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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Maybe the easiest prediction I ever made on here. He gone! I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Can you say “lawsuit?” Edited July 11 by Bobref
  2. I worked a lot of games for those two schools. They were my favorite places to work for many reasons. Just two great, classy programs.
  3. John Barron was the coach of one of the teams. I spoke with him last week, but “forgot” to mention that incident.
  4. Many years ago, South Bend used to hold a Summer festival in July that included all sorts of athletic events, including an all star game of area football players. I got our crew to officiate one of the games. Figured it’d be a nice, no pressure, way to get in some field time in the Summer. Back then there weren’t the opportunities to work in the Summer like there are now. Well, early in the proceedings one of the players spit on an opponent and there commenced a bench clearing brawl — one of only 3 in which I was involved in 40 seasons.
  5. Or even a series. That gets the message across: “Behave, or sit.”
  6. Rule 7-2-2 has been in the rulebook forever. Nothing new here. “The players on each side of and next to the snapper may lock legs with the snapper, but any other A lineman must have each foot outside the ­closest foot of the player next to him at the snap.” The only restriction on interlocking legs is at the snap. Once the ball is snapped, there are no such restrictions. There is a rule against “interlocked blocking,” but it does not included interlocked feet.
  7. Send me a message with your location and I’ll put you in touch with the right person.
  8. Exactly. That’s why it falls on the coaches to control the players in the only way that’ll make them settle down — playing time. They act like jackasses, sit ‘em down for a series and see if that works.
  9. What would you have the officials do that they didn’t? The way in which officials handle this sort of thing is well established. There is an escalating sequence of responses, which goes like this: Talk to the players. This is something the crew does throughout the game. But it becomes much more focused if things get chippy. Talk to the head coaches. “Coach, your #50 is going to get you in trouble if he keeps up the chirping, shoving, etc.” Hopefully, the coach has a little more influence on the player, and calms him down. Throw the flag. Talk can only get you so far. If talking doesn’t work, the flag usually does. Disqualify the offenders. This is absolutely a last resort. I have some pretty good sources (not anyone on last night’s crew), and understand there was a disqualification for targeting against the North early on — which, by all accounts, was exactly the right call. But it continued, and the coaches didn’t even sit offending players for a series after a personal foul or unsportsmanlike conduct foul. There is only so much the officials can do … and my sources tell me the crew did everything they could, but got little cooperation from the coaching staffs. Was that the targeting foul committed against the South QB? The offender was disqualified, as the Referee judged it to be a flagrant personal foul.
  10. I officiated this game twice. I can tell you that the last thing you want to do is throw a bunch of flags at what is supposed to be half football game, half graduation party.
  11. I understand it was a sh*tshow tonight. What happened?
  12. How do you think the DAC would go about doing this? I doubt they have enough pull to get the time zone boundaries changed.
  13. My comment was without regard to the opposition. I know a good football team when I see one.
  14. I was at Valpo’s scrimmage last night. Man, they are loaded! When you consider the circumstances under which he got the job, and what he’s done since then, Bill Marshall has got to be considered among the very upper echelon of coaches in the state.
  15. If you’re really interested in what happened, read the 52 pg. report prepared by the independent engineering firm that investigated the accident. https://www.nd.edu/assets/docs/notre-dame-investigation-report.pdf
  16. That’s the great thing about a board like the GID. Anyone can come on here and say anything without having a clue about the facts.
  17. There will be a settlement. Nobody wants this stuff aired publicly, which is what would happen in a protracted lawsuit. Dan Webb is a great, great trial lawyer.
  18. In which case he’ll be after for ending a sentence with a preposition. 🤣
  19. Please disregard. Some questions were raised about this morning’s e-mail regarding the IG enforcement. I contacted Asst. Commissioner Faulkens, and this comes directly from him. Hopefully, this will be the final clarification. 😂 The enforcement for IG has not changed from previous years, despite the new rule changing penalty enforcement for fouls by the offense behind the neutral zone. It is still a 5 yd. penalty from the spot of the foul, plus loss of down. Sorry for the confusion.
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