualification format or, to a much lesser degree, seeding because, otherwise, regular season games have no connection to the playoffs.
  12. And the NFL has now chimed in with exactly the same strategy as MLB. That’s two pretty savvy groups of people who came to the same conclusion: design the postseason process with the goal of making the regular season better. Those of you who doubt a seeded, qualification format would have that effect (cough, cough, @TrojanDad) should take heed. You don’t have to take just my word for it.
  13. I think you’re still not getting my point and I apologize for not being able to state it more clearly. The lesson we can learn from MLB on this topic is that an effective way to increase the competitiveness of regular season games is to tailor the post-season process to the goal of making more regular season games meaningful with respect to playoff qualifying. That’s the lesson we can learn, and that’s the only point I was trying to make.
  14. I officiated somewhere around 400 varsity regular season games. I also had approximately 110-120 playoff games. I hope you’re not trying to say that there’s no appreciable difference in the excitement, intensity and effort between regular season games and playoff games. Because anyone who is as astute an observer of high school football as you are would never say that.
  15. I’ll accept the 95% figure for purposes of the discussion. The rest is simply opinion. I’d suggest the author might start by looking up the actual definition of “voluntary.”
  16. Baloney. A complete misuse of the word “coercion.” Sounds like Humpty Dumpty to me: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
  17. No, but they are the ones who decide what weight to give a confession at trial, taking into account the circumstances under which it was obtained. I’m unfamiliar with the concept of a “coerced” plea bargain. Sort of oxymoronic.
  18. That’s exactly the jury’s function: to decide what weight to give such evidence, after hearing the pertinent facts and circumstances regarding that evidence.
  19. I love that idea. But I’m not sure how Coach Kennedy would feel about “following in the footsteps” of Coach Radtke. Rumor has it that when they were both in the Region, they didn’t exactly send each other Christmas cards.
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