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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Yes, it’s time. Time to give it up. Call it a day. Head on down the road. Vamoose. Take off. You won’t have ole gonzoron to kick around any more, I’m movin’ on. I’m rollin’ on. I’m flyin’ too high for your little ole sky. When I first joined the GID 12 years ago, it was to bash P/P’s, one in particular. I got schooled on that by a guy whose main mode of transportation is a John Deere tractor. Once I saw the light, I let all that go. When an opening came up in the OOB after a crash, I was all over it. Most of my post count came from those glory days, ah the good ole days. They always say “you’ll know when it’s time” and they were right. I’m going with more positive reactions than anyone in GID History. I know, I know, I’m listed as 3rd in reputation points, but that’s just due to all the downvotes I received in the process. If you all would be so kind, I can still make it to the top with your cooperation in downvoting that guy in the striped shirt and The Professor every chance you get. Thank you for your support. After driving one of my children to an athletic event or team practice for 35 out of the last 40 years, that era has ended also. I’m gonna have a lot of time on my hands. No more waiting at the school burning up gas in the winter and summer, no more phone calls saying ‘practice is over early’, no more cries of ‘you left me at the rest area’, no more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I’m old. I’m tired. Get off my lawn. Sincerely, Gonzo
  2. That's what they say about them on Facebook. "I haven’t been on there in a hot minute, but last time I was there, DrivenT and Temptation, geez"
  3. We're not gonna be outdone by the SIAC. May I have this dance?
  4. Seems legit. I realize y'all don't get up here much.
  5. I went from legend to loser in the same week. I swear to god I did.
  6. In other words, you all assumed. Do you know the ones for the Evansville schools?
  7. Don't need a memory when it's right there in black and white.
  8. Riiiiiiiiiight. You directed it at a Lawrence Central fan...........
  9. This would explain why you don't know anything about Lawrence Central.
  10. Wow. Hell has frozen over. Mud and tem all of a sudden like Facebook.
  11. I'll see your 30 and bump it up to 50.
  12. We do our talking on the field. That's where football is played.
  13. Can't imagine an undrafted free agent would get much of a signing bonus, but in any case, that was 30 years ago. Latest video I can find is a 2013 commercial and he doesn't seem overly obese or unhealthy in it. No real stories of carousing in a Google search.
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