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As of 9:30 this morning neither CCPCNN or MSNBCCP had one article regarding the Cuomocide  story on their web pages.  This is reprehensible, not unbelievable though.  10's of thousand of additional people died, alone in a nursing home because of this f**k.  The fact that the msm is not covering the confirmed cover up of a Governor in a state with the population of approx. 20 mil is not the real story.  How this ass hat is still in office as I type this is f'ed up at best.

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22 hours ago, raiderx2 said:

As of 9:30 this morning neither CCPCNN or MSNBCCP had one article regarding the Cuomocide  story on their web pages.  This is reprehensible, not unbelievable though.  10's of thousand of additional people died, alone in a nursing home because of this f**k.  The fact that the msm is not covering the confirmed cover up of a Governor in a state with the population of approx. 20 mil is not the real story.  How this ass hat is still in office as I type this is f'ed up at best.

Cuomo didn't conspire to storm the Capitol. 

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On 2/13/2021 at 11:49 AM, DanteEstonia said:

Cuomo didn't conspire to storm the Capitol. 

Don't understand the comparison but......ok. 

Cuomo directly responsible for 10's of thousands of deaths.  This compares to the peaceful protests at the Capitol how?

You can't believe half the crap that you type do you?

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Fellow Democratic legislators in New York weren’t buying Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s explanation Monday as to why he refused for months to release a true accounting of nursing home residents who died from the coronavirus.

Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens), whose uncle died from COVID-19, bluntly said that “all of it is BS” and a cover-up.

“They could have given us the information back in May and June of last year. They chose not to,” Kim said after hearing Cuomo was blaming the Department of Justice probe for delays in releasing the accurate coronavirus death tally of nursing home residents.

Cuomo cited an exclusive Aug. 26, 2020, story in The Post that broke the news about the DOJ inquiry into his administration’s nursing home admission policy and the undercounting of deaths, claiming Albany legislators should have known about the probe based on that.

Kim said lawmakers could have passed laws to tighten up accountability and liability in nursing homes to save lives if they had the information sooner.

Kim also said Cuomo’s comments Monday don’t square with what top aide Melissa DeRosa told him and other legislators during a private meeting last week, when she said former President Donald Trump made the issue a “political football” and claimed that as an excuse for withholding the nursing home data. The Post first reported on her explosive remarks after obtaining an audio recording of the meeting.

“And basically, we froze,” DeRosa said.

“She talked about the potential that the information would be weaponized against them. DeRosa needs to be accountable for what she said,” Kim insisted.

DeRosa on Friday issued a statement, mirroring what the governor said Monday that the administration was dealing with federal probers before it would release more detailed nursing home data to state legislators and the public data.

Meanwhile, state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx) challenged Cuomo’s assertion that his team informed lawmakers that it would delay release of nursing home fatality data because of the federal probe.

“No, @NYGovCuomo , you did not tell the `entire’ Senate or Assembly that there was a DOJ investigation, as the reason why you didn’t share the nursing home numbers,” Biaggi said in a tweet.

“I found out about a DOJ investigation with the rest of NY’ers in the @nypost story Thursday night,” she said.

State Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn) claimed Cuomo was lying.


“If the Governor had actually informed the legislature months ago that his office was withholding the data they had on total nursing home deaths, there would’ve been no need for them to have a call with a group of legislators last week to inform them of this for the first time,” she tweeted.

“Governor can claim (as he’s done) that they withheld the data bc they thought it would be used against them by the DOJ(!). But claiming they informed the legislature is a lie on top of a lie. If he’d been honest in the first place, he may have had one bad news cycle. But now?”

State Sen. John Liu (D-Queens) also said the federal probe wasn’t an excuse for “months and months of delays” in “misleading” or “withholding information that the public deserves to know.”

He said he will back legislation curbing the governor’s emergency powers because of Cuomo’s fumbling of the nursing home issue.

“The status quo can’t remain. There needs to be a revocation of some of the governor’s emergency powers,” Liu said on the Fox News Channel.

“For months and months we’ve been asking the executive branch, the governor’s office for this information. It was information our constituents were demanding from the state government.”

Liu said he was particularly disturbed by state Attorney General Letitia James’ damning report on nursing homes released last month that found that Cuomo’s Health Department low-balled the COVID death count of residents by 50 percent by excluding people who died in hospitals.

Hours after the report, Team Cuomo started to come clean by releasing more accurate data that increased the COVID-19 nursing home death tally by nearly 4,000.

