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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Donnie Baker

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Donnie Baker

  1. East sides by 2 TDs and I’ll say it right to your face!
  2. Center Groves Cathedrals New Prairies Adams Centrals Lutherns Gibson Southerns Westfields Michigan Citys Evansville Memorials Brebeufs Eastsides Madder Days
  3. He’s getting his stat books ready for basketball season, I swear to God he is!
  4. A multiple state champ and they’ll say it right to your face!
  5. Lutherans 14 The Woofs of Parke Heritage 6 at the half
  6. That’s the first good idea I’ve seen from Illinois in a while, I swear to God it is
  7. Apparently no Woofs or Lutherans are excited about regionals
  8. We were all toad that. No working very well. I gotta go
  9. You should be at McDonald’s scouting youth league players or getting your basketball stats ready, I swear to God you should!
  10. Congrats to The Woofs. Both Park Tutors and Covenant Christians gave Lutherans all they wanted. Can the Woofs coaches find something?
  11. Saint Mary’s of The Woods. That would be hot I swear to God it would
  12. EB LCC Mville Lowes Pioneers Prarie Gophers get their first ever sectional trophy Wfield Caramel Misha Do it in Danville
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