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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Tell that to @Bash Riprock, he's the one who brought up tenderloins. But that may have been before @DEhad to call you for help.
  2. Tenderloins are political? I never knew that. Are you a Hoosier?
  3. I do have you blocked. That obviously doesn't mean what you think it means either. It's not the same as Facebook(although there are ways around that also.) You called me out? On what? I'm not sure 'called you out' means what you think it means either. Let's go @temptation! get with the program my man.
  4. I don't think OOB means what you think it means.
  5. I’m sorry, we don’t speak OOBish here. Please keep it on your side of the border.
  6. If he gets that kind of money, it's most likely going to be from the Niners. This is the guy folks should be going after. I don't think I've ever seen a player in full pads run this fast. https://youtu.be/9SPa-PUg61Y
  7. I'm guessing the 49ers will pony up and make him an offer he can't refuse. I don't think they're willingly going to let go of 28% of their offense.
  8. What's going on in San Francisco? https://www.49erswebzone.com/articles/157576-schefter-believes-location-factor-deebo-samuel-requesting-trade/ https://www.49erswebzone.com/articles/157580-49ers-player-personnel-ethan-waugh-expected-leave-jaguars/
  9. I agree, especially after watching some snippets of the USFL games this weekend. Kaep should consider the USFL. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/columnist/mike-jones/2022/04/21/colin-kaepernick-nfl-quarterback-return-usfl/7384566001/?gnt-cfr=1
  10. It's still not a threat. You folks always need someone else to blame. Snowflake on Karen
  11. I most certainly DID NOT invite you to dinner. You barged into a separate conversation that didn’t involve you and invited yourself. Unless you planned to eat some dirt in the alley behind the Dollar…… You're the one bragging about having all the cash from officiating……… Buy your own GD tenderloin.
  12. Worry about your own finances.
  13. Why not throw some of that extra cash GID's way? https://gridirondigest.net/clients/donations/
  14. Not to mention that the most prestigious award in college football was named after one of their former Coaches. Who happened to be lured away from them after Clemson beat Georgia Tech 77-0.
  15. Was that before they installed the retractable roof?
  16. https://v16m-webapp.tiktokcdn-us.com/657b5144450f7ac95c9f63951b9fbafe/625ef825/video/tos/useast5/tos-useast5-ve-0068c003-tx/4b375bf4124041f896d0f5cb97218f75/?a=1988&br=2830&bt=1415&cd=0|0|1|0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=3&er=&ft=ebtHKH-qMyq8Z_0ewwe2NXeufl7Gb&l=202204191157280101131350181AAC8354&lr=tiktok_m&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=ajd2eTg6Zm48OzMzZzczNEApOWVpPGlpM2RmNzVkZDlkaGdgMTRscjRvb3BgLS1kMS9zc15fLjYyL2AzNGMzNi9hMy46Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr=
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