Senate GOP Minority Leader Robert Ortt (R-Niagara) said Republicans were never notified by Cuomo’s office about the DOJ probe and request for time to release nursing home data.

“People want the truth and the only way that can be provided is through investigations by the Department of Justice and the Attorney General,” Ortt said.

A state judge on Feb. 3 ruled that Cuomo illegally withheld COVID-19 nursing home data from the Empire Center for Public Policy and ordered its release. The watchdog group filed a legal request for the information and was stonewalled for six months before the judge ordered the administration to began releasing it.

The Empire Center’s Bill Hammond said Cuomo’s hiding before the DOJ probe to sit on a true accounting of nursing home deaths doesn’t hold water.

“Cuomo and his administration was fighting release of the data before and after the DOJ probe. It’s not plausible that they couldn’t cooperate with DOJ and provide information to legislators and the public,” he said.

He obviously thought he wouldn't get caught.  Now that their own AG is circling around the Governor, and can't ignore the truth, the rest of the rats are jumping ship to save their own hides.......They "froze" the truth, but in the end the truth is winning.....and the Governor is trying to wiggle his way out.....

Here is CNN's take (not even close to a "Headline Story" 




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23 hours ago, raiderx2 said:

This compares to the peaceful protests at the Capitol how?

What drugs do you take?

One of my favorite sayings of my old football coach, Bret Szabo, is "Film does not lie". This film shows an armed right-wing insurrection, and one of the traitors being put down. This was not a "peaceful protest". 


On 2/15/2021 at 5:38 AM, swordfish said:

Neither did the last President.......

Leaders are responsible for orders given to followers. 

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3 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

What drugs do you take?

One of my favorite sayings of my old football coach, Bret Szabo, is "Film does not lie". This film shows an armed right-wing insurrection, and one of the traitors being put down. This was not a "peaceful protest". 


Leaders are responsible for orders given to followers. 

Neither were the summer riots Einstein but that's what your party/press called them.  Based on your idea that leaders are responsible for orders given half of your party's Senators and CongressMen/Women would be locked up.  

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19 hours ago, raiderx2 said:

Neither were the summer riots Einstein

Find me a "leftist" equivalent to this-


-although I doubt you can, because like nearly all conservatives, you are barely intelligent enough to speak. Research is beyond your grasp. 

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16 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

Find me a "leftist" equivalent to this-


-although I doubt you can, because like nearly all conservatives, you are barely intelligent enough to speak. Research is beyond your grasp. 



For the left, however, the chaos at the Capitol has opened an opportunity to refute the perception they own the monopoly on widespread political violence. Democrats and left-wing media elites have already capitalized on the violent outbreak, where four people died, to characterize conservatives as the creatures of chaos.

At this point, it’s undeniable that the political far-right calls home to its own Antifa-like anarchists. It is also undeniable, however, that reaction to the protests from conservative leaders roundly condemning the violence from their own side stands in remarkable contrast to the way Democrats and corporate media spent months going out of their way attempting to justify the deadly actions of militant leftists.


Not one prominent conservative pundit or politician with any significant platform was reported to have tried endorsing the mob of Trump supporters infiltrating the U.S. Capitol. To the contrary, conservatives spent months vilifying Democratic leaders for not doing enough in their own states and cities to crack down on the militant mobs of leftists taking streets under siege, normalizing the kind of political violence on track to appear routine in the nightmare 2020 decade.

It was only seven months ago that Washington D.C. was last on fire.

Reminder that our nation's capital looked like this at the beginning of the summer and most Democrats/media shrugged it off as mostly peaceful https://t.co/1zvsLVRuQc

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 6, 2021


A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.

1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail


2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful?


