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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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    Jennings County
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    Coach / Staff

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  1. I know they aren't with us anymore, but nowhere else would make sense to share for our former comrades.
  2. I've heard tell of a speedhawk from the east. Were you the guy that always hustled every single rep and didn't have no sissy attitude like these modern boys do?
  3. Could someone tell me if this is accurate? I am unable to find anything directly on the IHSAA's website and I currently can't get on the NFHS site (I am sure it is my error) Thanks in advance! 4025playclock.pdf
  4. We are lucky to have some homegrown coaches. Having someone to lead like Coach Newton who comes from a culture of success at Lewis Cass and other assistants from places with cultures of success like Brownstown Central and Columbus East has been invaluable.
  5. Is there any sport East attracts more than North in besides wrestling? North is a very solid program but hard to argue with the collegiate wrestlers coming out of East in the last decade.
  6. Jennings County is hosting Brown County at 10 AM Saturday
  7. Will you be announcing the Bulldog starters to the tune of Machinehead?
  8. Do you know a rough cost on the North Knox facility?
  9. I can confirm TJ Newton is not from Jennings County and was hired from outside for the HC position.
  10. Great guy. Totally agree. A few points of contention: Just because many of us coaches are born and raised in JC does not mean we are incapable of adopting winning ideals and plans from the outside. Growing up in a losing football program does not resign you to knowing only failure for the rest of your life. Secondly, JC Football being a perpetually losing program is true, but we do have several other sports that range from solid to more than good. We don't just lose by nature. Our 3 most consistently successful programs right now (GBB, Track, XC) are all coached by insiders. I think outsiders are great, but as a born and raised JC alum and teacher/coach, I like to hope that my career path is not just "continue the losing" by default.
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