3. MSNBC Reporter Describes Fiery Scene ‘Mostly A Protest’


4. CNN Labels Burning Protest ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’


5. Democratic National Convention Refuses To Condemn Riots


6. Pulitzer Prize-Winning New York Times Writer: Destroying Property Isn’t Violence


7. Government-Funded PBS Reporter Denies Anarchists Are ‘Anarchists’


8. CNN’s Don Lemon Compares Leftist Riots to Boston Tea Party


9. CNN’s Chris Cillizza Complains About the Term ‘Riot’


10. New York Times Columnist Finds Portland Anarchists In Piece Titled, ‘Help Me Find Trump’s ‘Anarchists’ In Portland’


11. MSNBS’s Joy Reid: BLM Riots Are Really Just Undercover White Nationalists Causing Trouble


12. Huffington Post Releases Video Outlining ‘How Riots Built America’


13. NBC News Allegedly Instructed Staff to Avoid the Term ‘Riot’


14. Seattle Mayor On Anarchists Taking Control of Downtown: Don’t Be Afraid of Democracy


15. Washington Governor Unaware of Seattle Occupation


16. Pelosi When Mobs Tore Down Statues: ‘People Will Do What They Do’


17. Rolling Stone Re-Publishes Article to ‘Rethink Property Destruction’


18. GQ Magazine: Violent Protests Work


19. Slate: Riots Are A ‘Proportionate Response’


20. Mother Jones: ‘Riots Aren’t Irrational’


21. TIME Magazine: The Term ‘Riot’ Is ‘Loaded’


22. Vox: Woke Riots Are Scary But Productive. Capitol Riots Were Devastating\


23. New York Times Has Sympathy For BLM Riots, While Blaming Trump As Sole Perpetrator For Wednesday Mob


24. Jacobin Magazine: Looting Is Justified Only For Social Justice


25. AOC: The Whole Point of Protesting Is to Make People Uncomfortable


26. Author Writes Book Titled, ‘In Defense Of Looting’


27. NPR Guest: Floyd Demonstrations Are Acts Of Rebellion, Not Riots


28. NPR Makes Up Right-Wing Violence


Why yes, socialist lefties like yourself are all about "peace".  Stop deluding yourself Dante.


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5 minutes ago, Muda69 said:


Why yes, socialist lefties like yourself are all about "peace".  Stop deluding yourself Dante.


Property can be rebuilt. A dead Congressman is a different thing. 

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4 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

Property can be rebuilt. A dead Congressman is a different thing. 

What Congressman died on January 6th, 2021?

And how many died in the leftist-provoked riots that took place all across the county in 2020?


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54 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

Property can be rebuilt. A dead  KINDA FRIGHTENED Congressman is a different thing. 

FIFY - BTW, AOC was tucked safely away in her office building that wasn't touched......but it was almost like the time she was raped......(her words)

Believe me, if the people that were in DC that day would have had insurrection on their mind, the Capital would have burned, and there would have been massive bloodshed.  Instead, at about 6:00 pm, did yo notice how the VAST majority of the crowd had already left?  Probably headed back to their "Olive Garden" and "Holiday Inns" as Anderson (Culture Guru) Cooper predicted.....


Besides - WTF are we discussing the protest from January 6 on the Cuomo thread for?  We are allowing DE to hijack this thread......

FYI - Emmy winner Cuomo's perils are multiplying with each lie, I mean excuse......

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1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

Property can be rebuilt. A dead Congressman is a different thing. 

So you are good with riots and people losing businesses and jobs?  It's only collateral damage right?  And you are questioning my intelligence?  Lmfao.  What a tool.

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Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big campaign donations



As Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a spirited challenge in his bid to win New York’s 2018 Democratic primary, his political apparatus got a last-minute boost: a powerful healthcare industry group suddenly poured more than $1m into a Democratic committee backing his campaign.

Less than two years after that flood of cash from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), Cuomo signed legislation last month quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The provision, inserted into an annual budget bill by Cuomo’s aides, created one of the nation’s most explicit immunity protections for healthcare industry officials, according to legal experts.


Combine this with Mr. Cuomo's directive of forcing nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive individuals and you have a win-win for this section of the nursing home industry.  They couldn't be sued, and they made more money from the federal government from those covid-10 positive cases.


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31 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big campaign donations


Combine this with Mr. Cuomo's directive of forcing nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive individuals and you have a win-win for this section of the nursing home industry.  They couldn't be sued, and they made more money from the federal government from those covid-10 positive cases.


And the left was able to get higher numbers of infection and death earlier to bolster the severity factor (and justify the "2 weeks to stop the spread").  Along with the shrill "we need 40,000 respirators" which less than 4,000 were actually utilized, the Javit's Center, the Red Cross Mercy ship that was brought out of repairs for New York.

FYI - We are 11 months into "2 weeks to stop the spread"...... BUT - Coronavirus cured the Flu!!   400,000 hospitalizations to 165 in one year!!!  #howstupiddotheythinkweare 

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On 2/18/2021 at 8:41 AM, raiderx2 said:

And you are questioning my intelligence?

I don't have to question, I have direct evidence. 

On 2/18/2021 at 8:41 AM, raiderx2 said:

So you are good with riots and people losing businesses and jobs?  It's only collateral damage right?

Too bad, so sad. Hope you paid the insurance bill. 

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Tough contest, but Mayor Putz, Bill de Blasio, is more popular in New York these days than the Granny Killer, Gov. Cuomo.

“People would tend to like a bungling idiot more than a homicidal maniac” is how “Bernie and Sid” put it yesterday on their top-rated WABC radio show. 

And that was in the morning, before former Cuomo adviser Lindsey Boylan dropped a bucket on her ex-boss, alleging he “sexually harassed me for years,” to the point that she felt nauseous coming to work and finally had to quit. 

“Andrew Cuomo abused his power as governor to sexually harass me, just as he had done with so many other women,” she wrote in an essay on Medium. 

She recalled in excruciating detail how Cuomo forcibly kissed her on the mouth, touched her “lower back, arms and legs,” once suggested they play strip poker, stalked her at a party and had staffers tell the 36-year-old married mother that he had a “crush on her.” 

When she confided in her family, her mother diagnosed the 63-year-old governor as a “sexist pig” and warned Lindsey to stay away from him. 

Already under fire over the nursing-home scandal, Cuomo can add “sexual predator” to the long list of allegations that has both Democrats and Republicans demanding that he resign or be impeached

Boy, the worm has turned on the “Luv Guv,” and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. 

The outrage is that his bullying, catastrophic ineptitude has been obvious to his Democratic colleagues from the start. 

As city Public Advocate Jumaane Williams said Wednesday at an ­anti-Cuomo rally, everyone knew what the governor was. 

“This is who he has always been long before the pandemic . . . It is finally exposing who we knew this governor was all along, from pay-to-play with real estate to pay-to-play with nursing-home owners, to ducking accountability, to passing blame to everyone but himself, to bullying tactics.” 

State Assemblyman Ron Kim said Cuomo threatened to “destroy” him unless he issued a statement to cover up for Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa after she admitted Cuomo had “withheld lifesaving nursing-home data” from lawmakers for fear it would be used against him. 

“Everyone in New York politics knows he has been abusive for a long time,” Kim told Bloomberg TV last week, “to his staff, elected officials, even journalists.” 

So why did they cover Cuomo him for so long? 

Because he was the designated foil for Donald Trump. 

Women swooned over his ­macho-man daily briefings last spring where he oozed fake empathy and shared spaghetti-sauce recipes, while secretly signing a death warrant for at least 10,000 seniors. 

Nancy Pelosi confessed she was a “big fan.” Ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley tweeted how much she looked forward to his daily “therapy session.” 

Joe Biden hailed him as the “gold standard” in leadership. 

Cuomo even won an Emmy for his televised briefings, for God’s sake. 

But the truth was, that for a third-term governor, he was woefully unprepared for the pandemic. He downplayed the virus, bickered with de Blasio and dithered on locking down New York until March 22, a week after overruling de Blasio’s request, by which time cases already were doubling every three or four days. 

He refused to close down the subways when City Council members begged him in April, even though it was a major COVID spreader. 

When Trump sent the USNS Comfort hospital ship and deployed the Army Corps of Engineers to construct eight field hospitals in New York, Cuomo left them empty and instead issued his deadly memo forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients. 

As New Yorkers were dropping like flies, he wrote a book promoting himself. 

He scared Democratic voters off “Trump’s vaccine” and now is puzzled that minority communities are reluctant to get shots. 

Instead of prioritizing the elderly, he inserted woke metrics into the vaccine rollout and threatened vaccinators with fines if they didn’t stick to his rules, with the result that precious doses where thrown in the trash. 

On top of it all, he was a chump. He paid $12 million to a Chinese sex-toy store named “Please Me,” reportedly to buy 1,000 ventilators, and now taxpayers have to pay millions more in legal fees to sue the company. 

Cuomo’s hysterical, muddled response to the pandemic delivered us the second highest COVID death rate in the country. 

But the big news through it all was whether or not the bulge ­under his too-tight polo shirt was a nipple ring. 

The media adulation wasn’t just because he had a sycophantic brother over at CNN. It was because his briefings were a tool for belittling Trump and blaming him for every COVID death. Democrats would have worshipped at the feet of Caligula if the governor made Trump look bad. 

At least Cuomo’s downfall goes to show that bullies don’t prosper if their victims fight back. 

It just takes just one person of courage for the floodgates to open, because bullies never have one victim. They abuse everyone around them to overcome their feelings of inadequacy. 

In Cuomo’s case, it was Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean who led the charge after two in-laws died in nursing homes. 

It’s been stormy weather for him ever since.


So the shoe appears to be dropping?  Apparently you can be a "Granny killer" and many other bad things as long as you can make Trump look bad, but they are drawing the line at alleged sexual harassment......especially now that Trump is out of office.....


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Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday tried to explain away allegations of sexual harassment as “jokes” that were misinterpreted as “unwanted flirtation” — as his office caved on the state attorney general’s request to appoint an investigator to probe the claims.

“At work sometimes I think I am being playful and make jokes that I think are funny. I do, on occasion, tease people in what I think is a good natured way,” said Cuomo in a prepared statement.

“I now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or too personal and that some of my comments, given my position, made others feel in ways I never intended,” he continued. “I acknowledge some of the things I have said have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation. To the extent anyone felt that way, I am truly sorry about that.”

Gov. Cuomo’s office caved on the state attorney general’s request to solely appoint an investigator of sexual harassment allegations made against him.

The statement came one day after former Cuomo staffer Charlotte Bennett, 25, alleged to the New York Times that the 63-year-old governor made a series of inappropriate remarks that left her convinced he “wanted to sleep with” her.

That claim, in turn, came less than a week after another former staffer, Lindsey Boylan, expanded on accusations she first revealed in December 2020, alleging that Cuomo kissed her on the lips without warning.

While copping to remarks that may have crossed the line, Cuomo on Sunday again denied going any further.

“To be clear I never inappropriately touched anybody and I never propositioned anybody and I never intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable,” he said. “But these are allegations that New Yorkers deserve answers to.”

But Erica Vladimer, co-founder of the Sexual Harassment Working Group — which is made up of former state legislative staffers — dismissed Cuomo’s defense as “complete BS.”

“It’s Gaslighting 101,” Vladimer told The Post.

“He’s trying to put the onus on the victim. He’s clearly trying not to take ownership for his actions.

“This is classic Cuomo in a compressed time period. People are finally recognizing what kind of powerful abuser he is.”

Cuomo’s statement was issued minutes after his special counsel and senior adviser Beth Garvey blinked first in an hours-long back-and-forth with state Attorney General Letitia James over how to investigate the allegations.


“The Governor’s office wants a thorough and independent review that is above reproach and beyond political interference,” said Garvey in a statement. “Therefore, the Governor’s office has asked Attorney General Tish James to select a qualified private lawyer to do an independent review of allegations of sexual harassment.”

James on Sunday morning requested that Cuomo’s administration grant her office the sole authority to appoint an independent investigator with subpoena powers.

The Cuomo administration — which had initially tapped former federal Judge Barbara Jones to the inquiry, a move widely panned because Jones once worked with key Cuomo advisor Steve Cohen — responded, however, with a counter offer.

Garvey said that James’ office could work in conjunction with top state appeals Judge Janet DiFiore — a Cuomo appointee — to agree on an investigator.

James fired back that, under state law, her office holds the sole authority to appoint an independent investigator.

As pressure mounted, Cuomo buckled.

“The independent lawyer will be legally designated as a Special Independent Deputy Attorney General and granted all powers provided under Section 63(8) of the Executive Law,” Garvey’s latest statement continued.

“As necessary, other lawyers from the appointed lawyer’s firm shall be similarly designated to assist in the review. The lawyer shall report publicly their findings. 

“The Governor’s office will voluntarily cooperate fully.”


SF gets the feeling the Governor is almost relieved all he has to deal with is the alleged sexual misconduct.  He thinks perhaps can apologize himself out of that one fairly easy......Never mind the Covid nursing homes debacle story......It's old news, they died, who cares where......

He's OK being pigeon-holed into a accidental sexual deviant (alleged) but wants everyone to forget about "granny killer"....

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1 hour ago, swordfish said:

SF gets the feeling the Governor is almost relieved all he has to deal with is the alleged sexual misconduct.  He thinks perhaps can apologize himself out of that one fairly easy......Never mind the Covid nursing homes debacle story......It's old news, they died, who cares where......

He's OK being pigeon-holed into a accidental sexual deviant (alleged) but wants everyone to forget about "granny killer"....

Yep, classic misdirection tactic.


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